[CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God - Part II of II

2000-06-24 Thread DIG alfred webre

Part II of II
 Date sent:Tue, 01 Jul 1997 22:48:16 -0700
 From: "A.J. Craddock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Subject:  HAARP - More Disturbing News

 HAARP has always had a bad smell to it, and this erudite and credible
 post raises the ugly specter of us paying for one Government Program to
 destroy another.

 One wonders what HAARP's true purpose really is?

 Tony Craddock
 Web Administrator

 To:  Jeane Manning

 I have read two of your books, "The Coming Energy Revolution," and
 "Angels Don't Play this Haarp."  Thank you for the excellent
 expositional works.  They have meant alot to me.  I found out about you
 through an old friend, Walt Rosenthal.  He encouraged me to share my
 ideas with you, so here goes the first one.

 In thinking about the HAARP project, I started thinking about what it
 means to spacecraft within that region of the ionosphere, and I mean
 normal everyday spacecraft such as the space shuttle and satellites.  It
 means very bad things.  Even if they limit themselves to increasing the
 charge particle density to only double or triple, ionospheric heating
 still means more energetic particles on average, and this will have
 catastrophic effects on certain spacecraft materials.  I have just
 completed a three year study of ionospheric interactions with the new
 International Space Station, and even though the problem is still very
 fresh in my mind, it took awhile for me to grasp what an ionospheric
 heater is really doing, then it took me even longer to analyze these
 effects and apply understand the ramifications on my recent work.

 If I understand you correctly, we could start out by saying that the
 ionosphere is comprised primarily of Atomic Oxygen.  In its natural
 state (before the invention of electricity) a fraction of this oxygen
 (and the other constituent gases) was constantly being ionized by solar
 and other radiations.  The ionized atoms would then re-combine with an
 electron (usually within milliseconds) to lose their charge.  Thus an
 equilibrium condition was reached, where depending on the level of solar
 activity, the portion of the atmospheric gases in that region settled in
 the ballpark of 0.01 - 0.1% ionized gas at any one time.  This condition
 began to change however, with the advent of hi-power transmission
 equipment and power lines.  The new technology affected both the
 ionization and re-combination processes, and resulted in localized
 effects to the ionosphere.

 Now enter spacecraft into the picture.  NASA has been fighting a war for
 a decade on the effects that Atomic Oxygen has on polymer spacecraft
 materials.  Essentially what's happening is that Atomic Oxygen is
 ramming into the weak organic chemical bonds at orbital + thermal
 velocities, and eroding away the material slowly.  This is essentially
 the same thing that will happen with the ionized portion of the
 ionosphere as well, but only if the particular spacecraft structure is
 electrically neutral.  As a detail point, the ionized atoms tend to be
 at the higher end of the gasses' energy distribution, because once they
 become ionized they become accelerated by electric forces.  Conversely,
 atoms which are ionized by deliberate application of EM fields get
 accelerated by that same EM field, hence the effect of raising
 temperature.  The ionospheric heater fits in here I now realize.  And it
 is insanity.

 Consider the effects on the new thin-film Space Station Solar Arrays.
 They do not have the property of being electrically neutral in the
 ionosphere by any means.  1,000 to 20,000 times a second, the entire EM
 field surrounding them is collapsed by the voltage regulating SSU
 (non-shunt) circuit controller, and herein lies the problem.  The copper
 circuitry is covered by 2 - 10 mil thick polymers like Kapton.  When we
 analyzed the naturally occuring effects that the ionized portion of the
 ionosphere has on the arrays in 1994, we found the following interesting
 fact.  The AC electric field present in the array circuitry switches 140
 volts at 1 khz, and couples like a capacitor to the ions through the
 Kapton dielectric.  The ions then slam the charged particles into the
 array polymers with a velocity fifty times greater than the
 orbital/thermal velocities of the non-charged gasses.  That's like 2,000
 times the energy in the collision.  The result is that these atoms now
 have enough energy to damage copper and steel.  The process is well
 known as ion sputtering.

 When we completed our analysis, the result was within an order of
 magnitude of saying that the arrays would not survive the requisite
 fifteen years.  We argued and argued and eventually NASA took
 responsibility of the problem from us.  AKA it disappeared.

 We based our analysis on the 1986 model of the ionosphere which takes no
 man-made ionospheric effects into account.  If

Re: [CTRL] HAARP - Fabricating God - Part II of II

2000-06-25 Thread Samantha L.

In a message dated 6/24/00 1:37:10 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  My first thought on this is that the power base on this planet is afraid
>   of giving up its hold on its power. Their interest in controlling our
>   DNA would be to prevent a migration to another dimension. That is why
>   they might be researching this technology.

  Interesting.  Question:  if the 1000-1200 MHz range source is everywhere
(possibly due to HAARP)- and cannot be pinpointed to a satellite - how do
they get it to zone in on a particular person?  I don't get that part.  TIA
if anyone can help.


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