Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-22 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Your reasoning is as skewed as usual.  You do not have a right
to tell me what I should or should not do as you certainly are
NOT my moral authority nor my God.  And secondly, you have to
make your same old ass-uptions as to what I would or would not
do and then attempt to vilify and denigrate me based on what
YOU SAY I would say, do or think.  You are so very full of
YOURSELF and this may be the way you think but it is not the
way I think.

The 800 schools are ALREADY allowing the Gay students to meet
in public schools but have banned the Boy Scouts.  So you are
saying this is the right tnbing to do because IN THEORY
somebody might some day, some where, some time try to do
something to some gay group or other.  Helms is saying that
since the gay groups are using the schools NOW, in this
current time and in reality, it is wrong to ban the Boy

And this other crap about what I would do if this and
that~~what nerve you have to speak for me!  That is the only
way you can vilify is by assuming to put words in my mouth.
Prove I would applaud banning ANYBODY for you cannot and this
is yet another example of your vicious lying.  Telling anybody
who calls you on this to 'search the archives' is your cop out
when caught at it again, too. Lame, very lame.

I have spent one day a week volunteering at schools for
fourteen of the last twenty years.  There has been little or
no local autonomy since federal funding became a necessity
for public schools. You would know this if you were involved
in any way. If you truly believed in 'local autonomy as you
claim, perhaps you should have been protesting integration for
it sure as hell did away with it, didn't it?  According to
your theory, local schoolboards should have the final say on
that, also.  Or is that just in matters related to the
homosexual agenda?  Or if they are inagreement with those
things of which you approve?

And as for that other crackpot, Nessie, speaking for me also,
he is equally full of crap.  Since you cannot read a post you
do not like without attacking the poster, if you absolutely
must know, I do not object, personally, to any group of
CHILDREN (pay attention here, Nessie~~the discussion is about
children, not adults) adequately supervised and with a sponsor
and whatever the regular requirements met, using the school.
If they are Satanists but meet the above, fine with me.  Now
why Nessie wants to bring in the Catholic Church IS
interesting.  They would have their own facilities but that
must fit some stereotype of Nessie's that he is trying to
foist upon me.  And the Boy Scouts meet at the local Catholic
Church, NOT the school.  But if you throw out enough bait,
hey!  Maybe you can get a bite, huh??? Cute.

So you two are a pair of bigots who stereotype and attempt to
force all sorts of thoughts and ideas on me when I think
nothing of the kind.  Cognitive dissonance, I suppose.  Nah,
just plain old garden-variety intolerance projecting onto
others your own negativism.  I do hope you two learn some new
methods of distortion as this one is so old and worn!

- Original Message -
From: YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against
Boy Scouts

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Amelia wrote:
You are stating Helms point exactly.

The hell I am!

Helms wants to FORCE local schoolboards to allow the BSA to
hold meetings
in local schools, else he'll see to it that federal funds are

What I am saying is that no federal bureaucrat should be
allowed to
blackmail local schoolboards -- duly elected by local
townspeople and
ostensibly representing those local interests.  If local
interests deem
that a particular group should not be allowed access to
schools for their
meetings, the federal government has no right to intervene.

That would apply if the tables were reversed.  You applaud
Helms' stance,
but what would you say if a schoolboard DID ban a gay and
lesbian group,
and some liberal congresscritter introduced a bill saying that
schoolboards HAD to allow gay and lesbian groups to meet in
their schools
else risk losing federal funding?

You wouldn't be so quick to applaud such a measure, would you?
Yet it is
the same thing.  If you allow a conservative congresscritter
to dictate
what a local schoolboard can and cannot do, then you equally
liberal congresscritters to do the same.

Instead of dismissing the issue with 'local schoolboards have
had little
local autonomy since the 1950s', you should be fighting the
encroachment of the federal government into the local
autonomy, not
encouraging further encroachment...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list.
Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!
These are
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Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-22 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

AMELIA IS 110% right!!

On Sun, 20 May 2001 01:45:48 -0500 Amelia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Your reasoning is as skewed as usual.  You do not have a right
 to tell me what I should or should not do as you certainly are
 NOT my moral authority nor my God.  And secondly, you have to
 make your same old ass-uptions as to what I would or would not
 do and then attempt to vilify and denigrate me based on what
 YOU SAY I would say, do or think.  You are so very full of
 YOURSELF and this may be the way you think but it is not the
 way I think.

