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Click Here: <A HREF="http://fly.hiwaay.net/~pspoole/fiscshort.html";>Inside
America's Secret Court - Patrick S. Poole</A>

Inside America’s Secret Court: The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court
by Patrick S. Poole
In a highly restricted room inside the Department of Justice Building in
Washington D.C. resides a federal court that meets in complete secrecy. Even
though the rulings this secret court issues may result in criminal charges,
convictions and prison sentences for US citizens, their writs and rulings are
permanently sealed from review by those accused of crimes and from any
substantive civilian review. This is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance
Court (FISC), which considers surveillance and physical search orders from
the Department of Justice and US intelligence agencies. During the 20-year
tenure of the FISC the court has received over 10,000 applications for covert
surveillance and physical searches. To date, not a single application has
been denied.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)<1>  was passed in 1978,
during the days of increased terrorist activity against American citizens
around the world. The Cold War and American involvement in the Middle East
raised fears both about increased spying on US government, military and
business facilities and personnel and about terrorists planning attacks in
the US and against Americans overseas. In this atmosphere, federal law
enforcement and intelligence administrators requested Congress to increase
surveillance powers to combat these growing trends. The FISA statute was also
a regulative response to the allegations of domestic spying by federal law
enforcement and intelligence agencies during the 1960s and 70s.
However, with the FISA legislation passed, the process was cloaked in
absolute secrecy. While few Americans are even aware of the court’s
existence, the FISC routinely hears applications for surveillance and
physical searches from federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
The FISA court issues more surveillance and physical search orders than the
entire federal judiciary combined.
Many constitutional scholars and civil liberty advocates note that the overly
broad powers of the FISA statute and court authority are in direct violation
of the Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and general
warrants. With such a powerful weapon against citizens’ Constitutional
liberties, many opponents of the court argue that Congress should conduct
extensive oversight of the court. But congressional oversight of the FISA
court is virtually non-existent.
The only information required by FISA to be provided to congressional
oversight committees is the number of surveillance orders approved each
calendar year and brief semi-annual reports. The entire 1997 report on the
FISC’s activity totaled two paragraphs. But what those brief annual reports
do chronicle is the exponential rate of growth of surveillance orders issued
by the FISC.
Recent criminal cases proceeding from evidence gathered by FISA surveillance
orders have raised many questions regarding the constitutionality of FISA
searches and surveillance and the assumption of enormous powers by federal
law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Defense attorneys for those
charged for crimes with evidence gathered under a FISA order maintain that
the FISA court stands as a “court of last resort” for zealous prosecutors
unable to obtain a criminal indictment from other federal courts.  Some of
the orders approved by the FISC have proven to be government “fishing
expeditions” aimed at circumventing citizen’s Fourth Amendment protections
against unwarranted searches.
Origins of the Court
With the collapse of the Nixon Administration following the Watergate
scandal, the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with
Respect to Intelligence Activities (otherwise known as the Church Committee)
discovered that the federal government had been engaged in widespread
domestic surveillance for several decades. In response, several members of
Congress set about to devise a plan to limit the surveillance power of
federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies. In the wake of the
subsequent public outrage and out of fear warrantless surveillance would be
outlawed altogether, President Ford supported the FISA bill to limit the
“inherent authority” of the President to conduct warrantless surveillance in
the interest of national security.
Prior to that time, most presidents claimed to have implicit constitutional
authority to approve warrantless surveillance for national security purposes
under the executive branch’s Constitutional power to conduct foreign policy.
But that power had been used by government agencies to justify domestic
spying against law-abiding anti-war demonstrators and many of the leaders of
the civil rights movement of the late 1960s despite First and Fourth
Amendment protections prohibiting such activity.
The FISA bill was a product of closed-door negotiations lasting several
months between legislators and the Justice Department. Senator Edward Kennedy
(D-MA), who had attempted to regulate the power of warrantless surveillance
in four different sessions, sponsored the FISA legislation. The FISC concept
was a compromise between legislators who wanted the FBI and National Security
Agency (NSA), the only two agencies affected by the FISA statute, to follow
the standard procedure for obtaining a court order required in criminal
investigations and legislators. The federal agencies believed that they
should be completely unfettered in conducting their foreign intelligence
surveillance work inside US borders. Hence, the FISC was born.<2>
FISA was approved by Congress and signed into law by President Jimmy Carter
on October 25, 1978. Executive Order 12139,<3>  signed by President Carter
several months later, officially chartered the FISC. The legislation
established an authorization procedure for the FISC to issue surveillance
orders without probable cause. It also set up a “minimization” procedure for
communications by US citizens inadvertently intercepted by the agencies. With
the passage of FISA, the NSA was bound for the first time to a process of
judicial review before initiating domestic surveillance operations.
