GATA Challenges BIll O"Reilly on Gold Scam

GATA Challenges "O'Reilly Factor" Regarding Treasury's Refusal to Answer Gold

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 19, 2001--The Gold
Anti-Trust Action Committee, based in Dallas, has
issued a challenge to Bill O'Reilly, the host of the
FOX News top-rated cable news show, The O'Reilly

O'Reilly, who professes that he will take on any
controversial issue, has ducked the Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee's allegations of the manipulation
of the gold market by a cartel of bullion banks
and a faction of the U.S. Government.

A lawsuit raising GATA's charges has been filed
in U.S. District Court in Boston by GATA consultant
Reginald H. Howe against the Bank for International
Settlements; Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan
Greenspan; William J. McDonough, president of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York; bullion banks J. P. Morgan
& Co., Chase Manhattan Corp., Citigroup Inc.,
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Deutsche Bank; and
Lawrence H. Summers, former secretary of the treasury,
who by law exercised control of the U.S. Exchange
Stabilization Fund, subject only to approval by
the president of the United States.

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy says:

"Bill O'Reilly says he will take on any issue,
but he seems afraid to take on the big money interests
in America, just like everyone else. GATA supporters
have been sending him emails, letters, and faxes for
more than two years, and he has not responded to one
of them."

Recently GATA uncovered the most disturbing
evidence yet of manipulation of the gold market. In
its response to the Howe lawsuit, the Treasury Department
denied any involvement in the gold market since 1978.
Yet recently released minutes of the January 31, 1995,
meeting of the Federal Reserves Federal Open Market
Committee, over which Alan Greenspan presided, quoted
the Fed's chief counsel, Virgil Mattingly, as referring
to "gold swaps" undertaken by the Exchange Stabilization

U.S. Reps. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and John B. Larson,
D-Conn., and Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman, D-Conn.,
and Wayne Allard, R-Colo., among many other members
of Congress, have asked Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill for clarification of this discrepancy. But
O'Neill, like former Treasury Secretary Summers, has
refused to answer Congress on the gold manipulation

The people of the United States have entrusted
some 261.5 million ounces of their national gold to
be held in trust by the Treasury Department, and
its disposition is to be determined by Congress. The
status of these assets is reported monthly at the
Internet site of the Treasury Department's Financial
Management Service:

In August 2000, 3,400 tonnes of this gold at the
U.S. Mint at West Point, N.Y., was classified as
Gold Bullion Reserve. In September 2000, 1,700 tonnes
of this gold was reclassified without explanation
as Custodial Gold Bullion. In May 2001, all 3,400
tonnes were mysteriously reclassified, this time as
Deep Storage Gold, again without explanation.

It is unclear whether this gold is still owned
by the U.S. government or whether its ownership has
passed to other parties without congressional

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee fears that
something is amiss with America's gold!

GATA suggests that the Gold Cartel is suppressing
the price of gold to conceal problems with the U.S.
economy, thereby taking away a warning system of
many Americans about making prudent decisions regarding
stock market investments!

GATA feels strongly that every U.S. citizen should
be aware of what has happened.

GATA also believes that the O'Reilly program's
reporting of the evidence of manipulation of the
gold market will attract a large audience.

GATA, a federally tax-exempt civil rights and
educational corporation, is so confident of its
evidence that it will donate $5,000 to the charity
of O'Reilly's choice if it is shown to be
substantially wrong. But if the O'Reilly program's
reporting of GATA's complaint does attract a large
audience, GATA will request O'Reilly put to Treasury
Secretary O'Neill the questions members of Congress
have already queried of him.

CONTACT: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, Dallas, Bill Murphy,


South African Gold-Still Prey for the British Lion

Not until 80 years after the war began did Thomas Pakenham publish his
authoritative history, "The Boer War" (Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1979; Abacus
paperback edition, 1992, reprinted 2000, to which all page cites refer).

Relying on material largely unavailable earlier, Pakenham emphasizes at the
outset that he uncovered four new themes. Two of them are particularly
relevant today, as is a third point summarized by the heading "Milner's War,"
given to Part 1 of the book. \

Cecil Rhodes conceived and funded the notorious Jameson Raid, now generally
perceived as the war's opening battle, although it preceded the declaration
of war by almost four years.

However, prior historians assumed that Rhodes, Alfred Beit, and Julius
Wernher, who collectively controlled the richest gold mines of the Rand, were
not directly involved in causing the war in 1899. "But directly concerned
they were," says Pakenham (p. xvi), who adds (pp. xvi-xvii): "I have found
evidence here of an informal alliance between Sir Alfred Milner, the British
high commissioner, and the firm of Wernher-Beit, the dominant Rand mining

It was this secret alliance, I believe, that gave Milner the strength to
precipitate the war."

The gold mining companies were prepared to endure the certain disruptions and
costs of war to secure two important long-term advantages they expected a
British administration to deliver: 1) more favorable tax treatment than under
President Kruger's Boer government; and 2) a plentiful and reliable supply of
cheap black labor.

"What made [the gold mining moguls] such wonderful allies was that they
repeated over and over again the dictum that there would be no war -- that
is, if Britain called Kruger's bluff and sent out the troops," writes
Pakenham (p. 89). He adds (id.): "Possibly Rhodes believed his own forecasts.

