Sam Smith
July 9, 1999
The Progressive Review
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Electoral College: Bush: 165 Gore: 25 Tie: 33
Senate: GOP picks up two with one too close to call

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For those of you who've done well in the stock market, how can you keep it 
going?  The easiest way to keep it going is go to places where there aren't 
enough jobs and there aren't enough consumers and create more of both.  
Create more business owners, create more workers, create more consumers.  
That's all growth completely without inflation. -- W.J. Clinton speaking to 
students in a Watts (LA) high school training program 


Secretary Lawrence Summers. I know people have called Robert Rubin the best 
Treasury Secretary since Alexander Hamilton so I know you have some big 
shoes to fill. All the best to you."


UPI: The U.S. government has given Bulgaria a half-million dollar grant to 
explore building a pipeline across the Balkans to pump Caspian Sea oil to 
the West, sending shock waves through Turkey, a key U.S. ally that wants the 
potentially lucrative pipeline for itself ....  The decision has raised 
speculation among regional experts that it may be part of a larger economic 
development plan envisioned by the Clinton administration to stabilize the 
southern Balkans after the massive dislocations and infrastructure damage 
caused by the Serbian repression in Kosovo and the US -led NATO bombing of 



ROBERT FISK, INDEPENDENT, LONDON: [A CNN reporter] "astounded one of his 
English colleagues after NATO had bombed a narrow road bridge in the 
Yugoslav village of Varvarin, killing dozens of civilians, many of whom fell 
to their death in the River Morava. ‘That'll teach them not to stand on 
bridges,' he roared" This was not the kind of language he used on air, of 
course, where CNN's report on the bridge killings was accompanied by the 
remark that there had been civilian casualties ‘according to the Serb 
authorities'all this when CNN's own crew had been there and filmed the 
decapitated corpse of the local priest .... Two days before NATO bombed the 
Serb Television headquarters in Belgrade, CNN received a tip from its 
Atlanta headquarters that the building was to be destroyed. They were told 
to remove their facilities from the premises at once, which they did. A day 
later, Serbian Information Minister Aleksander Vucic received a faxed 
invitation from the Larry King Live show in the US to appear on CNN. They 
wanted him on air at 2:30 in the morning of 23 April and asked him to arrive 
at Serb Television half an hour early for make-up. Vucic was latewhich was 
just as well for him since NATO missiles slammed into the building at six 
minutes past two. The first one exploded in the make-up room where [a] young 
Serb assistant was burned to death. CNN calls this all a coincidence, saying 
that the Larry King show, put out by the entertainment division, did not 
know of the news department's instruction to its men to leave the Belgrade 

ENVIRONMENT NEWS SERVICE One of the marine world's great natural treasures - 
its coral reefs - faces widespread catastrophe from climate change, 
according to a new scientific projection. Unrestrained warming cannot occur 
without the complete loss of coral reefs on a global scale, the report 
states .... Greenpeace, which launched the report internationally, predicted 
that the damage would wreak havoc in fisheries and tourism, disrupting the 
economies of many nations.



STEPHAN ARCHER, WORLDNET DAILY: The Federal Bureau of Investigation recently 
notified all their agents that all leaves from Dec. 15 through mid-January 
-- even those previously approved -- are officially canceled. According to a 
special agent within the Department of Health and Human Services, a partner 
in the FBI received a memo stating all end-of-the-year leaves had been 
canceled for three to four weeks between the middle of December and the 
middle of January .... When asked what it was the FBI might be planning for, 
the agent admitted he wasn't sure. However, according to the agent, the memo 
said, "because of the year 2000." 

"It's a mess," concluded the agent concerning the FBI's Y2K preparation. 
"They're very much behind. If it was a 72-hour 'snowstorm,' you wouldn't 
bring out 12,000 FBI agents on stand-by and, for the first time maybe in FBI 
history, cancel everybody's annual leave for a 20-30 day time frame. That's 
very significant. In my line of work, that's called a clue." 



NATIONAL POST, CANADA: U.S. farmers and ranchers are gearing up for border 
protests to be held [July 9] at Sweetgrass, Mont., and at Portal, N.D., 
citing trade policies they believe are driving producers in their own 
country out of business. Organizers said the blockades will turn back any 
truck carrying agricultural products south from Canada. The blockades are 
scheduled to begin at noon. Hank Zell, a Montana rancher who is organizing 
the rally at Sweetgrass, says the protests are aimed at U.S. Congressmen, 
whom the farmers believe have failed to protect their interests by allowing 
Canadian producers to ship lower-priced livestock and grain across the

>From Covert Action Quarterly

-- Members of the NYPD’s Street Crime Unit are known as "the commandos of 
the NYPD." In existence since 1971, the unit has undergone a 300 percent 
build-up since 1997. Former NYC Police Commissioner William Bratton 
encouraged the men to "become far more aggressive." Currently made up of 
roughly 400 mostly white officers, this unit, along with the 7,000 strong 
Narcotics Unit, represent the front line in Mayor Giuliani’s "quality of 
life" crackdown on -­ and criminalization of ­- people of color, especially 
young, poor, and homeless people. They wear (and peddle) tee shirts that 
say: "Certainly There Is No Hunting Like the Hunting of Men." And their 
slogan is, "We own the night." According to police data, the unit’s activity 
"has in the last two years resulted in 45,000 street searches to net fewer 
than 10,000 arrests." Nearly all of those stopped by police were people of 
color. But New York State Attorney General Eliot L. Spitzer, who has 
launched a civil rights investigation into the "stop and frisk" practices of 
the Street Crime Unit, "said the unit may have searched hundreds of 
thousands of people in the last two years without finding any basis for 
arresting them." In fact, the New York Times reported, "half the gun arrests 
made by the Street Crime Unit in the last two years were thrown out of court."

