[CTRL] Harry Potter - occult, Iraq - Families live in fear of US Patrols

2003-07-09 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

scroll for news articles

This is fyi only Letter From A witch writing about Harry Potter "As a former witch, I can speak with authority when I say that I have examined the works of Rowling and that the Harry Potter books are training manuals for the occult. Untold millions of young people are being taught to think, speak, dress and act like witches by filling their heads with the contents of these books. Children are obsessed with the Harry Potter books that they have left television and video games to read these witchcraft manuals." http://www.harrypottermagic.org/big_deal_hp_2.htm

from mparent
July 09, 2003 

Families live in fear of midnight call by US patrols From Daniel McGrory in Baghdad

Despair: Ghania Hassan says that her eldest son is being held as a looter for eating a biscuit given to him by a US soldier   

NEVER again did families in Baghdad imagine that they need fear the midnight knock at the door. But in recent weeks there have been increasing reports of Iraqi men, women and even children being dragged from their homes at night by American patrols, or snatched off the streets and taken, hooded and manacled, to prison camps around the capital. Children as young as 11 are claimed to be among those locked up for 24 hours a day in rooms with no light, or held in overcrowded tents in temperatures approaching 50C (122F). On the edge of Baghdad International Airport, US military commanders have built a tent city that human rights groups are comparing to the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Remarkably, the Americans have also set up another detention camp in the grounds of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad. Many thousands of Iraqis were taken there during the Saddam years and never seen again. 
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[CTRL] Harry Potter Broomstick

2002-11-09 Thread Mermaid
-Caveat Lector-

I heard on the news here in england that 
the harry potter vibrating nimbus 2000 has been taken out of circulation.When 
Mattel were asked if it was because of its sexual nature and they said 
absolutely not it just wasnt selling...what tosh!!!
The Mermaid xx
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[CTRL] Harry Rositzke, Linguist and American Spymaster, Dies at 91

2002-11-07 Thread Tenorlove
-Caveat Lector-


November 8, 2002

Harry Rositzke, Linguist and American Spymaster, Dies at 91


 Harry Rositzke, an American spymaster whose career veered from
researching the origins of the English language
 to probing the inner workings of Nazi Germany and, later, the
Soviet Union, died on Monday at a hospital in
Warrenton, Va. He was 91 and lived in Middleburg, Va.

An intelligence officer for nearly 30 years, first with the Office of
Strategic Services and with its successor, the Central
Intelligence Agency, Mr. Rositzke found himself at the center of
wartime and then cold war covert activity.

Occasionally, however, he also found himself in an unwanted limelight.
Once, an office he led was accused of
involvement in a failed attempt on the life of the Chinese leader Zhou
Enlai. On another occasion there were
suspicions, never substantiated, that he had been picked to lead an
illegal C.I.A. domestic spying operation.

By the time America entered World War II, Mr. Rositzke had established
himself as a promising scholar of linguistics,
specializing in Anglo-Saxon.

Harvard had sent him to Hamburg University as a Sheldon Fellow and
awarded him a doctorate for a dissertation on
The Speech of Kent Before the Norman Conquest. He had also taught
Anglo-Saxon at Harvard as well as at the
universities of Omaha and Rochester.

But the war carried him into strategic services, for which he was chief
of military intelligence in London, Paris and
Germany. After the war, Mr. Rositzke moved to the C.I.A.

The historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., wrote in his preface to Mr.
Rositzke's book The C.I.A.'s Secret Operations
(Readers Digest Press, 1977), War had made him a professional,
adding, Peace evidently offered him scope for
analysis and action on questions more urgent than Anglo-Saxon grammar.

Mr. Rositzke was the first chief of the C.I.A.'s Soviet division. From
1952-54, he ran agents against the Soviet Union
and Eastern Europe out of Munich. From 1954-56, he was in charge of the
operations schools in the agency's training

In 1957, he moved to New Delhi as station chief, operating against
Soviet, Chinese and Tibetan targets.

In 1962, Mr. Rositzke returned to Washington where he recruited Soviet
and Eastern European diplomats as informers
there and in New York. But in 1967 a former State Department code
clerk, John Discoe Smith, who served in India
from 1954 to 1959 and later defected to the Soviet Union, published a
pamphlet in which he asserted that Mr.
Rositzke had been expelled from India at his instigation.

Mr. Smith said he had written to Indian officials telling them that the
C.I.A.'s New Delhi station had been involved in the
1955 bombing of a plane carrying the Chinese delegation to the Bandung
Nonaligned Conference in the mistaken belief
that Zhou Enlai was on board. India then expelled Mr. Rositzke in
belated retaliation, Mr. Smith said.

After a period at George Washington's Sino-Soviet Institute, Mr.
Rositzke was coordinator of operations against
Communist parties abroad until his retirement in 1970.

