[CTRL] Gold Dealers Conscripted to Spy on You?

2003-12-09 Thread William Shannon

Gold Dealers Conscripted to Spy on You?
By: Alex Wallenwein, Euro vs. Dollar Currency War Monitor

Just forget about buying and owning gold and other precious metals in privacy, as you have been able to do until now.

A new intelligence spending bill (HB 2417) has reportedly just passed Congress and is awaiting the Presidentâs signature by this coming Saturday, December 13, 2003. Tucked inside that bill is a provision that allows the FBI to serve so-called "national security letters" on a broader range of Â"financial institutions." National security lettersÂrequire these institutions to reveal their customersâ private financial as well as general information, including "tangible things.".

Itâs no news that banks have been conscripted to spy on you. Everyone knows that by now. But this recent measure 

"... redefines âfinancial institutionsâ [a term] that was previously limited to banks, credit unions, and savings and loan organizations. Now the definition also includes brokers and dealers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, investment bankers, operators of credit-card systems, insurance companies, dealers in precious metals, stones, or jewels, licensed senders of money, telegraph companies, airplane and boat dealers, Realtors and estate closings, and the U.S. Post Office. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20031204-111437-5659r.htm 

By this change, Congress has surreptitiously expanded the scope of businesses upon which so-called "national security letters" can be served by the FBI in order to obtain financial records without any prior court order, without even the slim judicial supervision that was previously provided by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in such matters. 

There was virtually no debate on this part of the bill, despite a letter sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee by the ACLU requesting more time and due consideration of this provision..

Private investors throughout the United States had better get up on their hind legs and demand that the President NOT sign this bill as passed - or just lie down forever and wait for their governmentâs jack-booted minions and tank tracks to roll right over them. 

What this administration - and this Congress - (collectively called your" elected leaders")Âhave done to your constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights unde the excuse of the 9-11 tragedy makes even avowed enemies of freedom like Bill Clinton and Franklin D. Roosevelt pale with envy. 

This was supposed to be the administration that ran on a conservative platform aiming to reduce government. What we got was a neocon-drive toward ever greater invasion of every single part of our lives in the name of "national security" - or whatever it is that goes under todayâs Nazi-like nomenclature of "homeland defense." Why not just call it "fatherland defense" and be straight up about it?

Under the Orwellian misnomer of an Act that goes by the name of the "USA-PATRIOT" Act, our rubber-stamp Congress has already previously given the administration carte blanche to create a national database that will record every single citizenâs and residentâs credit card transaction, no matter whether youâre buying a pound of butter at your local grocery store, or a birthday present for uncle Freddie in Idaho. 

One controversial provision of that Act, the so-called "TIPS" program, was trying to give legal sanction to your neighbors, your milk man, phone repair guy, or cab driver to spy on you and report any "suspicious activity" or item (not defined, no judicial oversight) they happen to see in your home or in your possession to your benevolent rulers - for PAY!

And now this. 

Your own preferred gold dealer, no matter how liberty-oriented or meticulously conscious of your financial privacy he may be by his own convictions, can now be conscripted to supply your government with every last detail of financial information he has about you.

Do you buy gold and just store it at home? You must be a gold "hoarder", someone who intends to undermine the great American paper-fed economy. Do you buy gold and transfer it to an offshore digital gold currency provider? You must be a terrorist sympathizer who is trying to launder money or transfer it without "official oversight." After all, "if you are an upstanding citizen, you have nothing to hide, do you??"

Are you buying expensive jewelry for your wife for Christmas? Your government wants to know every last detail about it.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants are swamping our national borders to the South and the North, and this administration does nothing - except maybe undermine citizensâ efforts to police their own borders in an attempt to fill the gaping security void left by this government. Muslim terrorists are amassing in Paraguay, preparing to strike "the Homeland". We hear nothing about it from our leaders.

What are our Congressmen and women thinking??? Probably not much. 