-- Nearly half of the hundreds of para-military police units in the U.S. 
have "trained with active duty military experts in special operations," 
while another 30 percent trained with "police officers with special 
operations experience in the military." A "special operations" trainer had 
this to say: "We’ve had special forces folks who have come right out of the 
jungles of Central America. These guys get into the real shit. All branches 
of military service are involved in providing training to law enforcement." 
In New York City, ground zero for the "quality of life" police crackdown, 
these units target "disorderly" areas, in other words, poor communities of 
color involved in a war for survival .... 

-- In December 1997, two former NYPD undercover detectives told the story of 
one of the most secretive units within the Police Department. The unit, 
which functioned as a "Black Desk" beginning in the mid-1980s, "aimed at 
investigating dissident Black groups and their leaders."  ....  
"Historically, the department’s political surveillance unit has held some of 
the NYPD’s most closely guarded secrets. It was nicknamed the Red Squad, 
because it had investigated supposed Communists and political activists in 
the McCarthy era. In the 1960s, the unit, known as the Bureau of Special 
Investigations, turned its attention to Malcolm X and later to the Black 
Panthers...." These units were, and continue to be, outfitted with the 
latest in surveillance ("stealth") and weapons technology .... 

-- Speaking to members of the defense, intelligence, and industrial 
communities in November 1993, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno contrasted 
the victory over the Soviet Union to the "war against crime." "So let me 
welcome you," she informed her guests, "to the kind of war our police fight 
every day. And let me challenge you to turn your skills that served us so 
well in the Cold War to helping us with the war we’re now fighting daily in 
the streets of our towns and cities across the nation." …


Brenda Payton in the Oakland Tribune

WHOA, are things getting weird over at KPFA. The dispute between the local 
station and the parent company, Pacifica, has gone from nasty to creepy. 
Recent developments include the posting of security guards believed to be 
armed, possible pressure from the U.S. Justice Department and a request for 
a police psychologist to review 2,000 protest letters and e-mails.

Is this Berkeley or a junta in Central America?

One KPFA staffer called it the Twilight Zone. Another said it feels exactly 
like the South during the civil rights protests of the '60s. Either way, 
Pacifica is using tactics that are hardly characteristic of an institution 
that professes progressive values .... 

Adding to the creep factor, Pacifica officials turned over 2,000 protest 
letters and e-mails to [Berkeley police chief Dash] Butler asking that a 
police psychologist review them Butler said it would be too costly for such 
a review, but the department is looking through the mail. You might 
understand if threatening letters were turned over to the police, but 2,000 
pieces of mail?


UPI: To bring democracy to Kosovo, international officials must act 
undemocratically in the short run based on lessons learned in implementing 
peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina, according to the newly appointed Southeastern 
Europe coordinator for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in 
Europe ....  In Kosovo, which is likely to become a protectorate, 
international officials must create the government institutions, and 
elections should be postponed, possibly for two years, Barry said. Creating 
an apolitical judiciary and independent media should be priorities. 


The idea that the economy is booming and that the rising tide is lifting all 
boats is a popular one in the corporate press right now. Money magazine's 
May cover story was entitled simply "Everyone's Getting Rich," while CNN's 
"Talkback Live" opened up its June 30 broadcast with this introduction: 
"Behind the mind-boggling wealth of Bill Gates, there are more billionaires 
and millionaires than every before, and it might seem as if everyone you 
know is in on the action.  Are you being left behind? If so, how can you get 
your share? And, when you do, is it going to be enough?" Newsweek's July 5 
issue added fuel to the media fire, with the cover story "The Whine of '99: 
Everyone's Getting Rich, But Me." 

But is any of it true? Newsweek's piece, a variation on the theme, focused 
on the frustration felt by people who are rich, but who are unhappy that 
some others have recently become even richer. If that doesn't sound familiar 
to you, perhaps that's because this rush of new wealth isn't exactly 
affecting "everyone." Newsweek inadvertently admits their outrageously 
narrow worldview, when they describe who they mean by Everyone: "Almost half 
of all people who earn $50,000 or more say they know someone who's become 
rich." If more than half of all people who make $50,000 or more don't know 
anyone who's become rich --along with 71 percent of all people, according to 
Newsweek's online edition --then the number of people who feel that 
"everyone's getting rich but me" must be vanishingly small. 

It's not just that the reporters miss the point that it's generally only 
people who are themselves rich who know others who get rich, and that 
there's certainly nothing "new" in that. The piece is full of myths about 
wealth, like the notion that nowadays getting rich is a game of chance, due 
to supposed equalizers like the Internet or the stock market. Of course, 
most Americans still rely on their wages for survival--and wages, unlike the 
stock market, have barely risen in years.  Newsweek breezes past such facts: 
"The income gap remains a thorny problem, but wealth is increasingly spread 
out as businesses give workers more of a stake.  And as everybody starts to 
pick up his own dot.com business plan, that picks up the pace of innovation." 

In the face of such happy hype, it sounds downright curmudgeonly to mention 
that there's not more but less "sharing" going on, with the top 1 percent 
controlling 40 percent of the country's wealth--more than the bottom 95 
percent combined--and CEOs now making 420 times as much as the average 
worker. Far from getting rich, most American have a lower net worth than 
they did 15 years ago, when the stock market boom began--with the bottom 40 
percent losing 80 percent of their wealth. 

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202-234-6222 Fax
Editor: Sam Smith

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