Five years later, however, he found himself back in the news when the
director of central intelligence, William E. Colby,
published a report on the agency's illegal domestic spying operations,
known as Chaos. The operations had begun
under President Lyndon B. Johnson but were greatly expanded by
President Richard M. Nixon. The Colby report
included a memorandum dated Aug. 15, 1967, by the leader of covert
operations, Thomas H. Karamessines,
suggesting that Mr. Rositzke and another official, Richard Ober, be put
in charge of Chaos. Whether this happened
remains unclear.

Heinrich August Rositzke was born on Feb. 25, 1911, in Brooklyn, the
son of German immigrants. He earned his
undergraduate degree at Union College in 1931.

In retirement he turned to writing about intelligence matters and the
cold war.

He is survived by his wife, Barbara Helen Bourgeoise Rositzke; a son,
John Brockman Rositzke of Jackson, Mich.; and
a daughter, Anne Elizabeth Hunt Rositzke of New York.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] harry potter and the lord of the rings

2001-12-20 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

I don't suppose anybody got the connection between
Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings ??
answer - scotland -

Harry Potter was written in edinburgh and probably refers
to Gordonstoun - the public school in north east scotland
at which the royals are educated

Lord of the Rings - mentions the stone of destiny, [erec] the surrounding
county around edinburgh is lothlorien, [lothians]
the name of the returning king is edinburgh [dunedain]
it will be the end of the stewards [stewarts] - and there is evidence to
suggest that edinburgh could be the city of Minas Tirith - around which the
last battle was/will be fought.

Edinburgh with its seven hills, patron saint of david, and masonic
secret that it was once the aryan jerusalem - pontius pilates family stayed
50 miles north of edinburgh - and like the jerusalem in the bible -
edinburgh has the port of Joppa - not jaffa.

The NWO has sneaked out 2 films that centre around the scottish question -
maybe we should take note.

andrew hennessey

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Harry the Pot(ter)

2001-11-21 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The  Great Thanksgiving Hoax
By Richard J. Marbury 11.22.01
Each year  at this time school children all over America are taught
the official  Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and
magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all
very colorful and fascinating.
It is also  very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what
really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized
collection of half-truths  which divert attention away from
Thanksgiving's real meaning.
The official  story has the Pilgrims boarding the Mayflower, coming
to America and establishing  the Plymouth colony in the winter of
1620-21. This first winter is hard,  and half the colonists die. But
the survivors are hard working and tenacious,  and they learn new
farming techniques from the Indians. The harvest of 1621 is
bountiful. The Pilgrims hold a celebration, and give thanks to

 God. They are grateful for the wonderful new abundant land He has
given  them.
The official  story then has the Pilgrims living more or less happily
ever after, each  year repeating the first Thanksgiving. Other early
colonies also have  hard times at first, but they soon prosper and
adopt the annual tradition  of giving thanks for this prosperous new
land called America.
The problem  with this official story is that the harvest of 1621 was
not bountiful,  nor were the colonists hardworking or tenacious.
1621 was a famine year  and many of the colonists were lazy
In his  'History of Plymouth Plantation,' the governor of the colony,
William Bradford, reported that the colonists went hungry for years,
because they  refused to work in the fields. They preferred instead
to steal food. He  says the colony was riddled with corruption,
and with confusion and discontent. The crops were small
because much was stolen both by night  and day, before it
became scarce eatable.
In the  harvest feasts of 1621 and 1622, all had their hungry bellies
filled,  but only briefly. The prevailing condition during those years
was not  the abundance the official story claims, it was famine and
death. The  first Thanksgiving was not so much a celebration as it
was the last  meal of condemned men.
But in  subsequent years something changed. The harvest of 1623
was different. Suddenly, instead of famine now God gave them
plenty, Bradford wrote,  and the face of things was changed, to
the rejoicing of the hearts of  many, for which they blessed God.
Thereafter, he wrote, any general want or famine hath not been
amongst them since to this day. In fact,  in 1624, so much food
was produced that the colonists were able to begin  exporting corn.
What happened?

After the  poor harvest of 1622, writes Bradford, they began to
think how they might raise as much corn as they could, and obtain
a better crop. They began  to question their form of economic
This had  required that all profits  benefits that are got by trade,
working,  fishing, or any other means were to be placed in the
common stock of  the colony, and that, all such persons as are of
this colony, are to  have their meat, drink, apparel, and all
provisions out of the common  stock. A person was to put into the
common stock all he could, and take  out only what he needed.
This from  each according to his ability, to each according to his
need was an early form of socialism, and it is why the Pilgrims
were starving. Bradford writes that young men that are most able
and fit for labor and service  complained about being forced to
spend their time and strength to work  for other men's wives and
children. Also, the strong, or man of parts, had no more in
division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak.  So the
young and strong refused to work and the total amount of food
produced  was never adequate.
To rectify  this situation, in 1623 Bradford abolished socialism. He
gave each household  a parcel of land and told them they could
keep what they produced, or trade it away as they saw fit. In other
words, he replaced socialism with  a free market, and that was the
end of famines.
Many early  groups of colonists set up socialist states, all with the
same terrible results. At Jamestown, established in 1607, out of
every shipload of settlers  that arrived, less than half would survive
their first twelve months in America. Most of the work was being
done by only one-fifth of the men,  the other four-fifths choosing to
be parasites. In the winter of 1609-10, called The Starving Time,
the population fell from five hundred to sixty.

