-Caveat Lector-

GULAG BRITANNIA  - springtime for hitler issue

Well here we are - its spring - and what better way to say hullo to the
easter bunnies than expanding world war three.
As the 45 th royal marine commandoes go into the hardest fighting in
afghanistan to bolster the american special forces that aren't able to
complete the task - the big question is why ??? well they ARE Scottish
troops again into the Mincer - genocide in scotland, less armed
revolutionaries when 'the time comes' etc
or maybe the Osama Bin laden is underground in a cave complex or .. hanging
out in the indonesian jungles .... or a sauna in London -
So in go the Jocks and as parliament says - they will be expected to risk
their lives - so nothing unusual if you come from scotland, which has the
worst living conditions anywhere in the Western World. - part of the windsor
plot to rid the world of the house of the jacobites ...

The papers you know - they tittle tattle kiss and tell and somehow - though
it is not confirmed or DENIED by downing street - Uncle Tony - after going
on tv with that gut wrenching 'sincere smile' of his to tell us that he
wouldn't expect parents to give their kids anything harmful - Tony took baby
leo to France to get THREE seperate Vaccine Injections for Leo INSTEAD of
the MMR
This after the main research doctor got 'sacked' for whistleblowing and a
'consultancy group' of doctors in charge of the MMR programme were found to
be both 'impartial' and somehow all in the pay of the company that makes the
MMR vaccine ...

The quality papers report - sunday 17th that Jewish Scholars and lawyers are
attempting to block the release of an important and historic book by Nile
explorer Stanley or Burton that details human sacrifice in his experience of
some version of the Jewish faith !!!!!
And we thought that david icke was controversial in 1999 .... !!!

Stand by for a HUGE TRAGEDY in the UK .....
With nearly all the Government benches signing up for NO WAR in Iraq against
sadaam and the foreign office minister being called a lair by a prominent
politician for suggesting there was 'evidence' that osama had passed through
there on his way to somewhere much nicer, more liberal and expensive - and
that sadaam therefore should be bombed and starved some more, then invaded
and destroyed so that uncle sam can have better access to the Oil Reserves -
even politicians are catching on to the fact that the 'war on terror' is a
massive sham.
The fact that a regime like robert mugabes can still be allowed to function
using terror as a way of life - indicates - or should that there is No Oil
in zimbabwe, nigeria, ethiopia,  worth having.

Tongue tied tony is running scared - having just repacked his kaftan, saris
and fez and putting away his jangly beads that seemed to please the natives
of africa and india so much - he now has to face the fact that Tonys New
World order and Nobel prize may have to go on hold. Stalling for time over
the health service, with the Countries POLICE FORCE in open rebellion and
demonstration at the dismantling of public policing by the use of new home
office powers that must have generated half a ton of braille for Plunkett -
perhaps after the fact ? a new raft of measures to destroy the civil police
and create anarchy in the UK have been successfully passed by Tonys Cronies.
The measures include 'privatising the police force' deputising BOYZ N THE
HOOD - sort of like posses except they rob the rich and the poor no matter
how much protection you have to pay.

The United Kingdom has never had it so bad - and even in the heartland - the
dead and rusty commuter trains are late or non starters 40% of the time.
It may be that scotland had it bad - but hard times are starting to bite
into the traditional english heartland - and THAT spells probably the end of
tony - unless the Tories deliberately throw the election like they did last
time by not talking about the dead health service and actively going out
their way to sound racist and shallow.
Its hard times in OLDE ENGLANDE ....

Another thought to leave you with ..... If the refugees find it impossible
to enter the UK - does that also mean that its impossible to leave ???


GULAG BRITANNIA - the UK is the worlds largest open air detention centre -
not so much wackenhut - but windsorhut. :)

Disclaimer - all similarity to 'published, respectable, establishment news'
is thankfully non-existent.
>From your  Reporter on the crimescene - Ambassador Xorg.....

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