The court consists of seven federal judges chosen from the federal district
courts by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court; each serves a non-renewable
seven-year term. Membership of the court is staggered so that a new member is
brought in each year. Members are chosen from different federal districts,
however, at least one member must come from a district court in the
Washington D.C. area. Judge Royce Lamberth, who is a member of the US
District Court for Washington DC, currently serves as the FISC Chief Judge.
A separate FISC Appeals Court composed of three members hears the case for
applications denied by the lower level of the court. To date, the appeals
court has never heard a case. The last resort that the FISA statute provides
for any surveillance application rejected by the FISC Appeals Court is an
appeal directly to the Supreme Court.
The FISC court conducts all of its hearings in a secret windowless courtroom,
sealed from the public by cipher-locked doors on the top floor of the
Department of Justice. It considers surveillance and physical search
applications that have been reviewed and forwarded by the Office of
Intelligence Policy and Review, which is the Department of Justice’s section
that deals with foreign intelligence matters.<4>
All applications forwarded to the FISC must be reviewed and approved by the
Attorney General. If the FISC judge considering the application believes that
the request meets the standards of the FISA statute, electronic surveillance
can be approved for up to ninety days for US citizens or a year for foreign
nationals. The court also hears requests for extensions, which are routinely
The initial authorization of the court included only the power to approve
wiretapping and surveillance. After Janet Reno approved a warrantless
physical search of CIA spy Aldrich Ames’ Arlington, Virginia home in October
1993, the Department of Justice made a request to Congress that the authority
of FISC be expanded to include physical searches. Congress obliged by
including authorization for an expansion of FISC powers in the Intelligence
Authorization Act of 1995.
President Clinton implemented the new powers through Executive Order 12949.<5>
  Apart from giving the FISC physical search powers, the executive order also
authorized the Attorney General “to approve physical searches, without a
court order, to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods up to
one year, if the Attorney General makes the certifications required by
This expansion also included the power for evidence gathered in FISA
surveillance and searches to be used in criminal proceedings. However, all
information regarding the order and any evidence obtained under the order are
permanently sealed and classified “top secret.” The effect of this provision
has been that US citizens are being charged with crimes in federal court and
not allowed to review the evidence against them, nor are their attorneys
permitted to see the warrants that authorized the search.
The FISA statute requires the Attorney General to submit a report each year
to the Administrative Office of the US Courts, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate detailing the
number of applications from the FBI and NSA requesting surveillance/and or
physical searches, the number of orders approved and the number of
applications modified or denied by the FISC.<7>  Table I displays the number
of orders approved by the FISC for each year since FISA was signed into law.
To date, the government enjoys a perfect record in regards to application
approvals, for no request has ever been rejected by the court.

Table I. FISA Surveillance and Physical Search Orders 1979-1997<8>

1979    1980    1981    1982    1983    1984    1985    1986    1987    1988
199     319     431     473     549     635     587     573     512     534
1989    1990    1991    1992    1993    1994    1995    1996    1997
546     595     593     484     509     576     697     839     749       As
the above table shows, the sparing use of the court’s authority in the last
few years of the Carter Administration is contrasted with the increase of
FISC orders during the Reagan Administration. It may be reasonable to assume
that this trend was a direct result of terrorist activity targeting American
citizens abroad during this period of time. A slight decline in the number of
court orders occurs in 1987, mirroring a decrease in terrorist activity after
the US bombing of Tripoli, Libya in 1986. A general stabilization occurs in
the remainder of the Reagan Administration and throughout the Bush
Administration, which included the Persian Gulf War period.
However, a sharp increase in FISC orders has occurred since the ascendance of
the Clinton Administration, with no apparent return to 1980s levels. This
frightening increase in the use of the FISC by the present administration is
compounded by the fact that in recent years the FISC has approved more appli
cations than the whole of the entire federal judiciary. In 1996, the FISC
approved 839 applications, while all federal judges combined approved only
538 requests. During 1997, federal judges approved 569 surveillance and
search requests to investigate criminal activity, while the FISC approved 749
applications for investigations without any criminal predicate.<9>
Constitutional Concerns
The intent behind the passage of the FISA legislation was to impose limits
and a review process upon warrantless surveillance and searches conducted for
“national security” purposes in light of the numerous abuses by federal
agencies against US citizens. But the politicization and present use of the
FISA process has resulted in the erosion of numerous Constitutional rights
and basic legal procedures that have their roots in free societies dating
back to the Magna Carta.