Then the  Jamestown colony was converted to a free market, and
the results were  every bit as dramatic as those at Plymouth. In
1614, Colony Secretary Ralph Hamor wrote that after the switch
there was plenty of food, which  every man by his own industry
may easily and doth procure. He said that when the socialist
system had prevailed, we reaped not so much 

[CTRL] Harry Browne: How can we prevent future terrorist attacks?

2001-10-31 Thread flw

Preventing future terrorism
Harry Browne

How can we prevent future terrorist attacks? 

The first step is a foreign policy that rests on a simple 
We're prepared to defend ourselves, but we threaten no one. 

Such a foreign policy should have four elements: 

1. Non-interference 

Our government should never interfere in other countries' 
disputes, never arm foreign governments and never give terrorists a reason to 
pressure our government. 

The idea that our government acts to defend human rights 
around the world is absurd. It replaces democratically elected governments with 
dictators like the Shah of Iran or Augusto Pinochet. And it rarely comes close 
to achieving any of its goals. Too often, Americans have fought and died for 

Any American who wants to fight for – or send money to – a 
foreign government or revolutionary movement should be free to do so (even 
though that's currently illegal). But our government should stay out of such 

When the U.S. no longer imposes its way on foreign people, 
those people will have no reason to fear us or hate us. 

2. No foreign aid or military assistance 

The Constitution doesn't authorize our government to use your 
money to support foreign governments. 

It's not only unconstitutional, it's unfair. As Fred Smith has 
pointed out, foreign aid taxes poor people in rich countries for the benefit of 
rich people in poor countries. 

And by giving tons of money and military hardware to Israel's 
enemies, the politicians can say we have to give massive aid to Israel to keep 
it from being destroyed. 

Every American should be free to send money or weapons to any 
government anywhere. But you shouldn't be taxed for that purpose. 

Without our government arming dictators, the dictators' 
subjects would have no reason to hate us or fear us. 

3. Security against attack 

If the world's bad people want to conquer America, they'd have 
to pulverize American cities until we submit to being occupied. 

In 1983 Ronald Reagan said America should protect itself 
against missile attacks. Unfortunately, he gave the job to the Department of 
Defense – which is really the Post Office in fatigues. 

And so, 18 years later, we're no closer to being protected 
than we were in 1983. 

We should rely as little as possible on politics and 
bureaucracy to achieve anything. The government should simply post a reward – 
say, $25 billion – to go to the first private company that produces a 
functioning, fool-proof missile defense. We'd probably have it within five 

Will that make us 100 percent secure? Of course not. Nothing 

But it will make us far safer than we are today. And it will 
eliminate a principal excuse for meddling in other countries' affairs, so that 
foreign people have no reason to hate us or fear us. 

4. Target the aggressors, not the innocent 

Even with a missile defense, America could be threatened by a 
foreign ruler. 

But a Libertarian president would target the aggressor himself 
– not his innocent subjects. 

He would warn the ruler that an actual attack against the U.S. 
would trigger the posting of a reward of, say, $100 million for the person who 
kills the ruler. Everyone would be eligible to collect the reward – including 
the ruler's guards and wives. 

This response would spare both innocent foreigners and 
Americans. Only those who try for the reward would be at risk. Americans 
wouldn't fight and die invading a foreign country. 

If you believe assassination is an unsavory act, what's the 
alternative – killing thousands of people? 

Once we stop bullying innocent foreigners, they will have no 
reason to hate us or fear us. 

Peace for all time 

These policies will produce a strong national defense – 
instead of the strong national offense we now have. And terrorists will have no 
reason to attack us. 

Then we must find a way to permanently stop politicians from 
playing with loaded weapons. 

Here's a start – a proposed Peace Amendment to the 

Except in time of war as declared by Congress, the United 
States will deploy no military personnel or weapons outside the boundaries of 
the United States; will not provide money, military equipment or other resources 
to foreign governments; and will not attack any foreign power. Upon any 
violation of this article, Congress will immediately institute impeachment 
proceedings against the president. 

If such an amendment had been enforced over the past 55 years, 
it would have: 

Prevented the deaths of almost 100,000 American military 

Saved each American family thousands of dollars in foreign aid 
– most of which went into the pockets of foreign dictators; 

Saved a trillion dollars in unnecessary military costs; and 

Allowed people around the world to like us for what we are, 
instead of hating us because of our government's meddling. And it's 99 

[CTRL] Harry-ness

2001-08-16 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.
To view this item online, visit

Thursday, August 16, 2001
Potter books: Wicked witchcraft?
New documentary claims tales lead kids to the occult
By Julie Foster
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
As kids around the world anxiously await the fall opening of Warner Bros.'
film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, an occult expert has released a
documentary video, Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged, Making Evil Look
Innocent, claiming the Harry Potter phenomenon is incompatibile with

With four books of the seven-book series published since 1999, Harry
Potter's popularity has skyrocketed. The young character is the creation of
British author J.K. Rowling, who is expected to finish the fifth installment of
the series next year. Now, with the first of several feature-film adaptations of
the children's story set to open on Nov. 16, Harry Potter fever has started
heating up again.

