2001-01-28 Thread William Shannon


By David Guyatt

Albert Vincent Carone is one of those people who spent his life dancing 
between raindrops and turning invisible wherever a shadow lingered.  He 
existed and also didn’t exist.  Al Carone - unlike his near namesake, Al 
Capone – truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery concealed behind an 
Carone was a detective in the New York Police Department, but this didn’t 
stop him from becoming a “made” man in the Genovese crime family.  He knew 
all the leading Mafiosa of his day, including Vito Genovese, Sam Giancana, 
Santos Trafficante, Joe Colombo and Pauley Castellano amongst others.  To 
Carone’s daughter, Dee, they were all known as “Uncle.”  When she got 
married, her father arranged two different reception rooms to separate the 
“mob” guests, from the NYPD guests.   But this was more window-dressing than 
anything else.  One of Carone’s principal functions in the NYPD was to act as 
the “bagman” in protecting shipments of CIA drugs to the various Mafia 
Carone died in 1990 under mysterious circumstances.  This followed a period 
of great personal disenchantment with his life following a secretive mission 
to Mexico in 1985 when a large number of innocent women and children died 
unnecessarily.  His death was horrific, reports Mike Ruppert, editor of “From 
The Wilderness” newsletter, who has investigated Carone’s life story and 
written a special report on it (see acknowledgements).
Meanwhile, another “Uncle” was Bill Casey, the former Director of the CIA 
during the Reagan administration.  Casey had been with the OSS during WW11.  
During the “seventies” he became Chairman of the Securities  Exchange 
Commission (SEC) that regulates the US investment industry.  During his tenor 
in that role, Casey used Carone as a “cut-out” to pass sensitive insider 
information to mob Capo, Pauley Castellano, says his daughter, Dee. 
Carone was also a full Colonel in the US Army where he had operated in the 
Army’s Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC).  Unsurprisingly, in view of his close 
friendship with Bill Casey, he was also a covert operative for the CIA.   But 
that wasn’t half of it.  Carone was also a Grand Knight of the Sovereign 
Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – which historically has been the military arm 
of the Vatican and is regarded as separate “state” with full powers of 
statehood including issuing its own diplomatic passports.  
In more recent decades SMOM has acted as a funding conduit, a black market 
gold channel and money-laundry for the CIA, amongst others – and is known to 
act as the Vatican’s intelligence arm.  It was, for example, alleged to be 
involved in the disappearance of Russia’s gold reserves – over 2000 metric 
tonnes - that vanished during 1991, around the time that Soviet Premier 
Mikhail Gorbachev was ousted from office.  
Malta knighthoods are awarded to many leading individuals who are part of the 
military and intelligence community.  The CIA’s Bill Casey, for example, was 
Knight of Malta.  Former NATO General (and later US Secretary of State) 
Alexander Haig is also a Malta Knight.  Another is General Vernon Walters, 
the former Deputy Director of the CIA under DCI George Bush and later 
appointed a roving Ambassador during the Reagan administration.  The 
legendary head of the OSS – the WW11 precursor of the CIA – was “Wild” Bill 
Donovan, who was made a Knight along with his wartime compatriot and later 
CIA chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus Angleton.  And John McCone, 
another prominent member of the US “spook” agency was also distinguished 
with a Malta knighthood.  The list goes on.  Most interesting was Reinhard 
Gehlen the former Nazi intelligence expert recruited by the US in 1945-46 to 
head the “Gehlen Org” – a secret German-based intelligence arm of the United 
States that was composed of former SS  Gestapo agents – many of whom, 
including Klaus Barbie, were wanted Nazi war criminals.  The foregoing names 
amount to a listing of some of the most powerful and influential members of 
the western intelligence community over the last five decades. 
One Vatican group that has extremely close ties to the Knights of Malta is 
the ultra right wing Opus Dei.  This is an immensely powerful faction in the 
Vatican today, whose public “do good” activities eclipse a plethora of the 
darkest political and financial machinations known to man.  It will not come 
as a surprise, perhaps, that Carone was closely associated with Opus Dei and, 
in particular, a covert operation that had its origin back in 1944.   This 
was Operation Amadeus.   
THE DULLES FACTORThis highly secretive operation was part of the Operation 
Sunrise negotiations conducted between Allen Dulles – the then senior wartime 
OSS officer in Switzerland, but later to become the Director of the CIA – and 
SS General Karl Wolff.  This debonair and well-connected SS officer commanded 
the SS and 


