(all babies must be Awake before boarding the Aircraft.)


Kid Stuffed

Claim:   Drug dealers use hollowed-out bodies of dead children to smuggle cocaine into 
the United

    Status:   False.

    Example:   [Smith, 1986]

         The air hostess, as she passed along the aisle of the plane on the 
transatlantic flight from
         Amsterdam to New York noticed that the baby, nestled between the couple who 
were asleep,
         didn't look very well -- in fact it looked extremely ill. Not wanting to 
disturb anyone she
         gently lifted up the baby and otok it back to her station.

         Feeling the baby's forehead, she found it was cold and with a sudden panic 
she realized that
         the infant was dead.

         Calling upon a doctor she knew to be on board, he examined the baby and 
confirmed that,
         not only was it dead, but it was embalmed. The child's body had been hollowed 
out and it was
         full of the drugs that the couple were trying to smuggle into the States.

    Origins:   There's a recent (late-1996) twist on this old tale that moves the 
story from its previously-given
    locale of either Miami or New York City to someplace along the Mexican/American 
border. In this newer
    telling of an age-old scare story, a young child disappears from his parents' 
sight at the border; maybe a
    half-hour later, the mother sees her "sleeping" child being carried by a man 
trying to clear Customs. She
    gives chase, he drops the child and gets away, and it's only then she discovers
    that her little boy has been brutally murdered and hollowed out to turn him
    into a smuggler's carrying case.

    It's a horrifying tale, and it's meant to drive home the message that those who
    deal in drugs are inhuman and there are no limits to their depravity. The tale
    is sickeningly fascinating (thus ensuring it will be told and re-told), and it
    plays right into what we want to believe about those in the drug trade: They're
    through-and-through evil. Both those factors have contributed to this story's
    longevity. As a "never forget, never end the war on drugs" story, it's a
    blood-boiler, one guaranteed to outrage and turn the stomach of even the
    most sanguine. (Indeed, the example cited above suggests a depraved couple
    so single-mindedly determined to smuggle drugs into the USA that they're
    willing to sacrifice their own child to the cause.)

    Yet as horrible as this story is, it's never happened. The last (pre-1996) major
    outbreak of it was in 1985 when it was told as happening in Miami. In his book The 
Mexican Pet,
    Brunvand mentions a 1985 Washington Post article about crime in Miami which told 
this story as having
    happened. A week later that paper printed a retraction once it realized it had 
fallen for an apocryphal
    tale. From that second Washington Post article:

         Clifton Stallings, a spokesman for the U.S. Customs Service in Miami, said 
"the story has
         been in circulation for some time. No one at Customs in Miami can verify it."

         Vann Capps, a Customs official in Miami, said he heard the story in a 1973 
training course for
         inspectors at Hofstra University. "They gave us different concealment 
techniques from past
         seizures, and this one involved cocaine concealed in the dead baby's body," 
Capps said. He
         said he believes the incident was alleged to have occurred at either the 
Miami airport or the
         John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

    As to how hard it is to take a good story out of circulation once it's out there, 
Brunvand further goes on
    to report that the 15 April 1985 New Republic picked up on the first Washington 
Post article as an example
    of how vicious the drug trade had become but did not (to the best of his 
knowledge) later retract the
    story. Someone first encountering this tale in the New Republic would take it for 
the real thing, for it
    cites an actual Washington Post article.

    Here's a 30 August 1990 U.P.I. story about this legend's staying power:

         For years, a bizarre tale of a cocaine-stuffed baby corpse has dogged Miami's 
drug agents.
         Experts and investigators said the ubiquitous legend may have been inspired 
by a fleeting
         reference in a British satire, a gruesome incident from the Vietnam war, or 
maybe only our
         own worst fears.

         According to the story, a Customs officer noticed a woman arriving in Miami 
with a pale and
         sickly looking baby. Upon closer inspection, he found the infant was dead and 
the corpse had
         been stuffed with cocaine in order to smuggle the drug into the country.

         The apocryphal tale is frequently cited as evidence of Miami decadence. It 
has popped up in
         publications as varied as the Washington Post, LIFE magazine and the National 
Enquirer. "It
         crops up usually once a year," said Customs agent Clif Stallings. "Playboy 
called back after
         they published it and were embarrassed about it. It was too late to do 
anything about it when
         they called. They had gone on someone's say-so. We told them, 'You've been 

         Customs agents, police and the Drug Enforcement Administration insist the 
incident never
         really happened. They have denounced the tale for years but have never found 
its source.
         "We interviewed people and tried to track that down and we just never could 
find any truth in
         it," Stallings said. "It seemed to be something someone made up or it was a 
rumor. I'm not
         saying it couldn't happen but we never could track it down."

         Noted Tom Cash, agent in charge of the Miami DEA office, "As a smuggling 
method that would
         be quite stupid because you'd certainly be limited to those occasions where 
you had access to
         the body of a baby. "It sounds to me like an imaginative writer," Cash said.