The books made headlines in the United States in 1999, after the first Harry Potter 
installment was released stateside. Shortly thereafter, many parents and religious 
groups expressed concern that the story should not be
taken lightly as mere children's fantasy literature. Critics disapprove of the books' 
presentation of the occult as a positive, virtuous lifestyle.

To understand the controversy surrounding the books, it is necessary to review their 
content. While not all of the characters and story lines may be explored in this 
report, a few key elements should be discussed.

Set in England, the books chronicle the life of young Harry Potter, whose wizard 
parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort. Because Harry escaped the death curse 
of Voldemort, he was given a mark on his forehead – a
lightening bolt. On his 11th birthday, Harry receives an invitation to the Hogwarts 
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Each of the four published books represents a year 
at Hogwarts.

Voldemort is a non-physical dark magic being who inhabits the bodies of various 
characters in the books. Perhaps most notably, Voldemort possesses Quirrell, Hogwarts' 
Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Voldemort taught Quirrell, There is no good and evil; there is only power, and those 
too weak to seek it.

The evil lord made Quirrell his slave and could be seen on the back of the teacher's 
head, which Quirrell covered with a turban. Book one explains this phenomenon:

Where there should have been a back to Quirrel’s head, there was a face,
the most terrible face Harry had ever seen. It was chalk white with glaring red
eyes and slits for nostrils, like a snake.

See what I have become? the face said. Mere shadow and vapor. … I have
form only when I can share another's body … but there have always been
those willing to let me into their hearts and minds. … Unicorn blood has
strengthened me these past weeks. … Once I have the Elixir of Life, I will be
able to create a body of my own. …
Voldemort, according to Hogwarts' Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, is
looking for another body to share. … not being truly alive, he cannot be
killed. When Voldemort dispossessed Quirrell, the teacher died.

Rowling has said publicly that she intentionally created the graphic evil
characters and scenes in her wildly popular series.

I made a very conscious decision right at the beginning that I was writing
about someone evil, and I wasn't going to tell a lie. I wasn't going to pretend
that an evil person is a paper cutout and no one really gets hurt. OK, if you're
writing about evil, I think  generally you have a responsibility to show what
that means, and that's the way I'm writing them. I think they're quite, well
actually, I think they're very moral books, Rowlings told a television news

Many agree with the author's premise, but critics object to the use of
witchcraft and wizardry in fighting evil, not to mention the book's graphic
depictions of evil. Even the good wizards in Harry's world cause eyebrows to
be raised in many circles. One such example is found in Headmaster

Dumbledore is the one wizard Voldemort fears. In book one, the headmaster
explains how his 666-year-old business partner Nicolas Flamel and Nicolas'
wife, Perenelle, will die. The couple awaits permission from Dumbledore to
kill themselves.

Explaining to an astonished Harry, the headmaster says, To one as young
as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and Perenelle, it really is
like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organized
mind, death is but the next great adventure.

There are varying degrees of opposition to the Harry Potter books, from those
who choose not to allow their own children to read the series to those who
would have the book banned. One woman, filmmaker and occult expert Caryl
Matrisciana, focuses her efforts on explaining what she believes 

[CTRL] Harry Truman, War Criminal

2001-08-13 Thread William Shannon


WorldNetDaily's Tom Ambrose defends the undefendable

My last column, "Hiroshima Mon Amour: Why Americans are barbarians," has 
provoked a storm of protest from the clueless and the humorless – reinforcing 
my own conviction that Americans, for the most part, are indeed barbarians, 
without the ability or the desire to overcome their brainwashing and engage 
in even the simplest tasks of reasoning. They don't know their own history, 
except as recycled and rewritten by CNN and the court historians, and, what's 
more, they don't want to know. As evidence of this brain-dead state, I submit 
a screed by Tom Ambrose, an assistant editor over at WorldNetDaily, 
imaginatively entitled "Raimondo's Wrong." 


Ambrose revs up his readers with a prefatory note about how he's never ever 
felt the need to "spar with other columnists" – with one exception that 
proves the rule – "no matter how much I disagreed with them. Until today." To 
what do I owe this great honor? Ambrose writes:
"If his intention was to push people's buttons, he surely succeeded in that 
endeavor with me. I regard what he wrote as a thoughtless, warped rant – a 
pile of pacifistic pap with little redeeming value."


Pacifistic? Me? *Sigh* Okay, maybe I was a little unclear; maybe I waffled 
just a little bit, and didn't state my case against the US in unequivocally 
black-and-white terms, words even an Epsilon Minus Semi-Moron could 
understand, so here goes: I am not just saying that the US should have 
refrained from nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I am telling you that the war 
in the Pacific was a monstrous injustice from the word go. Franklin Delano 
Roosevelt's policy was to provoke, entice, and otherwise entrap the Japanese 
into war. He couldn't get into the war by the front door, in Europe, because 
the American people overwhelmingly opposed such a course, so he chose to go 
in through the back. Now this is a thesis not entirely unknown to Ambrose: 
indeed, he not only alludes to it later on in his rambling diatribe, but 
indicates his substantial agreement, admitting that:
"There is strong evidence that the US acted in a way that helped lead to the 
Japanese decision to draw first blood. To his credit, Raimondo previously got 
this part of the story right."