2001-01-28 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 By David Guyatt

 Albert Vincent Carone is one of those people who
 spent his life dancing
 between raindrops and turning invisible wherever a
 shadow lingered.  He
 existed and also didn’t exist.  Al Carone -
 unlike his near namesake, Al
 Capone – truly was a paradox wrapped in a mystery
 concealed behind an
 enigma.  Â
 Carone was a detective in the New York Police
 Department, but this didn’t
 stop him from becoming a “made” man in the
 Genovese crime family.  He knew
 all the leading Mafiosa of his day, including Vito
 Genovese, Sam Giancana,
 Santos Trafficante, Joe Colombo and Pauley
 Castellano amongst others.  To
 Carone’s daughter, Dee, they were all known as
 “Uncle.”  When she got
 married, her father arranged two different reception
 rooms to separate the
 “mob” guests, from the NYPD guests.   But this
 was more window-dressing than
 anything else.  One of Carone’s principal
 functions in the NYPD was to act as
 the “bagman” in protecting shipments of CIA
 drugs to the various Mafia
 Carone died in 1990 under mysterious
 circumstances.  This followed a period
 of great personal disenchantment with his life
 following a secretive mission
 to Mexico in 1985 when a large number of innocent
 women and children died
 unnecessarily.  His death was horrific, reports
 Mike Ruppert, editor of “From
 The Wilderness” newsletter, who has investigated
 Carone’s life story and
 written a special report on it (see
 Meanwhile, another “Uncle” was Bill Casey, the
 former Director of the CIA
 during the Reagan administration.  Casey had been
 with the OSS during WW11.Â
 During the “seventies” he became Chairman of the
 Securities  Exchange
 Commission (SEC) that regulates the US investment
 industry.  During his tenor
 in that role, Casey used Carone as a “cut-out”
 to pass sensitive insider
 information to mob Capo, Pauley Castellano, says his
 daughter, Dee.
 Carone was also a full Colonel in the US Army where
 he had operated in the
 Army’s Counter Intelligence Corp (CIC).Â
 Unsurprisingly, in view of his close
 friendship with Bill Casey, he was also a covert
 operative for the CIA.   But
 that wasn’t half of it.  Carone was also a Grand
 Knight of the Sovereign
 Military Order of Malta (SMOM) – which
 historically has been the military arm
 of the Vatican and is regarded as separate
 “state” with full powers of
 statehood including issuing its own diplomatic
 In more recent decades SMOM has acted as a funding
 conduit, a black market
 gold channel and money-laundry for the CIA, amongst
 others – and is known to
 act as the Vatican’s intelligence arm.  It was,
 for example, alleged to be
 involved in the disappearance of Russia’s gold
 reserves – over 2000 metric
 tonnes - that vanished during 1991, around the time
 that Soviet Premier
 Mikhail Gorbachev was ousted from office.Â
 Malta knighthoods are awarded to many leading
 individuals who are part of the
 military and intelligence community.  The CIA’s
 Bill Casey, for example, was
 Knight of Malta.  Former NATO General (and later US
 Secretary of State)
 Alexander Haig is also a Malta Knight.  Another is
 General Vernon Walters,
 the former Deputy Director of the CIA under DCI
 George Bush and later
 appointed a roving Ambassador during the Reagan
 administration.  The
 legendary head of the OSS – the WW11 precursor of
 the CIA – was “Wild” Bill
 Donovan, who was made a Knight along with his
 wartime compatriot and later
 CIA chief of counter-intelligence, James Jesus
 Angleton.  And John McCone,
 another prominent member of the US “spook”
 agency was also distinguished
 with a Malta knighthood.  The list goes on.  Most
 interesting was Reinhard
 Gehlen the former Nazi intelligence expert recruited
 by the US in 1945-46 to
 head the “Gehlen Org” – a secret German-based
 intelligence arm of the United
 States that was composed of former SS  Gestapo
 agents – many of whom,
 including Klaus Barbie, were wanted Nazi war
 criminals.  The foregoing names
 amount to a listing of some of the most powerful and
 influential members of
 the western intelligence community over the last
 five decades.
 One Vatican group that has extremely close ties to
 the Knights of Malta is
 the ultra right wing Opus Dei.  This is an
 immensely powerful faction in the
 Vatican today, whose public “do good” activities
 eclipse a plethora of the
 darkest political and financial machinations known
 to man.  It will not come
 as a surprise, perhaps, that Carone was closely
 associated with Opus Dei and,
 in particular, a covert operation that had its
 origin back in 1944.   This
 was Operation Amadeus. Â
 THE DULLES FACTORThis highly secretive operation was
 part of the