-Caveat Lector-


Gore Agonistes
It's a wonder the vice president can sleep at night.
Wednesday, November 29, 2000 12:01 a.m. EST
The scene: Midnight, Tuesday, in a mansion in the city. Inside, on
the second floor, a handsome man with dark hair and sharp but
fleshy features thrashes about on a king-size bed. He can't sleep.
It's the noise. They're chanting outside, across the street-"GET
Close-up: The man in the bed puts a pillow over his head, around
his ears. We hear his muffled internal dialogue:
"I'm gonna win this thing one way or the other, mark my words. Tie
it up in the courts. Tie it up in controversy. I'll exhaust Bush into
conceding for the good of the nation. Heck, time I'm done I'll
exhaust the nation into conceding.

"Why not? What do I lose? If I win I win-everything. If I lose I still
get to make a gracious-loser speech and say all I was looking for
was justice. A really great 'Profiles in Courage' type speech. If we
can get those yokel judges to string this thing along we can win
back public opinion, and even if at the end I don't win by a dozen
votes I'll still have clouded Bush's victory even more.

"If I walk now what do I get? Nothing. I'll be nothing. This is my life.
What am I gonna do, run a government in exile? Who'd join? No
one in the party likes me. What will I do with my résumé? Go
home and run? I couldn't even carry Tennessee. Make speeches at
50, 75 grand a pop? What does that get me? Tipper's no litigator.
And Hillary could steal my thunder. A Clinton-Gore showdown in
2004--I'll lose that battle. In a primary she'll roast my chestnuts on
an open fire, with Jack Frost nipping at my nose! Bill Clinton will
help her-I'm Sore Loserman who blew the patrimony.

"I thought my speech Monday night was good. The flags, the
emotion-'A vote is not just a piece of paper. A vote is a human
voice . . .' I thought I got it across that this isn't about me. I'm
protecting democracy.

"Learned that from Bill. The impeachment, Monica, the mess. He
went around saying 'This isn't about me, this is about protecting
the Constitution.' So that's what he was doing. Talk about
multitasking! But it worked.

"Nobody caught the tense I used the other night when I talked
about the outcome. 'If the American people choose me, so be it. If
they choose Governor Bush, so be it . . .' Not chose--choose.
Future tense for the future president. This election is not over. The
campaign is not over. There is no outcome. It must be discovered.
In the future.

"The polls are turning against me, so now I'm asking for a full state
recount. It'll take days, weeks, months, to get this all sorted out in
court. But I think it makes me look fair.

"I know they're making fun of me. They think I'm like Rhett in 'Gone
with the Wind' after his daughter Bonnie Blue dies-he stays in the
room with the coffin making believe she's not dead. They're all
waiting for Miss Mellie to come in and tell me it's over.

"Well, there is no Miss Mellie. And it's not over. I get up every day
and game-plan, just like I used to. I tell Billy Daley what to do, I tell
the speechwriter what I want, I tell Tipper to get out there and wave.
We're only buying ice cream, but so what?

"I saw Bush in his rinky-dink little speech. The way if the prompter
doesn't move quick enough to the next line he stops and waits like
a doofus. 'And so I will create a transition' pause, pause, pause,
'team.' He doesn't reassure with his strength. I reassure with my

"And Reagan's. I did a full Reagan imitation Monday night and all
Tuesday. I've studied the Gipper and do him better than anyone.
Why doesn't anyone tag me on this? Get an old tape of Reagan
standing at a lectern, the way he cocked his head, did a little
shoulder roll, the good-natured chuckle. Can't they see I've totally
ripped it all off and put it on like a suit? I've become him, his
mannerisms are mine! I do this because he was good-and if I seem
like him, people will think I'm good.

"But I'm no phony, I'm me: the man who understands media and
who tries to seem like other men you like. I'm just looking for the
most popular version of me. If the American people would settle
down and pick the one they like best--Reagan Gore, Kennedy
touch-football Gore--I'd stick with it. I have discipline. But can they
decide? No. They lack discipline.