Circumventing the Bill of Rights
The most troubling aspect of FISA surveillance and searches is that they
circumvent explicit Constitutional guarantees expressed in the First, Fourth,
Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution. The First Amendment
guarantees the right to free speech and to peaceable assembly. However, under
the FISA statute, a US citizen may be subject to a FISC surveillance order
for political statements and views that are determined to be unpopular – yet
legal – by unelected government officials in violation of the First
In addition, physical searches without reasonable cause are specifically
prohibited by the Fourth Amendment:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated
and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or
affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the
persons or things to be seized.
But the expansion of the FISC by the Congress and the Clinton Administration
through the Intelligence Appropriation Act of 1995 and Executive Order 12949
permits black bag fishing expeditions – without cause. FISC physical search
orders authorized by these legislative and executive actions allow government
agents to scour a suspect’s home, papers and effects indiscriminately and
without reasonable cause.
It is hard to imagine that our Constitution’s framers, carrying with them the
fresh reminders of intrusive searches conducted by British military and
governmental personnel for British “national security” interests, would have
approved the activities allowed by FISA when they ratified the Bill of Rights
with its explicit prohibitions of unreasonable, indiscriminate searches.
The Fifth Amendment right not to be compelled to act as a witness against
oneself is significantly harmed when those under surveillance have full
expectation of privacy in their conversations and personal communications but
subsequently have their conversations recorded and analyzed by law
enforcement and intelligence agencies. FISC orders may be (and typically are)
enacted without cause, and yet these wrongfully acquired surveillances may be
used in criminal trials.
This is one dimension to the “Catch-22” problem discussed earlier. If
surveillance is conducted with cause and criminal prosecution result, the
government should be required to meet the same Title III surveillance
requirements imposed upon all other law enforcement efforts conducted on the
federal, state and local level in order to present that evidence in a
criminal trial.
A final direct Constitutional concern is that a citizen’s Sixth Amendment
rights to confront accusers, to review evidence against him, and to legal
counsel are frequently violated. In all of the criminal trials involving FISC
orders, evidence is sealed from review from both the accused and their legal
counsel. This is heightened further by the requirement to keep this evidence
from the view of juries. In the case of Richard Johnson, the judge instructed
the jury that evidence against Johnson existed, and yet would not be
presented for “national security” reasons, requiring the jury to rely on the
“testimony” of the judge. This prevented Johnson’s attorneys from challenging
evidence that was not available to them but was testified to by the judge
Evolution from Counterintelligence to Criminal Investigations
The stated intent and purpose of the FISC was to add oversight to
intelligence agency and law enforcement spying against US citizens and to
subject that spying to minimization procedures. It was designed to conduct
counterintelligence, not to gather evidence for use in criminal trials. Any
shift from using evidence for intelligence purposes to criminal indictments
raises serious concerns, particularly when the evidence is being used against
an American citizen.
As a Washington Post article recently pointed out, “The reason the FISA
standard is constitutional is that the government is supposed to use FISA
surveillance not for criminal investigations but for counterintelligence
probes pursued under the president’s authority to conduct foreign policy.”<10>
  And yet the use of FISA evidence against US citizens in criminal trials is
growing rapidly. To date, over 90 criminal cases have resulted from evidence
gathered under a FISC order.<11>
The attractiveness for law enforcement and intelligence agencies to use the
FISC to gather evidence for criminal trials is readily apparent: No
reasonable cause or Title III requirements are needed to file an application
for surveillance; evidence obtained cannot be reviewed or challenged by the
defense; and if no evidence can be obtained, the secrecy of the FISA process
prohibits the one subject to surveillance from ever knowing about – let alone
challenging – the appropriateness of the court’s order.
And yet entire criminal investigations are being conducted under FISC orders.
With the enormous power that the FISA process grants to the government to
circumvent explicit constitutional protections in a criminal trial, the use
of evidence gathered under a FISC order should be heavily regulated by
Congress and the courts or the establishment of a requirement that evidence
gathered for criminal trials under an FISC orders must be forced to meet the
Title III minimization standards.
