Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-27 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

 What the hell is a  Racialist?

A racialist is someone obsessed with race and ethnicity - a tribalist.

 I have a simple question for you. Do you think the Arabs/Muslims
 are your friends who mean you well and would not harm you or
 your fellow contrymen?
 Yes or no.

Arabs or Moslems have no innate hatred for Americans or America.  However no 
doubt they have hatred and resentment against the US for its malevolent 
policies. Too often evil begets evil.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-26 Thread R.I.R.
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:39 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

 -Caveat Lector-

  I don't think HE's a racist. I think YOU're a racist. The ultimate aim
  his ( and Ha'aretz's)
  criticism is to make Israel as he sees it, better. He has every right to
  because he is a citizen of that country and a Jew.

 I am not concerned with Israel - or Palestine -

Oh yeah sure. That's so obvious.

 or Italy - or Turkey. I care
 about the US because I live here.

Good so do I. And since we do it behooves us to understand who is
our friend and who is our enemy.
The Islamic war has declared war on YOU because you live in America.
They want to do away with infidel
culture and replace it with their theocracy.
Is this a problem for you?

The Jews and Israel have NOT declared war on you, and have no intention
of replacing Western culture with their theocracy, because the are an
part of this culture and are doing well in it.

 I don't care if one is a Jew, Moslem,
 Catholic or Rock Worshipper. Your self serving nonsensical argument that
 only Jews can critize Israel is obscene.

Stop putting words in my mouth. I wrote no such thing.
Anyone can criticize Israel or Jews or the Pope or your mother anytime.
[ Except Islam and Mohammed.]
I merely pointed out the INTENT behind the criticizm.
Yours is malevolent because you are bigot. Ha'aretz is malevolent because
they feed religious bigots like you and too many others on this list.
But their INTENT is not the same as yours.

 You are a Zionist Racialist

What the hell is a  Racialist?

 obsessed with Israel even though you apparently are an American.
 Unfortunately your racialist obsession with Israel harms my country


 or at
 least your perception of what is good for Israel is harmful.

I'm not really worried about what is good for Israel. Israel can take care
of herself quite well. I'm concerned about what is good for me as an

 the right wing Fascist Lukidnik views

You are an ignorant man. It's not about right wing or left wing or Likud.
I happened to be Left Wing, and an early supporter of the Israeli peace
movement. What can I say? I was naive. I thought that the Palestinians
were sane and rational people who wanted to improve the conditions of their
We were wrong, and we will not make the same mistake again soon.

So I have seen you reffer to Fascist Likudnik several times now as if that
a bad thing ( Likud is not at all fascist. They are a democratic party in a
sysytem.) But I have yet to see you mention REAL fascists like the
you clowns defend.
It seems you just dislike Jew Fascists?

 you represent can only bring great
 harm to Israel - and the United States.

I have a simple question for you. Do you think the Arabs/Muslims
are your friends who mean you well and would not harm you or
your fellow contrymen?

Yes or no.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-25 Thread R.I.R.
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

 -Caveat Lector-

  Gee, You must be right. The Jews are the intollerant racists here.
  The Arabs are just poor innocent victems. They bear absolutely
  no responsibilty for their predicament in the world.
  Damn Jews.

 No - you must be right. All Arabs bad. All Israeli's good.

I never said that. In all large groups, there are bad and good people.
The question is not necessarily about individuals but about the groups
and the behavior of the group.

For example; The Germans in the first half of the last century elected the
Fascists tolead them. They were supported by a vast majority of Germans
as you can see in the old news clips.
Does this mean I can't critcize Germans and Germany for starting WW2
just because 5% ( arbitrary ) of the population were decent people?

  You are an evil racist son of a bitch. Make no mistake about it.
  To even focus on the relelatively benign predicament of Israeli
  Arabs, and blow it up to Nazi proportions is in itself a sneaky
  cowardly kind of viciousness. You are pretenting that you even
  care about racism and human rights, when all you are interested
  in is demonizing the Jews.

 I don't discuss Jews no more then I discuss Christians , Wiccans or

Israel=Jews, and Jews=Israel. The vast majority of Jews say so. Don't bother
pointing out the small percentage of Jews who disagree. They are more or
irrelevant as were the small % of Germans who opposed Hitler, and as are
anti-Israel racists in this country.

This will not change anytime soon. And furthermore, see what develops if the
Arab/Muslims pull off another muderous attack on civillians in this country.

 If you insist HAARETZ  reporter  Eli Ashkenazi is a racist - take it up
 with him.

I don't think HE's a racist. I think YOU're a racist. The ultimate aim of
his ( and Ha'aretz's)
criticism is to make Israel as he sees it, better. He has every right to do
because he is a citizen of that country and a Jew.

You are not. And you don't use Ha'aretz for the same purpose. You use that
the same way you use Arab, and racist propaganda for the purpose of doing
Israel harm.

 Interesting that you equate all Jews with Israelis. Why do you
 think an Israeli newspaper article wants to demonize Jews?