This is not just "part of the story," it is the whole story. It is 
astonishing that, to illustrate this one point of agreement between us, 
Ambrose links to my review of Thomas Fleming's The New Dealers' War, a book 
which shows how FDR, in response to the failure of his policies at home, 
sought US intervention in the war as the solution to his political and 
economic problems. But if Ambrose agrees that US involvement in that war was 
a colossal mistake – and not just that but part of a concerted policy by FDR 
and his closest advisors to socialize the American economy, smash domestic 
opposition, and build up the Soviet Union, as Fleming avers – then how could 
the murderous culmination of that very policy be justified? If the Pacific 
war was a mistake at its root, in its very origins, then surely its 
horrifying climax was something less than desirable.


Furthermore, in my review of the Fleming book, cited by Ambrose, I also 
discuss the thesis of Robert Stinnett's Day of Deceit, a book that proves FDR 
knew in advance about the Japanese "sneak attack" on Pearl Harbor. Stinnett, 
using the Freedom of Information Act, analyzes documents previously withheld 
from the public and shows just what the US government knew, and how and when 
they knew it, tracing the flow of information from US intelligence sources 
all the way up to the White House. Not only did they know about the Pearl 
Harbor "surprise" weeks in advance, but FDR and his cronies consciously 
engineered it, and were, in their own way, just as responsible as the 
Japanese warlords who gave the order to attack. Japan is entirely bereft of 
oil, rubber, tin, and virtually all of the natural resources necessary for 
the maintenance of modern civilization: she is forced to go abroad for them. 
But if the free flow of commerce is obstructed, and such items cannot be 
obtained peacefully, by means of trade, then Nippon must procure them in 
other ways – or else live a life of primitive privation. Faced with the 
prospect of death by strangulation or war, the Japanese chose the latter – 
and who can blame them? The Japanese attack, seen in the context of the 
economic blockade imposed on Japan by the Western powers, was a desperate act 
of self-defense.


Japanese diplomats desperately tried to come to some accommodation with the 
US, but FDR was intransigent: under no circumstances would he either lift the 
embargo, or permit a Japanese challenge to British, French, and Dutch 
hegemony in Southeast Asia. Seen against 

[CTRL] Harry Browne on W

2001-01-01 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Should we give George Bush another chance?
Harry Browne
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WorldNetDaily Publisher Joseph Farah received a lot of flak from readers when he
suggested that the Bush presidency may be considerably less than what you dream of.
The theme of the flak was, "Shut up and give George Bush a chance." But this overlooks
the record. What the Bush backers should have said was, "Shut up and give Bush
another chance." He's already had a chance. In fact, he's had two of them -- and he
failed in both cases.

The big-government governor
The first chance was his reign as governor of Texas. He had almost six years to
work for smaller government. Is the Texas government less expensive, less intrusive,
less oppressive than it was six years ago?

Hardly. The Texas Eagle Forum says government in Texas grew by over a third
between 1995 and 1999. New gun-control laws were enacted. No state agencies
or departments were eliminated.

So he flunked his first chance. And that's in a state that's supposedly conservative.
Do you expect him to be more libertarian now that he has to please a whole nation o
f special-interest groups?

The big-government candidate

George Bush's second chance came during the recent campaign. He was running
against a politician who was on the side of bigger government on every issue.

Bush had a golden opportunity to gain major support by calling attention to the
expense, futility and danger of Al Gore's big-government schemes. Instead, Bush
offered his own version of each of these obscenities. Running against an obvious
petty dictator, he barely squeaked out a victory because he never offered a true

Oh yes, when speaking in generalities, he was for limited government, "strict
construction of the Constitution," and the like. But whenever he was specific, it
was always for bigger and bigger government that violated constitutional restraints.

Take health care. We once had the best health-care system in history: personal
service from doctors, low-cost hospitals, free clinics, charity hospitals and health
 insurance accessible to virtually everyone. Then the politicians created Medicare
 and turned our health-care system into a nightmare. So what cure did George
Bush offer? He proposed a new government boondoggle for prescription drugs.
Four years from now, I hope you aren't in dire need of a life-saving medicine.

He presented big-government schemes for education, welfare, campaign
finance, and any other area that was an election issue. And what government
programs did he promise to get rid of -- or even reduce?

None. He flunked his second chance.

The big-government president
George Bush is already failing his third chance. He's staffing his administration
with out-of-work liberal politicians and retreads from previous Republican

There's one appointee who fits neither of those categories, but is even worse.
That's John Ashcroft, who will be attorney general. Here's a man who has no
more respect for the Constitution or your liberty than Janet Reno does. He's
apparently never met an invasion of your freedom that he didn't think was necessary
to fight crime or drugs.