But Beit, Wernher, and Fitzpatrick knew the Boers. The dispatch of British
troops would precipitate war." The second new theme underlined by Pakenham is
that the heaviest burden of what contemporaries labeled a "white man's war"
fell on South Africa's black and coloured populations.

Not that the main protagonists did not suffer enormously. In men, money, and
materiel, it was Britain's costliest war since the defeat of Napoleon, not to
be outdone until World War I.

Relatively speaking, the costs to the Boers of their "Second War of
Independence" were even higher. But, says Pakenham (p. xvii): "In general it
was the African who had to pay the heaviest price in the war and its

Adding insult to injury, in the Treaty of Vereeniging, ending the conflict,
the British agreed to a provision postponing the franchise for blacks and
coloureds until after the introduction of self-government, when of course the
local white population would not grant it.

Perhaps the most startling point to emerge from Pakenham's book is that
absent one man, Alfred Milner, British viceroy of South Africa, the war would
never have occurred.

Motivated by his belief in Britain's imperial role and a personal ambition to
rank among its heroes, Milner hoodwinked his own government into waging war
over a controversy that it desired to settle by negotiation and compromise.
The public justification for the war -- to secure the franchise and fair
treatment for the Uitlanders, white and mostly British immigrants who had
followed the gold rush into the Transvaal -- was largely a sham.

Worse, with the aid of a few like-minded friends as well as the gold-mining
interests, Milner deceived his superiors, including the colonial secretary
and the prime minister, regarding the actual course and content of his
negotiations with the Boer government.

Referring to the war as "Milner's War" is no exaggeration. About the time he
assumed office, President Kennedy remarked that modern statesmen ought to
read Barbara Tuchman's "The Guns of August."

Kennedy's successful handling of the Cuban missile crisis suggests that he
profited from his own advice.

Pakenham's "The Boer War" is similar must reading for anyone concerned with
modern South Africa or today's gold market.

Against this history, the gold price fixing allegations of my complaint in
U.S. District Court in Boston are scarcely far-fetched. Rather, they read
like a new variation on an oldtheme: the plunder of South Africa's gold
reserves for the primary use and benefit of British and other outside

The gold cabal orchestrated by top officials of the Clinton administration
and the Blair government, with maestro Alan Greenspan and assistant Eddie
George directing the BIS ensemble, bears uncanny resemblance to the
machinations that brought on the Boer War.

Motivated by ambition and greed, cloaked in deceit, both schemes set
political power and private profits as their goal.

Both required cunning, Machiavellian leadership. Elements of Milner are
readily apparent in Greenspan, self-described as "among those of us engaged
to replace [the gold standard]" -- that is, to create the economic version of
alchemy. Reeking of world-class hypocrisy, the International Monetary Fund
gold sales were no more proposed for the benefit of poor countries in
sub-Saharan Africa than the Boer War was prosecuted to secure the franchise
and other democratic rights for the Uitlanders.

When the British lion roared its defiance of Hitler through the mouth of
Winston Churchill, South Africa stood by it,notwithstanding painful memories
of the Boer War.

But the British lion is not like the African lion from whose paw Androcles
pulled the thorn. Rather, the British lion displays today the same morality
that it seems to have taught its most famous Rhodes scholar, recently
departed from the White House: "What have you done for me lately?"

Speaking at the Indaba African Mining Conference last week, one African
government minister warned that democratic governments cannot expect to take
permanent root in developing countries unless they deliver measurably
improved living conditions within reasonable time frames. Nor can they
succeed unless they provide the basic building blocks of republican
democracy: the rule of law, free markets, and sound money.

Gold mining remains a mainstay of the South African economy, which dominates
that of the whole sub-Saharan region.

It is hard to imagine anything that would do more to stimulate economic
growth in the area than an increase in gold prices from the low levels set by
manipulation to their more natural equilibrium now estimated by some at
around $500/oz.

To most Americans, strong U.S. support both for the new multiracial
government in South Africa and for other African nations trying to move
toward stable democratic regimes appears unquestionably in the national

Few would accept that U.S. policy in the region should be hijacked by the
Federal Reserve for the benefit of a few bullion banks, let alone that the
Fed and the Exchange Stabilization Fund should conspire with the Bank for
International Settlements and the British government to manipulate the free
market price of gold.

On the birthday of America's Great Emancipator, the new administration in
Washington should make clear that its policies toward South Africa and its
neighbors will be governed by the law, the Constitution, and the national

But it would be a mistake to conclude that the future of South Africa or its
gold mining industry rests in the hands of officials in Washington, London,
or elsewhere outside South Africa. It is a nation rich in human as well as
natural resources, and possessed of considerable spiritual resources as well.

More like the United States than Canada or Australia, South Africa never
lived comfortably with the British lion, and completely withdrew from the
Commonwealth in 1961.

Its great military battles are its own, not engagements in foreign lands on
behalf of the Crown. Of all the smaller nations in the world, South Africa is
perhaps best positioned to withdraw from the IMF and reestablish for itself a
monetary system linked to gold.

In that event, South Africa's national patrimony would not be dumped into the
world market at low prices rigged by others. Nor would its currency be
battered below any reasonable measure of its purchasing power parity versus
others. Rather, its gold would have to be earned by exports of goods or
services or purchased for investment on capital account.

By adopting a monetary system like that on which most of the developed world
developed, including the United States, South Africa might reasonably look
forward to following a similar path, and, at long last, to extinction of the
British lion on the Rand.


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