 The 800 schools are ALREADY allowing the Gay students to meet
 in public schools but have banned the Boy Scouts.  So you are
 saying this is the right tnbing to do because IN THEORY
 somebody might some day, some where, some time try to do
 something to some gay group or other.  Helms is saying that
 since the gay groups are using the schools NOW, in this
 current time and in reality, it is wrong to ban the Boy

 And this other crap about what I would do if this and
 that~~what nerve you have to speak for me!  That is the only
 way you can vilify is by assuming to put words in my mouth.
 Prove I would applaud banning ANYBODY for you cannot and this
 is yet another example of your vicious lying.  Telling anybody
 who calls you on this to 'search the archives' is your cop out
 when caught at it again, too. Lame, very lame.

 I have spent one day a week volunteering at schools for
 fourteen of the last twenty years.  There has been little or
 no local autonomy since federal funding became a necessity
 for public schools. You would know this if you were involved
 in any way. If you truly believed in 'local autonomy as you
 claim, perhaps you should have been protesting integration for
 it sure as hell did away with it, didn't it?  According to
 your theory, local schoolboards should have the final say on
 that, also.  Or is that just in matters related to the
 homosexual agenda?  Or if they are inagreement with those
 things of which you approve?

 And as for that other crackpot, Nessie, speaking for me also,
 he is equally full of crap.  Since you cannot read a post you
 do not like without attacking the poster, if you absolutely
 must know, I do not object, personally, to any group of
 CHILDREN (pay attention here, Nessie~~the discussion is about
 children, not adults) adequately supervised and with a sponsor
 and whatever the regular requirements met, using the school.
 If they are Satanists but meet the above, fine with me.  Now
 why Nessie wants to bring in the Catholic Church IS
 interesting.  They would have their own facilities but that
 must fit some stereotype of Nessie's that he is trying to
 foist upon me.  And the Boy Scouts meet at the local Catholic
 Church, NOT the school.  But if you throw out enough bait,
 hey!  Maybe you can get a bite, huh??? Cute.

 So you two are a pair of bigots who stereotype and attempt to
 force all sorts of thoughts and ideas on me when I think
 nothing of the kind.  Cognitive dissonance, I suppose.  Nah,
 just plain old garden-variety intolerance projecting onto
 others your own negativism.  I do hope you two learn some new
 methods of distortion as this one is so old and worn!

 - Original Message -
 From: YnrChyldzWyld [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 6:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against
 Boy Scouts

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sat, 19 May 2001, Amelia wrote:
 You are stating Helms point exactly.

 The hell I am!

 Helms wants to FORCE local schoolboards to allow the BSA to
 hold meetings
 in local schools, else he'll see to it that federal funds are

 What I am saying is that no federal bureaucrat should be
 allowed to
 blackmail local schoolboards -- duly elected by local
 townspeople and
 ostensibly representing those local interests.  If local
 interests deem
 that a particular group should not be allowed access to
 schools for their
 meetings, the federal government has no right to intervene.

 That would apply if the tables were reversed.  You applaud
 Helms' stance,
 but what would you say if a schoolboard DID ban a gay and
 lesbian group,
 and some liberal congresscritter introduced a bill saying that
 schoolboards HAD to allow gay and lesbian groups to meet in
 their schools
 else risk losing federal funding?

 You wouldn't be so quick to applaud such a measure, would you?
 Yet it is
 the same thing.  If you allow a conservative congresscritter
 to dictate
 what a local schoolboard can and cannot do, then you equally
 liberal congresscritters to do the same.

 Instead of dismissing the issue with 'local schoolboards have
 had little
 local autonomy since the 1950s', you should be fighting the
 encroachment of the federal government into the local
 autonomy, not
 encouraging further encroachment

Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-19 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 19 May 2001, Amelia wrote:
You are stating Helms point exactly.

The hell I am!

Helms wants to FORCE local schoolboards to allow the BSA to hold meetings
in local schools, else he'll see to it that federal funds are withheld.

What I am saying is that no federal bureaucrat should be allowed to
blackmail local schoolboards -- duly elected by local townspeople and
ostensibly representing those local interests.  If local interests deem
that a particular group should not be allowed access to schools for their
meetings, the federal government has no right to intervene.

That would apply if the tables were reversed.  You applaud Helms' stance,
but what would you say if a schoolboard DID ban a gay and lesbian group,
and some liberal congresscritter introduced a bill saying that local
schoolboards HAD to allow gay and lesbian groups to meet in their schools
else risk losing federal funding?