This demonstrates once again that there's really very little difference between
the left and the right. Left-wing politicians take away your liberty in the name
of children and of fighting poverty, while right-wing politicians do it in the name of
family values and fighting drugs. Either way, government gets bigger and you become
less free.

Thanks to George Bush and John Ashcroft, four years from now it will be easier
for the government to tap your phone, read your email, snoop in your bank account,
raid your home by mistake, and regiment your life. It doesn't matter whether you
have an interest in guns or drugs or crime, because every American citizen will lose
another chunk of his remaining freedom.

What do you expect?
Government spending, government snooping, government gun control -- all will expand
in a Bush administration. This isn't conjecture or ill-wishing. It is simply obvious.

Part of the reason is that the conservative organizations that would raise a stink if
Bill Clinton proposed to steal your freedom will go into hibernation now that "one
of our own" is safely in the White House.

Do you really think George Bush is going to stop the federal government from
snooping in your bank account and your e-mail? Do you really think he's going
to stop the deterioration of health care and education by getting the federal
government out of those areas? Do you really think he's going to stop risking
 your life by antagonizing foreign countries?

If you believe any of those things, I have just two words for you: Grow up.

What do you want?
If what you want in a President is someone -- anyone -- who isn't Bill Clinton
or Al Gore, then George Bush will suffice very well.

But if what you want is someone 

[CTRL] Harry Oppenheimer left £30 million, a fraction of what he is said to have been worth

2000-10-22 Thread J Taylor

-Caveat Lector-

London Times


Harry Oppenheimer left £30 million, a fraction of what he is said to have
been worth

Mining tycoon hides his family fortune


HARRY OPPENHEIMER, the South African mining magnate reputed to be one of the
ten richest men in the world, went to his grave leaving little trace of his
vast personal fortune thought to be more than £3 billion, it was revealed
The former head of the Anglo American Corporation and De Beers, two of the
world's largest mining companies, left a will declaring his personal wealth
at a paltry 307 million rand (£30 million), a fraction of his real net

Like other billionaires, Mr Oppenheimer, who died in August aged 91 after a
brief illness, appears to have deposited the bulk of his vast fortune,
accumulated from mining gold, diamonds and other minerals, in a trust to
protect his assets for the future benefit of his family.

Most of the wealth declared in his will goes to his widow, Bridget, to whom
he was married for 57 years, including his extensive art collection, a stud
farm in Kimberley, and all his racehorse enterprises, along with properties,
stocks and cash.

A lifelong collector of art, Mr Oppenheimer is said by friends to have
accumulated "the most fabulous collections of art and Africana," including
the "most extraordinary collection of Thomas Baines originals." His
horse-breeding business at Mauritzfontein, Kimberley, is said to be worth
several million dollars.

In addition to leaving no clues as to the whereabouts of the missing
billions, Mr Oppenheimer's £30 million will, which is only provisional as
the value of his estate is still being finalised, also makes no mention of
his son, Nicholas, the chairman of De Beers, his daughter, Mary, his five
grandchildren, and his two great-grandchildren. All are expected to benefit
from the wealth tied up in the Harry Oppenheimer Family Trust.

Attempts to minimise death duties through the use of trust funds are legal,
but questions are bound to be asked about the ethical implications of South
Africa's richest individual protecting his vast personal wealth from
taxation in a country where millions of people live in grinding poverty and
where the Government does not have the resources to improve their lot.

Although Mr Oppenheimer was widely regarded as a great philanthropist, his
business interests benefited considerably from the pool of cheap black
labour provided under the former apartheid regime.

Some critics have insisted that he did not do enough to bring that system
down. They are now likely to be outraged that his personal fortune has been
placed beyond the reach of the taxman too.

Mr Oppenheimer inherited control of the family's already substantial mining
empire from his father, Sir Ernest, in 1957, before transforming it into one
of the world's greatest mining houses.

Harry was born in England in 1908 into a middle-class family that later
moved to South Africa. His father was Jewish, but the family converted to
Anglicanism. Sir Ernest founded Anglo American - which was valued on the
London Stock Exchange last year at £8.4 billion - in 1917 and became
chairman of De Beers in 1929.

The young Harry was educated at Charterhouse and Christ Church, Oxford, and
served a tough apprenticeship in the family business during the Depression,
before becoming the driving force behind the expansion of the Oppenheimers'
worldwide mining interests, which he ran from a small room on the first
floor of Anglo American's Johannesburg offices.

He was a quiet, polite, even bookish man, with a passion for the Romantic
poets, especially Byron. During the 1980s he was credited with taking the
initiative to promote negotiations with the banned African National Congress
in an effort to bring an end to white minority rule.

An avowed capitalist with a social conscience, Mr Oppenheimer played a
leading role in ensuring that Anglo American and De Beers ploughed some of
their profits back into the community for large-scale development projects.

The family also contributes to charity through the E. Oppenheimer

Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki, his successor as President of South Africa,
paid tribute to Mr Oppenheimer after his death "for building the economy and
creating employment for hundreds of thousands of South African citizens".