Ha'aretz used to represent the views of almost 70% of Israelis until that
Mother of all Rats,
Arafat destroyed any hope for peace between Israel and the Post-Palestinian
These people were devastated by the realization that the Pal-Arabs only want
kill them off and take back a fully developed functioning country that they
were not
capable of building. This is what Hammas, an Islamo-fascist terrorist group
says they want to do.
And the peace-loving  Palestinians  showed what they are when they voted
for Hammas
to represent them. This is what the Arabs want and what the supporters of
also secretly desire, but don't have the guts to admit so they couch their
racism in the
humanitarian jargon of Left.

The intended outcome is genocide.This will not happen again. It comes down
an  us  or  them  situation ( as it always was,).

Do you understand? It comes down to Israel or Palestine. No more room to
The gloves are off on both sides and Israel will win. That is prefferable to
the establishment
of an other Islamo-fascist Muslim State.

Do you agree?


  If you REALLY were the caring kind of person you pretend to be,
  the Israeli/Palistinian issue wouldn't even come up. You would rightly
  focus on what the Arabs are doing to the Kurds, whom they made
  landless and don't allow to even use their own language. 30 Million of
  The largest, and longest disposesed ( real ) nation on earth.
  Ten times as many as poor suffering  Palestinians  who claim that
  honor to manipulate phony humanitarians like you.
  You would SHOUT about how the Arabs have wiped out and expelled
  hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim Blacks in and around Darfur.
  Instead of posting the drivel you posted above, you would protest
  the conditions in Saudi Arabia, the heart of Arab culture, where foreign
  workers are treated like slaves, and where other religions are not
  to build houses of worship. Where, a convert is beheaded. Where women
  are not permitted to drive. Where homosexuals are put to death.
  You are a fucker sir! Don't you dare claim that you are not
  You don't even have the guts to be honest about it like the KKK is.
  You have made it quite obvious what you and others on this list are.
  CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
  screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceâ?not soap-boxingâ?please!   These
  sordid matters

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-25 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

 I don't think HE's a racist. I think YOU're a racist. The ultimate aim of
 his ( and Ha'aretz's)
 criticism is to make Israel as he sees it, better. He has every right to 
 because he is a citizen of that country and a Jew.

I am not concerned with Israel - or Palestine - or Italy - or Turkey. I care 
about the US because I live here. I don't care if one is a Jew, Moslem,
Catholic or Rock Worshipper. Your self serving nonsensical argument that 
only Jews can critize Israel is obscene. You are a Zionist Racialist 
obsessed with Israel even though you apparently are an American. 
Unfortunately your racialist obsession with Israel harms my country or at 
least your perception of what is good for Israel is harmful. Ironically 
the right wing Fascist Lukidnik views you represent can only bring great 
harm to Israel - and the United States.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-24 Thread R.I.R.
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

 -Caveat Lector-


 HAARETZ - Sixty-eight percent of Israeli Jews would refuse to live in
 the same apartment building as an Israeli Arab, according to the results
 of an annual poll released Wednesday by the Center for the Struggle
 Against Racism. . . Forty-six percent of Jews would refuse to allow an
 Arab to visit their home while 50 percent would welcome an Arab visitor.
 Forty-one percent of Jewish support the segregation of Jews and Arabs in
 places of recreation and 52 percent of such Jews would oppose such a
 move. The inclination toward segregation rises as the income level of
 the poll respondent drops and also as the level of religious observance
 rises. Support for segregation between Jews and Arabs is also higher
 among Jews of Middle Eastern origin as opposed to those of European

Because they know the Arabs BEST. They enjoyed Arab liberalism and
equality for over 2000 years.

 Racism is becoming mainstream. When people talk about transfer or about
 Arabs as a demographic time-bomb, no one raises their voice against such
 statements. This is a worrisome phenomenon, Bachar Ouda, director of
 the Center for the Struggle Against Racism, said on Tuesday. The report
 covered the year 2005 and the center will, in the future, present
 monthly and bi-annual polls. . .

 The poll further revealed that 63 percent of Jewish Israelis agree with
 the statement, Arabs are a security and demographic threat to the
 state. . . .
 Thirty-four percent also agreed with the statement that Arab culture is
 inferior to Israeli culture. . . . Half of Israeli Jews express fear or
 discomfort when hearing people speaking Arabic. Eighteen percent of Jews
 said they feel hate when hearing Arabic speakers.

So you think that Israelis should regard the Arabs who are their avowed
who are murdering Israeli civilians, who have promised genocide against the
Israeli Jews, to look at them as  neighbors? Kind of like the Irish and
in Boston and N.Y.? Like Blacks and Whites in Washington DC.? Like Arabs and
Europeans in France, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Spain, and England?

Gee, You must be right. The Jews are the intollerant racists here.
The Arabs are just poor innocent victems. They bear absolutely
no responsibilty for their predicament in the world.

Damn Jews.


PS: By the way, who is that is committing REAL genocide in Sudan? Who is
it that is still stealing Black Africans and selling them into slavery? Who
is cutting off the
hands and feet of Black African children so they can't run away from their
Arab masters?
Who is it
that is raping Black women to  lighten  their children? Who is it that
Blacks are only  animals  and good to be  slaves?