No Adversarial Advocate
With the constitutional right to a jury and adequate legal counsel
effectively neutered by the secrecy requirements of the FISC, the adversarial
aspect on behalf of the accused is all but eliminated.
The initial court proceedings prior to the approval of an order by the FISC
also lack any adversarial element. When the Office of Intelligence Policy and
Review presents an application before the FISC, the FISC justices should
rigorously review the application in light of citizen’s unambiguous
Constitutional guarantees. Instead, the court is little more than a
rubberstamp for federal agencies.
Even if the court intended to review these applications with a careful eye on
the Constitution, the secrecy element allows the FBI and the NSA to control
what information is presented to the court for their consideration. With the
government holding not only the proverbial cards but also owning the casino,
the introduction of an adversarial citizen’s advocate into the FISC
proceedings is a needed measure to ensure that the executive agencies and the
court itself are always reminded that their power is extra-constitutional and
inherently prone to abuse.
No Congressional Oversight
Congressional oversight of the FISC to date has been lax to say the least.
Last year the FISC presiding judge, DC District Court Justice Royce Lamberth,
delivered a speech to the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on
Law and National Security – the first time that a sitting FISC judge has
spoken publicly on the workings of the FISC.<12>  When addressing questions
following his speech, he was asked what oversight Congress gave the court, he
responded, “Apparently, in the past there has been none. We provide an annual
report on some numbers and so on that the Administrative Office of the US
Courts provides to Congress.” There appears to be little oversight from
congressional intelligence committees as well:

I was asked by the chief counsel of the Senate Intelligence to come up in
December (1996) and meet with the staff in preparation for possible oversight
hearings, and I did volunteer to appear, and I was told at the time this was
the first time a judge had ever appeared, apparently since right about the
[time of the] creation of the court. I think the first chief judge might have
gone up for an oversight hearing a year or so into the court, and I think
that no other judge on the court has ever gone up until I’m going in – I
think it was either November or December.<13>
Pressed further about his thoughts on congressional oversight, he later said
that “How we decide cases…there’s a separation of powers problem about judges
appearing before Congress and being questioned before Congress, so there are
some limits.”<14>
For the presiding judge of America’s most secret court, who is empowered to
circumvent explicit Constitutional protections under the cloak of complete
secrecy, to infer that the special nature of this court does not merit some
greater degree of oversight by elected officials should be disconcerting to
every American citizen.
Defining “National Security”
One of the major defenses for the FISC is the ambiguous use of the term
“national security.” Some have argued that the protection that the FISC
provides from terrorists and foreign spies is in the best interest of
national security. But would most Americans agree that the use of a top
secret court to gain economic information and data for political party
contributors – a current policy of the Clinton Administration and the present
practice of the FISC [ed: detailed in a Free Congress Foundation Special
Report on the FISC]– be categorically in the best interests of national
security?   Historic precedent would indicate that it would not.
But further, should citizens be required to exchange their constitutional
freedoms and protections in deference to an expansion of government power for
the interests of “national security?”<15> As Benjamin Franklin once said,
“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Some of America’s most eminent jurists have also warned against pitting
alleged “national security interests” against the Constitution. As the late
Supreme Court Justice William Brennan said in the Brown v. Glines decision,
“The concept of military necessity is seductively broad, and has a dangerous
plasticity. Because they invariably have the visage of overriding importance,
there is always a temptation to invoke security ‘necessities’ to justify an
encroachment upon civil liberties. For that reason, the military-security
argument must be approached with a healthy skepticism: its very gravity
counsels that courts be cautious when military necessity is invoked by the
Government to justify a trespass on First Amendment rights.”<16>
The Rubberstamp Court
Those actively involved with the court deny the accusation that the FISC has
turned into a rubberstamp court. Judge Lamberth, the current chief judge of
the FISC, in his comments to the American Bar Association last year said, “…
I bristle at the suggestion in some quarters that we’re rubber stamps for the
government because no applications have been formally denied in recent years.
Some have been revised. Some have been withdrawn and resubmitted with
additional information, and the process is, in fact, working.”<17>
The agencies that rely on the FISC are also protective of their perfect
record before the FISC. As the current head of the Justice Department’s
Office of Intelligence Policy and Review recently wrote, “Given these
rigorous standards and multiple layers of scrutiny, it’s not right to
conclude that the government’s track record in getting FISA applications
approved means that the FISA court is a rubber stamp.”<18>
And yet the fact remains that FISC has been nothing but a rubberstamp court.