Overseeing the multibillion-pound business interests has always rested
firmly on the shoulders of the men in the family. Mr Oppenheimer's son took
over the chairmanship of De Beers in 1998, becoming the third generation of
Oppenheimers to run the company.

Rumour has it that Nicholas's son, Jonathan, is being groomed to take over
the family business. Surprisingly, not one of the seven Oppenheimer women
has ever entered or shown any interest in taking over the reins of the

Mr Oppenheimer's daughter, Mary, who has been married and divorced three
times, has gone out of her 

[CTRL] Harry Potter Casts a Spell on China

2000-10-07 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.insidechina.com/news.php3?id=207033"Inside
China Today Daily News - Harry Potter Ca…/A

 Home  General NewsHarry Potter Casts a Spell on China
BEIJING, Oct 6, 2000 -- (Reuters) Harry Potter made a splashy official debut
in China on Friday, despite anxious debate within the People's Literature
Publishing House over whether the schoolboy wizard was politically correct.
An initial print run of 600,000 copies of the first three children's books by
British author J.K. Rowling was rushed to market to beat pirates already
making a killing.
The biggest first edition run of a work of fiction in the 51-year history of
Communist China attracted long queues outside Wangfujing Bookstore in
Beijing's main shopping district that stretched halfway around the block.
Wang Ruiqin, children's editor for People's Literature Publishing House -
publisher of the Collected Poems of Mao Zedong - said she fought criticism
that Harry Potter with his vampires, zombies and trolls promoted superstition.
After the Communists took power in 1949 they outlawed "feudal superstition"
along with a host of other evils, including prostitution and drugs.
"Some who have not read the book feel it is just like witchcraft, but after
you read it you will not feel that way," she said.
The editorial board was persuaded by the argument that Harry Potter was a
fine role model for children.
"Harry Potter's courage, his willingness to help people - this is universal,"
she said.
Customers paid a hefty CNY 68 (USD 8.20) for the books printed on special
green-tinted paper to foil counterfeiters. The Sorcerer's Stone, Chamber of
Secrets and the Prisoner of Azkaban are being sold as a trilogy.
People's Literature Publishing House is negotiating for rights to the fourth
in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, and could bring it to
market next year depending on the response to the first three, Wang said.
"For Chinese readers, it has been a long wait," said publishing house
president Nie Zhenning.
First in line on Friday was Zhang Huitou, who waited more than three hours to
get his hands on the set for his 11-year-old daughter after reading a
newspaper account of the exploits of the boy wizard "Hali Bote", as he is
known in Chinese.
"This really makes Chinese kids excited," said Zhang.
The publisher moved the launch in major cities up by a week to cut down on
counterfeiting, but already three or four pirated versions are circulating on
the streets.
It said readers would be swayed by the more accurate translation and high
quality of genuine copies.
The publisher hopes the three books, which have sold more than 35 million
copies worldwide, will provide commercial magic in China. But some literary
critics are not so sure.
"The cultural difference is too great," said Chen Jie, a writer for China
Reading Weekly. "I'm not too optimistic about the China market."
Gao Wei, a 27-year-old nursery school teacher, said he was buying the books
for his classes, and himself.
"Nine years old or 100 years old, we're all interested in Harry Potter," he
(C)2000 Copyright Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or
redissemination of the contents of this screen are expressly prohibited
without the prior written consent of Reuters Limited.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
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Roads End

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[CTRL] Harry

2000-09-19 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


}}Begin Excerpt (a three part article at the site)

nterview with Harry Browne
By Brian Weiss
 Ralph Nader might make the most noise, and the battle over the Reform party
may hog the headlines, but the Libertarian party and presidential candidate
Harry Browne have quietly emerged as America's best organized third party.
Running for president for the second time, candidate Harry Browne talks to
Georgemag.com about his message of eliminating the income tax, stopping the War
on Drugs and why Al Gore and George W. Bush might belong in prison.

For people who may not be familiar with it, explain the Libertarian philosophy.

It's very simple. Libertarians want you to be free to live your life as you
want to live it, just as long as you don't intrude on somebody else's person or
property. Libertarians think you go to work everyday, so you ought to keep the
money that you earn. If the politicians want some of that money, they ought to
ask for it instead of taking it by force. This is what separated America from
the rest of the world. Instead of kings ruling by divine right you had a right
to self-determination. All of that has been lost in the United States.

Politicians decide everything. They decide how much of your income you are
going to be allowed to keep, they decide how big your toilet is going to be,
they decide how your child's school is going to be run, how your health
insurance company has to treat you. They make all the rules. And as a result,
America is no different from any other country in the world.

End excerpt{{

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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[CTRL] Harry Browne Speaks

2000-09-19 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Interview with Harry Browne
By Brian Weiss
 Ralph Nader might make the most noise, and the battle over the Reform party
may hog the headlines, but the Libertarian party and presidential candidate
Harry Browne have quietly emerged as America's best organized third party.
Running for president for the second time, candidate Harry Browne talks to
Georgemag.com about his message of eliminating the income tax, stopping the
War on Drugs and why Al Gore and George W. Bush might belong in prison.