You wouldn't be so quick to applaud such a measure, would you?  Yet it is
the same thing.  If you allow a conservative congresscritter to dictate
what a local schoolboard can and cannot do, then you equally allow
liberal congresscritters to do the same.

Instead of dismissing the issue with 'local schoolboards have had little
local autonomy since the 1950s', you should be fighting the continuing
encroachment of the federal government into the local autonomy, not
encouraging further encroachment...


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-19 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

You are stating Helms point exactly.  

let me get this straihjt, here. Are you saying that Jesse Helms wants
the KKK, Wiccans, Satan worshipers, Aryan Nation, catechism classes for
the local Catholic church in public schools?

Where and when did he say this and to whom?

=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-18 Thread Amelia

You are stating Helms point exactly. If the schools are made 
available for the Gay Pride group, he is stating that they should not be allowed 
to exclude the Boy Scouts. You are in total sync with Good Old 
Jesse. Bet that warms your heart. There has been little local autonomy 
since the federal programs got into full swing in the '50's.
- Original Message - 
From: YnrChyldzWyld 

Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy 


  Government schools that "adamantly refuse" to provide the Boy 
  Scoutsequal access to school facilities, despite warnings, would 
  risklosing federal funding, Helms said.
  So much for local autonomy.
  I have a problem when any federal bureacrat of any flavor starts 
  dictating what local schoolboards can and cannot do. If what Helms 
  is trying to do is acceptable, it is just as acceptable to demand local 
  schoolboards be forced to make their premises available to the KKK, 
  Wiccans, Satan worshipers, Aryan Nation, catechism classes for the local 
  Catholic church. If the BSA has an intrinsic right to these 
  facilities, so do any and all other groups.


  _Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

Re: [CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-16 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

  Government schools that "adamantly refuse" to provide the Boy 
  Scoutsequal access to school facilities, despite warnings, would 
  risklosing federal funding, Helms said.
  So much for local autonomy.
  I have a problem when any federal bureacrat of any flavor starts 
  dictating what local schoolboards can and cannot do. If what Helms 
  is trying to do is acceptable, it is just as acceptable to demand local 
  schoolboards be forced to make their premises available to the KKK, 
  Wiccans, Satan worshipers, Aryan Nation, catechism classes for the local 
  Catholic church. If the BSA has an intrinsic right to these 
  facilities, so do any and all other groups.


_Bravenet IncrediMail - Email has finally 
evolved - Click 

[CTRL] Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts

2001-05-15 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

{{I think it is a very sad commentary on the current congress when
this ancient man in his wheelchair is the only one with the ba~er,
courage  to stand up and say if gays can use the schools, so can the
Boy Scouts.  Amelia}}

Helms Wants to Ban Discrimination Against Boy Scouts
Wednesday, May 16, 2001
Sen. Jesse Helms, a former Boy Scout, wants to require any public
school receiving federal funds to give the Boy Scouts of America
equal access to school facilities.
He also asked the Congressional Research Service to examine how many
school districts have taken hostile action against the Scouts
because of membership guidelines that exclude homosexuals.

In a message to the Senate on Monday, Helms, R-N.C., condemned
school districts that forbid the Boy Scouts from using their
facilities for Scout meetings.

These very same meeting places at school remain open to over 800
Gay-Straight Student Alliance Clubs, Helms noted. With groups like
these welcomed in our public schools, schoolchildren need to have
the Boy Scouts stick around.

Helms offered an amendment to the education bill making its way
through Congress. He said the measure would give federal civil
rights enforcers in the Department of Education the authority to
investigate any discriminatory action taken against the Boys Scouts
of America, based on their membership or leadership criteria.

Government schools that adamantly refuse to provide the Boy Scouts
equal access to school facilities, despite warnings, would risk
losing federal funding, Helms said.

The arrogant discriminatory treatment of Boys Scouts of America
must not be allowed to continue, he said.

One year ago, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Boy Scouts'
constitutional right, as a private organization, to set its own
membership rules. The ruling outraged homosexual rights advocates,
who wanted the court to force the Boy Scouts to accept homosexuals
as members and leaders.

The organization steadfastly refuses to do so, saying that
homosexuality goes against the grain of the oath that all Scouts
must take: On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and
my country, and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all
times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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