One would really have to be stupid to believe that the attack on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center would benefit Islam. Who then would the attack benefit? It doesn't take an intellect much more than that of an idiot to understand that the events on September 11 would turn the attention, the anger and the ire of the planet against the Moslem world. Who then, besides Israel would benefit?

We know that The War Lords of Wall Street and Washington, not only knew of, but "encouraged" the attack upon Pearl Harbor. World War II brought a multi billion dollar bonanza to the International Banksters. The War "set up" the fall of China to a Cabal of Communist Killers and solidified the ruthless Red Regimes of Satin & Mao. 50 Million died in their War upon the World. It gave their Evilarchy the chance to cram Algier Hiss's United Nations down the throats of the Free Nations of the World. They then "sold" the U.N.'s World Government as "the best chance" for World Peace.

Did the Illuminazi Elite who orchestrated World War II ...orchestrate the attack on the World Trade Center, as they did Pearl Harbor, in order to usher in World War III? Have they declared war upon the American people, the U.S. Constitution, Islam and the freedom seeking people of the World? Would "Bush & the Boys" from the Banksters Brotherhood of Death allow 5,000 Americans to be murdered if it would advance the prospect for a NEW WORLD ORDER? Are they crying CROCODILE TEARS while they "orchestrate and engineer" a DICTATORSHIP to replace a freely elected Constitutional Government?

Anthony J. Hilder is convinced that this is the "Exact Scenario" that is being played out on the stage of World Events. Hilder challenges both G.W. Bush & OSAMA BIN LADEN to take a LIE DETECTOR TEST before the television cameras of the world to answer these questions:

1-Did you have PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of the attack upon the World Trade Center and the Pentagon?

2-Did agents UNDER YOUR COMMAND OR INFLUENCE orchestrate the attack on September 11, 2001?

3-Are you overtly or covertly seeking a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT to replace all Independent Nations on Earth?

4-Has your family ever been involved in the "Importation & Distribution of HEROIN & COCAINE in the United States of America?

5-Have you pledged your allegiance to Lucifer, or seek a SATANIC NEW WORLD ORDER upon the Ashes of American Sovereignty? 


If I can personally arrange for Osama bin Laden to surrender to a neutral nation and set up the World Press to cover this International Event, will you George W. Bush accept my challenge to take a "LIE DETECTOR TEST"? If you are not lying, you should have nothing to fear by telling the truth. But if you scoff at this proposal and make light of it, you and Dick Cheney will always remain "THE CHIEF SUSPECTS" in the orchestration of the events that occurred on September 11, 2001.

I challenge Prime Minister Tony Blair, as well, to answer the same five questions on International Television before an audience of the world. Let's bring Osama, Bush and Blair "TOGETHER" before the cameras of the world, so that WE MAY ALL SEE who's TELLING THE TRUTH and who's telling THE BIG LIE.

If Bush and Blair are telling the truth, they will all have nothing to fear from taking a Lie Detector Test. If, however, Bush and Blair are telling lies, then they will reject this proposal and have their agents in the "Managed Media" make mockery of such a contest. The world awaits the answers. If you are honorable men, you will accept the challenge. If you are NOT, you will REJECT this opportunity to TELL THE TRUTH.

If Bush and Blair reject the Truth challenge, their Hitlerian Handlers" will in turn order "their" Managed Media to launch an attack upon the character of Anthony J. Hilder claiming that I am an Agent of Islam and concoct every conceivable story imaginable to poison my personality in the Press. They fear the concept of a FREE WORLD that is DEDICATED TO PRESERVING the INDEPENDENCE & INTEGRITY of ALL PEOPLES of THIS PLANET EARTH.

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