I wondered about the name too and when I checked it hit me, I do not
know your last name either.

So this guy southbell said had overflowing mailbox when I sent reply.

Am going to send you some letters I sent out - this Ashley Abraham is
June without a doubt, and called me trailer trash - sound familiar?

She now is after bill, or he.....if it is steve.

I reminded them that semites were well Ethiopians are semites and this
is why one doesnot mix blood with arabs...even Dodi Fayed had the kinky
hair which he kept short and this is what Prince Philip meant when he
said the mother of the King of England wouldn ot be married to a bedouin
camel driver's son......funny in a way that Philip is no honest inn
everthing he says, and so offensive....people do not like this complete

Yet he survivies.

This is the post about that Amelia Johnson.  Maybe he thinks that
is me.


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