Re: [CTRL] Hyped Hyperbole

2001-12-31 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

the jews in russia were treated so well, and had SO much control over

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If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better
than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not
your counsel or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands of those who feed
you. May your chains set lightly upon you.
   Samuel Adams


 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 01:48:06 -0600
 Subject: [CTRL] Hyped Hyperbole

 -Caveat Lector-


 Saudi daily: 'The Jews are taking over the world'

 The Middle East Media Research Institute

 Sunday, December 30, 2001

 The Saudi daily Al-Watan published a two-part article on The Jewish
 Sense of Superiority in the World. The articles were written by
 Abdallah Aal Malhi. Following are excerpts from the article:

 At the end of the last century, the Jewish organizations
 consolidated a hellish plan to take over the world by sparking
 revolutions or taking control of the keys to governments in various
 countries, first and foremost the U.S. and Russia.

 At the beginning of the twentieth century, the goal of the Russians,
 and with them the Jews and their global organizations, was to topple
 Russian imperialism, which they considered antisemitic. To this end,
 the Jewish organizations across the world sought to create a Jewish
 socialist system. Most of this system's leaders were Jews, and they
 financed the Russian Revolution, which if truth be told was more of a
 Jewish revolution than a Russian one. This revolution's main
 financier was the well-known Jewish capitalist Jacob Schiff of New

 Let us show one example of this first Russian government. It is a
 terrifying example of Jewish hegemony. This [information] can be
 found in the American National Archives [sic]. According to the
 information in these archives, out of the 384 members of the first
 socialist parliament, 13 were Russians; the number of Jews was
 greater than 300. The London Times correspondent in Russia described
 this government as the Jewish conquest of Russia. The American
 ambassador to Russia at that time, David Francis, used the same
 terms, as did American intelligence officers in Russia. Even Winston
 Churchill himself described the Russian Revolution as an occupation
 by t
 he Bolshevist Jews, 'who held capital and became the rulers of a great Russian

 The Jewish sense of superiority is typified by hypocrisy and zeal... The Jews
 are incapable of actualizing their influence and control for a simple reason,
 and that is that they are a demographic minority in every societ
 y in the world. For this reason, the Jews are trying by means of their
 trickery to weaken the national identity [of the non-Jews] and thus take over
 affairs and direct them to serve their interests. This is obvious everyw
 here in the world where there is a large community, both in Arab societies and
 in American society, such as the European-American community or
 African-American and even among the Muslims in the Arab world, where the Jews
 act by means of their control of the media, politics, and the economy in order
 to weaken the non-Jewish groups and bring about their disintegration, in order
 to secure their goals. How is this carried out?

 It is carried out by the principle of 'divide and rule.' The Jewish zealots
 fear, and fight, any racial non-Jewish coalition. In the Western countries,
 the Jews fight all the organizations attempting to safeguard Europea
 n interests and tradition. In the non-European countries, the Jews constantly
 act to fracture and weaken the coalitions and the homogeneity of the main
 racial groups.

 In America, for example, the Jews did not act merely to weaken the
 homogeneity and the coalition of European-Americans, but also fought other
 coalitions, such as the black national movement, the Nation of Islam, and othe
 r movements. All these African-American organizations wanted was to preserve
 the traditions that they had lost in the multicultural society – but the Jews,
 due to their well-known sense of superiority, did not want anyone
 besides themselves to preserve their traditions and collective interests.
 Therefore, they always try to make other societies feel guilty, even about
 their pride in their culture. They present this interest and sense of p
 ride in the culture of those non- Jewish organizations as a racist tendency.

 The Jews also act to weaken loyalties and other coalitions by using an
 expression that has been made familiar by the Jewish media to describe these
 organizations: antisemitism. This charge serves two goals. First, it rei

[CTRL] Hyped Hyperbole

2001-12-30 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Saudi daily: 'The Jews are taking over the world'

The Middle East Media Research Institute

Sunday, December 30, 2001

The Saudi daily Al-Watan published a two-part article on The Jewish
Sense of Superiority in the World. The articles were written by
Abdallah Aal Malhi. Following are excerpts from the article:

At the end of the last century, the Jewish organizations
consolidated a hellish plan to take over the world by sparking
revolutions or taking control of the keys to governments in various
countries, first and foremost the U.S. and Russia.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the goal of the Russians,
and with them the Jews and their global organizations, was to topple
Russian imperialism, which they considered antisemitic. To this end,
the Jewish organizations across the world sought to create a Jewish
socialist system. Most of this system's leaders were Jews, and they
financed the Russian Revolution, which if truth be told was more of a
Jewish revolution than a Russian one. This revolution's main
financier was the well-known Jewish capitalist Jacob Schiff of New

Let us show one example of this first Russian government. It is a
terrifying example of Jewish hegemony. This [information] can be
found in the American National Archives [sic]. According to the
information in these archives, out of the 384 members of the first
socialist parliament, 13 were Russians; the number of Jews was
greater than 300. The London Times correspondent in Russia described
this government as the Jewish conquest of Russia. The American
ambassador to Russia at that time, David Francis, used the same
terms, as did American intelligence officers in Russia. Even Winston
Churchill himself described the Russian Revolution as an occupation
by t
he Bolshevist Jews, 'who held capital and became the rulers of a great Russian 

The Jewish sense of superiority is typified by hypocrisy and zeal... The Jews are 
incapable of actualizing their influence and control for a simple reason, and that is 
that they are a demographic minority in every societ
y in the world. For this reason, the Jews are trying by means of their trickery to 
weaken the national identity [of the non-Jews] and thus take over affairs and direct 
them to serve their interests. This is obvious everyw
here in the world where there is a large community, both in Arab societies and in 
American society, such as the European-American community or African-American and even 
among the Muslims in the Arab world, where the Jews
act by means of their control of the media, politics, and the economy in order to 
weaken the non-Jewish groups and bring about their disintegration, in order to secure 
their goals. How is this carried out?

It is carried out by the principle of 'divide and rule.' The Jewish zealots fear, and 
fight, any racial non-Jewish coalition. In the Western countries, the Jews fight all 
the organizations attempting to safeguard Europea
n interests and tradition. In the non-European countries, the Jews constantly act to 
fracture and weaken the coalitions and the homogeneity of the main racial groups.

In America, for example, the Jews did not act merely to weaken the homogeneity and 
the coalition of European-Americans, but also fought other coalitions, such as the 
black national movement, the Nation of Islam, and othe
r movements. All these African-American organizations wanted was to preserve the 
traditions that they had lost in the multicultural society – but the Jews, due to 
their well-known sense of superiority, did not want anyone
 besides themselves to preserve their traditions and collective interests. Therefore, 
they always try to make other societies feel guilty, even about their pride in their 
culture. They present this interest and sense of p
ride in the culture of those non- Jewish organizations as a racist tendency.

The Jews also act to weaken loyalties and other coalitions by using an expression 
that has been made familiar by the Jewish media to describe these organizations: 
antisemitism. This charge serves two goals. First, it rei
nforces the [Jewish] connections across the world, thus obtaining support for the 
State of Israel. Second, this expression incites anyone not Jewish to collective 
hatred of the Jews, thus preventing the Jews from assimila
ting into other peoples.

Let us take an example of the hypocrisy of the zealous Jews [regarding] intermarriage 
between the Jewish race and other races. During President George W. Bush's election 
campaign, Bush found himself subject to great medi
a criticism because he gave a lecture at the Bob Jones [University], which is opposed 
to the principle of intermarriage. The contradiction is that every Jewish synagogue in 
America and every leading Jewish organization in
 America fights Jewish intermarriage. What is strange is that the media has never