         It may have been exactly that. A similar incident is mentioned in passing in 
Evelyn Waugh's
         1937 novel Scoop. The book is a spoof on the gullibility of the press. It is 
about the author of
         a country gardening column who is accidentally sent to Africa to cover a 
colonial civil war for
         a London newspaper. The novice reporter has loaded up on tents, canoes and a 
         assortment of equipment, and is shepherding his mountain of crates and 
parcels through
         French customs on his way to Africa. "Not since an Egyptian lady had been 
caught cosseting
         an artificial baby stuffed with hashish, had the customs officials of Le 
Bourget had such a
         beano," the book says. The port changes from Le Bourget to Miami and the 
hashish turns into
         cocaine, but the basic elements of the tale are the same.

         Cash and Stallings said the story may also have been inspired by a famous 
heroin smuggler,
         Leslie Keith Atkinson, who found a novel way to ship heroin from southeast 
Asia during the
         Vietnam War. "Leslie Kenneth Atkinson owned a bar in Saigon, the American 
Star Bar. He had
         some friends in graves registration who prepped the bodies that were sent to 
Fort Bragg,
         N.C. "There was heroin secreted in the coffins at that time. This came out in 
post-arrest, or
         post-conviction testimony before Congress. I think it was put in the coffins, 
not the body
         cavities," Cash said. "That was quite a famous case. I think that is the 
genesis of the
         cadaver-containing-drugs story."

         More recently, customs agents arrested a man who arrived at Miami 
International Airport
         with packets of cocaine sewn inside his legs. He was very much alive, but his 
wincing and
         stiff-legged gait gave him away. "It's just a short jump from the cocaine in 
the thighs to the
         cocaine in the baby's body," Cash said. The thigh incident occurred just last 
year, however,
         long after the stuffed baby tale had achieved legendary status.

    In yet another demonstration of how urban legends are resurrected whenever they 
serve a purpose, this
    legend was reported as true by the international press in May 2000, this time with 
a Middle Eastern

         [The Guardian, 2000]

         Drug smugglers abducted and killed a small girl, then stuffed her body with 
drugs in order to
         take them into a Gulf state, a senior police officer was reported as saying 

         Officials at the unnamed airport saw a woman cradling the child in her arms, 
         asleep. As the woman passed through immigration control an officer teased the 
child, but
         there was no response. Then he realised she was dead.

         Sympathy quickly turned to horror when officials discovered that the girl's 
body was packed
         with drugs. They concluded that she had been killed for the specific purpose 
of smuggling

         Major Abdul Rahman Naser al-Fardan, head of the drugs squad in Sharjah, one 
of the seven
         states in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates, was describing how smugglers are 
resorting to
         increasingly desperate and cruel measures to conceal their wares.

         They have been known to pack drugs inside the Koran or in the frames of 
Islamic art. In one
         case a blind man had a white stick full of drugs.

         The Gulf has long been recognised as a staging post for drugs on the route 
from Pakistan and
         Afghanistan to Europe. It is also believed by some to be a money-laundering 
centre for the

         In states where alcohol is prohibited and drugs offend social and religious 
sensibilities, the
         problem is officially portrayed as a foreign one. Asians are blamed for 80% 
of drug dealing
         and the authorities become coy at suggestions that part of the trade may be 
aimed at a local

         The Emirates does, however, have several drug rehabilitation centres.

         Although Major Fardan does not admit to a drug abuse problem in the Emirates, 
his remarks,
         in a talk to Zayed University students reported by Gulf News yesterday, 
highlighted concern
         that the rich - and often bored - Emirates youngsters could be at risk.

         He warned that parents should not allow their children to travel alone to 
countries where
         drugs are sold openly, or which are known to have "addiction dens".

    Once again, we have a story with a curious lack of detail: absolutely no 
information (such as names or
    ages) is given about either the victim or the perpetrators, and the location where 
this crime supposedly
    took place is suspiciously vague ("a Gulf state"). And how was this "crime" 
revealed to the world? Not in a
    government or police press conference, but "in a talk to university students" by 
the "head of the drugs
    squad." If you're a government official tasked with keeping a handle on your 
country's drug problems,
    what better way to call attention to the issue than by relating a horrific story 
about the depravity of
    foreign drug traffickers to hall full of college students? It serves as a warning 
about the perils of drug
    use, it blames the problem on evil foreigners, and it garners terrific press 
coverage -- even if it is merely
    a bit of fiction.

    Barbara "dead babies (stories) can't take care of themselves" Mikkelson

    Last updated:   10 May 2000


    Brunvand, Jan Harold.   The Mexican Pet.
         New York: W. W. Norton, 1986.   ISBN 0-393-30542-2   (pp. 145-146).

    Ellis, Bill.   "Baby's Corpse Stuffed with Drugs."
         FOAFTale News.   December 1996   (p. 20).

    Smith, Paul.   The Book of Nastier Legends.
         London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.   ISBN 0-7102-0573-2   (p. 59).

    Whitaker, Brian.   "Girl Killed to Act as Drug Mule in Gulf."
         The Guardian.   10 May 2000.

    Reuters.   "Drug Smugglers Hide Stash in Girl's Corpse."
           10 May 2000.

   Also told in:

    The Big Book of Urban Legends.
         New York: Paradox Press, 1994.   ISBN 1-56389-165-4   (p. 165).


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