-Caveat Lector-

Carrying Gore's Water

"I was talking earlier this week to a former member of the Clinton national
security team...and he says, you know, the President's main job these days
seems to be as campaign manager for Al Gore and...he doesn't want the problem
of ground troops hung around his neck running for president."

- Cokie Roberts, ABC's "This Week," 4/11/99

The Clinton/Gore Fundraising Tour

The little "war" in Kosovo hasn't stopped the Clinton/Gore duo from doing
what they do best:  sucking up campaign cash.  Since the bombing began on
March 24, either Clinton and Gore have attended ten major fundraising events
- more than one fundraiser for every 72 hours of bombing!

*  March 29 - Gore 2000 luncheon in Chicago
*  March 29 - Gore 2000 reception in Birmingham
*  April 6 - Gore 2000 BBQ in Woodside, CA
*  April 6 - Gore 2000 dinner in Beverly Hills
*  April 16 - Gore featured at fundraiser for Rep. David Obey (D-WI) in
Wassau, WI
*  April 16 - Clinton featured at Democrat Senatorial/Congressional luncheon
in Dearborn, Mich.
*  April 16 - Gore 2000 reception in Nashville
*  April 16 - Clinton featured at Democrat Senatorial/Congressional dinner in
*  April 19 - Gore 2000 luncheon in Cincinnati
*  April 19 - Gore 2000 reception in Chicago

First Things First

"Since the bombing began, President Clinton and Vice President Gore have
raised funds at a breakneck pace.  In fact, they've had twice as many
fundraisers as meetings with the Congressional leadership since the bombing
began.  The Commander in Chief and his second in command ought to be more
focused on the targets in Kosovo, and less on meeting their fundraising

- RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson, 4/16/99

Clinton Golfs While Kosovo Burns

"President Clinton hasn't been one to worry much about appearances, but going
on fundraising trips and golf outings while serving as the Commander in Chief
does strike us as unnecessarily unseemly.  Mr. Clinton spent much of Friday
attending Democratic fundraisers in Dearborn, Mich., and Boston.  Because
some nominal Presidential function is scheduled, taxpayers finance these
money sweeps.  Meanwhile, Mr. Clinton has been rather regularly getting in
golf rounds in Washington.  It's hard to see how such insouciance does much
for the morale of the people carrying out his orders in Yugoslavia."

- Wall Street Journal editorial, 4/19/99

Putting Fundraisers First

"I would agree that a cease-fire on fundraisers would be a good idea during
the duration of the war."

- Bill Press, former California Democrat Party Chairman and liberal host of
CNN's "Crossfire," 4/15/99

Military Ignoramus

"The man (Bill Clinton) is an ass.  He has no concept of a military
operation.  To him, it's just a video game.  What we don't know is how many
body bags it will take to make this jerk face reality."

- Unidentified career military officer, as quoted by columnist Doug Thompson

Massive Depression in the Ranks

"I've been around the military for more than 30 years and I have never seen
morale this low.  Bill Clinton has destroyed the soul of our armed forces."

- Former Navy Capt. Al Simonson, as quoted by columnist Doug Thompson

Inman Becomes #399

"North Hanover, New Jersey Democrat Mayor Kenneth Inman has filed to run for
re-election -- as a Republican.  Inman is the latest in a long line of
elected Democrats who have changed parties since the November 1992 election.
Inman announced his switch was based on his personal distaste for the recent
Washington scandal.  'I did it because of my own personal reasons. I can't
condone President Clinton's actions, and I don't want to be affiliated with
the party he's affiliated with.'  Mayor's Inman's decision to join with the
Republicans officially starts the number 400 clock.  Who will it be?  Watch
this space for the answer."

- Peter Roff, GOPAC, 4/19/99

New GOP Club in Las Vega

Nichole Ecklund advises us of a new GOP club being formed:  the Junior
Republican Women of Las Vegas.  The club is open to women between the ages of
18-30 and annual dues is set at just $20 per year.  For additional
information, contact club president Allison Andronaco at 702-248-1351 or
e-mail Nichole at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Distributed by:  Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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