[CTRL] Gold Dealers Conscripted To Spy On You?

2003-12-09 Thread William Shannon

Gold Dealers Conscripted to Spy on You?
By: Alex Wallenwein, Euro vs. Dollar Currency War Monitor

Just forget about buying and owning gold and other precious metals in privacy, as you have been able to do until now.

A new intelligence spending bill (HB 2417) has reportedly just passed Congress and is awaiting the Presidentâs signature by this coming Saturday, December 13, 2003. Tucked inside that bill is a provision that allows the FBI to serve so-called "national security letters" on a broader range of Â"financial institutions." National security lettersÂrequire these institutions to reveal their customersâ private financial as well as general information, including "tangible things.".

Itâs no news that banks have been conscripted to spy on you. Everyone knows that by now. But this recent measure 

"... redefines âfinancial institutionsâ [a term] that was previously limited to banks, credit unions, and savings and loan organizations. Now the definition also includes brokers and dealers registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, investment bankers, operators of credit-card systems, insurance companies, dealers in precious metals, stones, or jewels, licensed senders of money, telegraph companies, airplane and boat dealers, Realtors and estate closings, and the U.S. Post Office. http://www.washtimes.com/national/20031204-111437-5659r.htm 

By this change, Congress has surreptitiously expanded the scope of businesses upon which so-called "national security letters" can be served by the FBI in order to obtain financial records without any prior court order, without even the slim judicial supervision that was previously provided by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court in such matters. 

There was virtually no debate on this part of the bill, despite a letter sent to the Senate Intelligence Committee by the ACLU requesting more time and due consideration of this provision..

Private investors throughout the United States had better get up on their hind legs and demand that the President NOT sign this bill as passed - or just lie down forever and wait for their governmentâs jack-booted minions and tank tracks to roll right over them. 

What this administration - and this Congress - (collectively called your" elected leaders")Âhave done to your constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights unde the excuse of the 9-11 tragedy makes even avowed enemies of freedom like Bill Clinton and Franklin D. Roosevelt pale with envy. 

This was supposed to be the administration that ran on a conservative platform aiming to reduce government. What we got was a neocon-drive toward ever greater invasion of every single part of our lives in the name of "national security" - or whatever it is that goes under todayâs Nazi-like nomenclature of "homeland defense." Why not just call it "fatherland defense" and be straight up about it?

Under the Orwellian misnomer of an Act that goes by the name of the "USA-PATRIOT" Act, our rubber-stamp Congress has already previously given the administration carte blanche to create a national database that will record every single citizenâs and residentâs credit card transaction, no matter whether youâre buying a pound of butter at your local grocery store, or a birthday present for uncle Freddie in Idaho. 

One controversial provision of that Act, the so-called "TIPS" program, was trying to give legal sanction to your neighbors, your milk man, phone repair guy, or cab driver to spy on you and report any "suspicious activity" or item (not defined, no judicial oversight) they happen to see in your home or in your possession to your benevolent rulers - for PAY!

And now this. 

Your own preferred gold dealer, no matter how liberty-oriented or meticulously conscious of your financial privacy he may be by his own convictions, can now be conscripted to supply your government with every last detail of financial information he has about you.

Do you buy gold and just store it at home? You must be a gold "hoarder", someone who intends to undermine the great American paper-fed economy. Do you buy gold and transfer it to an offshore digital gold currency provider? You must be a terrorist sympathizer who is trying to launder money or transfer it without "official oversight." After all, "if you are an upstanding citizen, you have nothing to hide, do you??"

Are you buying expensive jewelry for your wife for Christmas? Your government wants to know every last detail about it.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants are swamping our national borders to the South and the North, and this administration does nothing - except maybe undermine citizensâ efforts to police their own borders in an attempt to fill the gaping security void left by this government. Muslim terrorists are amassing in Paraguay, preparing to strike "the Homeland". We hear nothing about it from our leaders.

What are our Congressmen and women thinking??? Probably not much.