Despite the claims of these FISC insiders that the court is independent and
objective, the only application that the FISC has rejected in their entire
history was done at the request of the FBI and the NSA – the applicants – to
demonstrate in 1981 that the FISC had no power to issue physical searches.<19>
  Congress and President Clinton eventually granted that power in 1995 after
the Aldrich Ames fiasco, however.
In the 10,000+ applications that the FISC has considered, it has
enthusiastically approved the methodology and argumentation of the government
in every single case. Even their colleagues on the federal bench muster up
the courage once or twice a year to deny a government application for Title
III wiretap applications. But the FISC has never seen fit to once in twenty
years to oppose the virtual torrent of applications requesting surveillance
and black-bag jobs against US citizens without any probable cause. This makes
the protestations of Judge Lamberth and the FBI ring hollow, indeed.
An inherent vulnerability of free and democratic societies is that they are
subject to a greater degree of terrorism and espionage activity because of
the freedoms and liberties enjoyed by the citizenry. The bridle on government
power allows for the criminal and counterintelligence elements to maneuver
around the hue of constitutional protections. But the hallmark of free
societies is that deference is given to the citizens, not the government.
The statist political philosophy that justifies the existence of an
organization like the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court has been tested
and tried on the crucible of history. It was the threat of such a process
that led the constitutional Framers to enact the Bill of Rights to prevent
the government from using such a judicial vehicle against the public. The
numerous protections articulated in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
were expressly designed to prevent the gross judicial abuses of the British
government Star Chamber under King George the Third – abuses and powers
eerily similar to those currently granted by Congress and the Presidency to
the FISC.
No free society has ever been able to survive the rapid expansion of
government power seen in our current political atmosphere. Nor has a
government that has whet its appetite on unbridled power been able to satiate
its hunger for more – more power, more taxes, more subservient citizens. This
pattern of secret power – once its effectiveness has been proven – quickly
finds replication, as can be seen in the 1995 establishment of another secret
court by Congress and the Clinton administration – the Alien Terrorist
Removal Court.
Free societies hang in a precarious balance. Very little is actually needed
to tip the societal scales in favor of anarchy or tyranny. The present
political course of our country seems to indicate that our future will be the
latter. The operation of the FISC is merely a symptom of the larger statist
infection that has reached pandemic levels in our political system. Twenty
years of experience with the FISC has demonstrated that what began as a
restraint upon unlimited search and surveillance powers has fallen prey to
the same philosophy and practice that has continued the erosion of our
liberties. The FISC has become a political weapon against the citizenry, and
for the safety and protection of our country its reign must be overthrown.
1) 50 USC Sec. 1801, et. seq.
2) James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America’s Most Secret Agency
, Penguin Books, 1983, pp. 462-465.
3) 44 FR 30311; May 25, 1979.
4) Jim McGee and Brian Duffy, “Someone to Watch Over Us,” Washington Post
Magazine, June 23, 1996, p. W09.
5) Executive Order 12949, 60 FR 8169, Feb. 13, 1995.
6) Ibid., Section 1.
7) 50 USC Sec. 1807.
8) Based on the Annual Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Reports to
Congress, 1979-1997.
9) Table 7, “Summary Report on Authorized Intercepts Granted Pursuant to 18
U.S.C. 2519 for Calendar Years 1987 – 1997,” 1997 Wiretap Report,
Administrative Office of the US Courts and the 1996 and 1997 Annual Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Act Report to Congress.
10) Benjamin Wittes, “The Catch-22 Law,” Washington Post, April 21, 1998,
page A21.
11) Fran Fragos Townsend, “Limits on Counterespionage,” Washington Post, May
27, 1998, p. A17. Ms. Fragos Townsend is currently the Director of the
Justice Department’s Office of Intelligence Policy and Review that reviews
and forwards all surveillance applications to the FISC.
12) The speech and the question/answer session were reprinted in their
entirety: Intelligence on the FISA Court, Legal Times, April 14, 1997, pp.
13) Ibid., p. 20.
14) Ibid.
15) Timothy Maier,  “Snooping on Allies Embarrasses U.S.,” Insight Magazine,
October 20, 1997.
16) 444 U.S. 348 (1980).
17) Intelligence on the FISA Court, p. 18.
18) Limits on Counterespionage, p. A17.
19) Americo R. Cinquegrana, The Walls (and Wires) Have Ears: The Background
and First Ten Years of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, 137
U. Pa. L. Rev. 793, 823.
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