-Caveat Lector-

WTO concessions ?

Dave Hartley

Friday September 17 7:19 PM ET

Britain To Label Gene-Modified Food

LONDON (AP) - British food establishments, from restaurants and pubs to
caterers, will have to tell customers which of their dishes contain
genetically modified ingredients under a new law that goes into effect

The use of genetically modified, or GM, ingredients in foods is being
hotly debated in Britain. Polls indicate many people strongly disapprove,
while many want at least further research to be conducted.

GM foods are made from plants whose genes are manipulated in order to
produce characteristics such as resistance to pests.

Britain has yet to approve raising GM crops, but some imported ingredients
do contain GM plants.

Food Minister Baroness Hayman said on Friday that the new labeling
requirements, like those that have applied to food sold at retail since
September 1998, "will ensure that consumers are entitled to the same
information when eating out as they expect when buying their own food in
shops." Failure to comply with the new law can be punished by fines of up
to $8,000.

"The government is committed to ensuring that consumers are able to make
an informed choice about the food they eat," she said.


Canada to develop GM food voluntary label standard

WINNIPEG, Sept 17 (Reuters) - The group which represents most of Canada's
major food sellers will take part in a project to develop a Canadian
standard for voluntary labeling of biotechnology foods, the agriculture
ministry said on Friday.

"The Government of Canada believes in the right of consumers to have
access to information as it relates to biotechnology and food,"
Agriculture Minister Lyle Vanclief said in a statement.

The ministry will support the project, launched by the Canadian Council of
Grocery Distributors (CCGD) and the Canadian General Standards Board

Environmental and consumer groups in Canada, following the lead of similar
organizations in Europe, have started demanding that foods made with
genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) be labeled .

The CCGD represents 80 percent of major food retailers in Canada, a major
world agricultural producer.

The CGSB is an accredited standards development organization within the
federal government.

"Consistent codes of practices for voluntary labeling of foods derived
from biotechnology will give consumers information to make choices,"
Vanclief said.

The Canadian government has refused to enforce mandatory labeling of GM
foods, following a policy favoured in the United States.


Friday September 24, 1:49 pm Eastern Time

U.S. plans labels on genetically modified foods

By Doug Palmer

WASHINGTON, Sept 24 (Reuters) - U.S. government agencies have agreed to
develop a labeling plan for food products made from genetically modified
crops, a key demand of the biotech-wary European market, an industry
consultant said on Friday.

Consultant Charles Benbrook said the decision was made earlier this week
at a meeting between officials of the U.S. Agriculture Department, the
Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency.

"Things will move slowly, as they always do. But there definitely was a
major breakthrough," Benbrook, a consultant for Consumers Union and the
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, told reporters.

But Isi Siddiqui, a trade adviser to Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman,
told Reuters he had no knowledge of the agreement.

The Food and Drug Administration, which has jurisdiction over labeling
issues, has resisted putting labels on food products containing
genetically modified ingredients, such as new corn and soybeans varieties
that U.S. farmers have planted in increasing numbers since 1996.

The FDA has argued labeling is unwarranted because genetically modified
crops are not materially different from traditional varieties.

Benbrook said he learned from Agriculture Department officials that the
United States hopes to develop a labeling proposal in time for an
important meeting of the World Trade Organization, the global trade body,
in Seattle in November.

Genetically modified crops are expected to be a major issue in the next
round of world trade negotiations that begin with the Seattle meeting,
spurred by consumer demands in the European Union and other countries.

Benbrook said the United States was rushing to try to develop a labeling
proposal to take to Seattle. The United State risks walking into a "bee's
nest" at that meeting because it is nearly alone in its opposition to
labeling, he said.

"Apparently, USDA has convinced the White House that the government has to
move forward on this front," Benbrook said.


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