For people who may not be familiar with it, explain the Libertarian

It's very simple. Libertarians want you to be free to live your life as you
want to live it, just as long as you don't intrude on somebody else's person
or property. Libertarians think you go to work everyday, so you ought to keep
the money that you earn. If the politicians want some of that money, they
ought to ask for it instead of taking it by force. This is what separated
America from the rest of the world. Instead of kings ruling by divine right
you had a right to self-determination. All of that has been lost in the
United States. Politicians decide everything. They decide how much of your
income you are going to be allowed to keep, they decide how big your toilet
is going to be, they decide how your child's school is going to be run, how
your health insurance company has to treat you. They make all the rules. And
as a result, America is no different from any other country in the world.

Who is Harry Browne? Where did he come from and what infused him with
Libertarian values?

I was born in New York City, grew up in Los Angeles and moved to Tennessee
five years ago. I have also lived in Switzerland, Canada and California.
Professionally, I was in the investment world for thirty years and wrote a
number of books, published a newsletter and was an investment consultant. But
I didn't vote for 30 years, because I didn't see any point in trying to chose
between Democrats and Republicans because I knew that no matter who got
elected, government was just going to get bigger and more expensive and more
intrusive and more oppressive.

So you became a Libertarian?

I joined the Libertarian party in 1994 and ran for president in 1996 because
I though we had reached the point where people were so disenchanted with
government that we really did have a chance to turn things around and to
reduce the size government dramatically. And we have a chance to give you
your freedom back and let you run your life instead of having Al Gore or
George Bush do it.

Explain "The Great Libertarian Offer" in the party's platform?

The Great Libertarian offer asks this question: Would you give up your
favorite federal programs if it meant you never had to pay income tax again?
We want government to live by it's constitutional mandate. There might be one
or two things you are getting from the government that you don't want to give
up, but under a Libertarian president, you're never going to pay income tax
again, and your children will never pay income tax. Your grandchildren will
go through life without ever having to pay the terrible burden of taxation
that you had to endure.

Early on, there was a lot of speculation that Pat Buchanan's candidacy would
siphon votes from Bush. More recently Ralph Nader seemed to pose a similar
threat to Al Gore. From which party do you take votes?

Our situation is a bit different. All I have is anecdotal evidence, no
statistics, but it would certainly appear from the people who call the talk
shows and from the people I meet at political events that we are getting
about 1/3 of our new votes from Democrats and 1/3 from Republicans. The other
1/3 are from people who just haven't voted in the past because they didn't
see any point to it.

This is your second run for the presidency. In 1996 you received about half a
million votes. What are you doing differently this time around?

We have gotten better at presenting the message as anybody would over a
period of time. But the political landscape continues to change in the sense
that people are just becoming more and more disenchanted with government.

So is this approach working? Is your message resonating?

Oh sure. The party is nearly three times as large as it was in the beginning
of 1996. This makes it possible for us to do a lot of things we weren't able
to do last time. We are doing a lot more national TV advertising this time.
I've been on far more national television shows than I was in all of 1996. It
won't be enough to elect us this year, but every vote that I get lays the
groundwork to elect a Libertarian president and Libertarian congresspeople in
2002, 2004, 2006. I believe it is entirely possible that we could have a
Libertarian president and congress before the end of this decade.

Is your philosophy a harder sell amidst the prosperity in America?

I don't think so. We simply have to change the question from 

[CTRL] Harry S Truman and the origins of the national security state.

1999-05-26 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF="http://www.cohums.ohio-state.edu/history/people/hogan.htm"Hogan/A
Ought to be interesting. Also this book should be also; Informal Entente: The
Private Structure of Cooperation in Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy,
1918-1928 (1977) Anybody read?
Michael J. Hogan; B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1965; M.A., 1967;
Ph.D., 1974, University of Iowa.

Professor Hogan is a specialist in the history of recent American
diplomacy and chair of the Department of History at The Ohio State
University. He is also the editor of Diplomatic History, an
international journal for specialists in diplomacy and foreign affairs.
He is the author of Informal Entente: The Private Structure of
Cooperation in Anglo-American Economic Diplomacy, 1918-1928 (1977) and
The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the Reconstruction of Western
Europe, 1947-1952 (1987). He is the recipient of the Stuart L. Bernath
Lecture and Book Prizes of the Society for Historians of American
Foreign Relations, the Quincy Wright Book Prize of the International
Studies Association, and the George Louis Beer Prize of the American
Historical Association. His last book was an edited volume on Hiroshima
in History and Memory (1996). Professor Hogan is currently finishing a
book on Harry S Truman and the origins of the national security state.
His e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED] He can also be reached at (614)
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] Harry: Dr Slick (In the form of Dr. Suess)

1998-12-08 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


Please: Who wrote this?

I wish I knew! Someone FWD'ed through my list. I thought it was a riot.

  "If you think they're out to get you, you're right." Edward Britton
Talk to the planet. Subscribe to Reality Pump:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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