Can't be Arabs. It MUST BE the two Jews left in Sudan.

You are an evil racist son of a bitch. Make no mistake about it.
To even focus on the relelatively benign predicament of Israeli
Arabs, and blow it up to Nazi proportions is in itself a sneaky
cowardly kind of viciousness. You are pretenting that you even
care about racism and human rights, when all you are interested
in is demonizing the Jews.

If you REALLY were the caring kind of person you pretend to be,
the Israeli/Palistinian issue wouldn't even come up. You would rightly
focus on what the Arabs are doing to the Kurds, whom they made
landless and don't allow to even use their own language. 30 Million of them.
The largest, and longest disposesed ( real ) nation on earth.
Ten times as many as poor suffering  Palestinians  who claim that dubious
honor to manipulate phony humanitarians like you.

You would SHOUT about how the Arabs have wiped out and expelled
hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim Blacks in and around Darfur.

Instead of posting the drivel you posted above, you would protest
the conditions in Saudi Arabia, the heart of Arab culture, where foreign
workers are treated like slaves, and where other religions are not permitted
to build houses of worship. Where, a convert is beheaded. Where women
are not permitted to drive. Where homosexuals are put to death.

You are a fucker sir! Don't you dare claim that you are not anti-semitic.
You don't even have the guts to be honest about it like the KKK is.
You have made it quite obvious what you and others on this list are.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor

Re: [CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-24 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-

 Gee, You must be right. The Jews are the intollerant racists here.
 The Arabs are just poor innocent victems. They bear absolutely
 no responsibilty for their predicament in the world.
 Damn Jews.

No - you must be right. All Arabs bad. All Israeli's good.

 You are an evil racist son of a bitch. Make no mistake about it.
 To even focus on the relelatively benign predicament of Israeli
 Arabs, and blow it up to Nazi proportions is in itself a sneaky
 cowardly kind of viciousness. You are pretenting that you even
 care about racism and human rights, when all you are interested
 in is demonizing the Jews.

I don't discuss Jews no more then I discuss Christians , Wiccans or 
If you insist HAARETZ  reporter  Eli Ashkenazi is a racist - take it up 
with him. Interesting that you equate all Jews with Israelis. Why do you 
think an Israeli newspaper article wants to demonize Jews?

 If you REALLY were the caring kind of person you pretend to be,
 the Israeli/Palistinian issue wouldn't even come up. You would rightly
 focus on what the Arabs are doing to the Kurds, whom they made
 landless and don't allow to even use their own language. 30 Million of 
 The largest, and longest disposesed ( real ) nation on earth.
 Ten times as many as poor suffering  Palestinians  who claim that 
 honor to manipulate phony humanitarians like you.

 You would SHOUT about how the Arabs have wiped out and expelled
 hundreds of thousands of non-Muslim Blacks in and around Darfur.

 Instead of posting the drivel you posted above, you would protest
 the conditions in Saudi Arabia, the heart of Arab culture, where foreign
 workers are treated like slaves, and where other religions are not 
 to build houses of worship. Where, a convert is beheaded. Where women
 are not permitted to drive. Where homosexuals are put to death.

 You are a fucker sir! Don't you dare claim that you are not anti-semitic.
 You don't even have the guts to be honest about it like the KKK is.
 You have made it quite obvious what you and others on this list are.

 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing 
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substanceâ?not soap-boxingâ?please!   These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'â?with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsâ?is used politically by different groups 
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Israeli Racism becoming main stream

2006-03-23 Thread flw2
-Caveat Lector-


HAARETZ - Sixty-eight percent of Israeli Jews would refuse to live in
the same apartment building as an Israeli Arab, according to the results
of an annual poll released Wednesday by the Center for the Struggle
Against Racism. . . Forty-six percent of Jews would refuse to allow an
Arab to visit their home while 50 percent would welcome an Arab visitor.
Forty-one percent of Jewish support the segregation of Jews and Arabs in
places of recreation and 52 percent of such Jews would oppose such a
move. The inclination toward segregation rises as the income level of
the poll respondent drops and also as the level of religious observance
rises. Support for segregation between Jews and Arabs is also higher
among Jews of Middle Eastern origin as opposed to those of European

Racism is becoming mainstream. When people talk about transfer or about
Arabs as a demographic time-bomb, no one raises their voice against such
statements. This is a worrisome phenomenon, Bachar Ouda, director of
the Center for the Struggle Against Racism, said on Tuesday. The report
covered the year 2005 and the center will, in the future, present
monthly and bi-annual polls. . .

The poll further revealed that 63 percent of Jewish Israelis agree with
the statement, Arabs are a security and demographic threat to the
state. . . .
Thirty-four percent also agreed with the statement that Arab culture is
inferior to Israeli culture. . . . Half of Israeli Jews express fear or
discomfort when hearing people speaking Arabic. Eighteen percent of Jews
said they feel hate when hearing Arabic speakers.
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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