"Speaking of the president. He's loving all this. Me and Bush get to
play the part of the warring children, he gets to play The Wise
Judicious One. He gets to wear the Mideast Peace Face--'Surely
we can reason together, Yasser.' That phony good-natured 'children
will squabble' look he gets. He likes what's going on because it
makes him feel like-well, not a child. Like a victor. Like the Man
Who Didn't Need a Recount.

"Wait till I'm president and it's pardon time. I'll wear my good-
natured Children Get Into Trouble face.

"I have friends telling me step back, who wants this dog's dinner of
a presidency that's coming up? I'll be Asterisk Boy with an almost
even Senate and a split House and no chance to do anything big,
and the next guy gets the recession anyway. But maybe not. The
economy's still so strong. And anyway, it looks like Big Bill is
getting the dot-com recession. I'll walk in and turn it around. As for
the split Congress, so what? It means I can't come through on my
pledges-the big spending, the budget busting. I never would have
gotten it anyway and if I had it would have hurt the economy. So I'll
lay down on spending and get credit for wanting it and credit for
bowing to reality and not pushing it. And as for a tax cut, we'll get
one but it won't be Bush's big one, it will be my small one."

Again, chanting from outside. They seem to be saying a poem: "I'll
count the ballots one by one/And hold each one up to the sun!"
Close-up again on the man in the bed: "The Dr. Seuss poem again.
It's all over the Internet. Everyone's sent it to me. I hate it. I am not
the Cat in the Hat."

The voices from outside continue: "I won't leave office! I'm staying
here!/I've glued my desk chair to my rear!"

The man on the bed: "When this is over I'm gonna find out the
names of those guys and find out what they belong to and I'm
gonna put together a RICO suit at Justice. . ."

Voices from outside: "How shall we count this ballot box?/Let's
count it standing in our socks!/Shall we count that in a tree?/And
who shall count it, you or me?"

The man on the bed: "Don't get mad, get even. Later for mad, now
for planning. Gotta keep Democrats aboard, keep the media.
Broder with that Thanksgiving column-if he were on my side he
wouldn't be so sad. Gotta watch the Dean. Gotta keep Daschle
and Gephardt. They looked embarrassed with the big phony phone
call Monday. But so far they're with me.

"Sixty percent of the people in ABC's poll say I should leave. Zogby
too. And Bush is getting some mileage out of leaking who'll be in
the administration. Cheney, hand it to him, he's tough. But Powell
won't jump aboard until it's very safe. Could be a problem if
someone like Sam Nunn jumps to Bush, but he plays it safe too.
That's how they got where they are.

"The press picking up on that 'Bush is a uniter not a divider' stuff-
that's taking. It's looking like maybe this is the first time since '94
the people have been with the Reps in a crisis. But here's the thing-
this time I can win without the people. I can win it in court. My guy
Boies said so the other day. He said 'This is something that's too
important to be solved in a partisan environment. This is something
that ought to be decided by impartial judges.'

"Picking a president is too important to be decided by the people,
take it to the judge! Uh oh, I thought. But he got away with it. And
that's our plan.

"You think I wouldn't fight this all the way to the point of getting
information about that elector who's been through rehab twice and
is drinking again, the elector with the little tax problem-you think
my people won't lean on them? You think we won't fight this
through the floor of the House? You think we won't use any means,
low and lower? You think I'm gonna wrap this up in a week? Only if
Bush concedes in a week."

And now he was happy. And now he could sleep. But first he threw
off the pillow, bounded from the bed, walked to the window and
yanked it up. He leaned out and yelled. "Fasten your seatbelts.
You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

But the crowd couldn't hear him above the chanting: "I will not say
that I am done/Until the counting says I've won!" There was
laughter then and he heard it, he listened for a moment. And then
he slammed the window shut.

Ms. Noonan is a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal and
author of "The Case Against Hillary Clinton" (Regan Books, 2000).
Her column appears Fridays.

November 29, 2000
10:58am EST


The reward of energy, enterprise and thrift ù
is taxes. ~~ William Feather, American Writer, (1897-1962)

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