Press Release
LaRouche warned that Bush would
launch war versus Iraq


Feb. 16, 2001--On three separate public occasions since George W. Bush was
anointed as President of the United States, Lyndon LaRouche warned that a
Bush Administration would launch a war against Saddam Hussein and Iraq.
Today's air strikes against targets near Baghdad confirmed the deadly
accuracy of LaRouche's warnings.
    On Jan. 5, 2001, LaRouche delivered a paper, "Dialogue Among Cultures:
The Road to Peace," at an international conference in Khartoum, Sudan on the
Nile River development, in which he warned of a coming "clash of
civilizations." He explained, "At this moment, the intent is to deploy the
lunatic types of U.S. Protestant fundamentalists, such as President-elect
George Bush's nominee John Ashcroft, closely associated with the incoming
U.S. Bush administration, to foster an atrocity against the sacred Dome of
the Rock in Jerusalem, for the purpose of detonating the potential for a new
Israeli-Arab war. This war is intended, not only to continue the destruction
of Arab states such as Syria and Iraq, but to engage Iran, too, as a target
of Israeli attacks, and thus spread the warfare through regions of the world
associated with Muslim populations and their neighbors."
    On Jan. 20, 2001, the day that George Bush was inaugurated as President,
LaRouche appeared on RMN radio in the Philippines, and he even more
explicitly warned of an imminent strike against Iraq. "What [the Bush
administration] is going to do, is attempt to charge ahead foolishly, like an
army charging into enemy gunfire," he warned. "It will attempt to bully the
world into an attitude of submission to whatever comes out of Washington...
We see the Middle East situation, which could have been managed, but we see
that the policies of the Bush crowd have actually played into being  about
the potential of a very early war in the Middle East, spreading against Iran,
and so forth... It will try to have a military expedition against Iraq again."
    Again, on Jan. 27, 2001, LaRouche wrote, in a major strategic study
published in Executive Intelligence Review, "Look At What Happened In
Brazil," that "At the present moment, the respective and overlapping
intentions of the new U.S. administration and London, on the matter of
exploiting, strategically, the potential for a new Middle East War, is a
center-piece of the strategic policies of relevant factions among
governments, policies reflecting the way in which the deployment of the WWF
[World Wildlife Fund] and related assets will be folded into what putatively
mad Zbigniew Brzezinski's Samuel P. Huntington has defined as his
geopolitical scheme for a 'Clash of Civilizations' between the Islamic world
and 'the West.' "The repercussions of the presently threatened outbreak of
Israeli attacks upon Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, in addition to the
Palestinians, with or without 'Desert Storm'-like roles of the military
forces from NATO, will largely determine the way in which strategic cultural
subversion is deployed, globally...
    "A new Middle East war of the general type and implications indicated,
will occur or not, whether or not certain specified incidents materialize. It
will occur only if the combination of the Israeli government and certain
Anglo-American circles wish to have it occur. If they should wish it to
occur, the incidents to 'explain' that occurrence, will be arranged, just as
the Hitler regime concocted the incidents used as pretext for the invasion of
    "Contrary to widespread childish opinion, most of the important things
that happen in the world, happen because powerful forces intend them to
happen, not because of some so-called 'sociological' or other merely
statistical coincidence of the types reported for the popular edification of
the easily deluded. The new Bush administration wishes to settle accounts
with Iraq, in memory of the passions of former Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher and former U.S. President George Bush. As long as that remains a
prevalent Anglo-American intention, a new Middle East war, bigger than any
yet seen, is more or less inevitable under presently reigning global
influences, whether or not any significant number of Israeli or Islamic
leaders wish it to occur."
    LaRouche observed that today's events in Iraq conform precisely to this
formulation, with the only additional feature being the coincidence of the
attack with the formation of the new Ariel Sharon "national unity"
government--ie. war cabinet--in Israel. Further adding to the evidence of the
Anglo-American willful decision to launch military operations against Saddam
Hussein's Iraq without benefit of credible pretext, was the news report,
aired on CNN, that Iraqi opposition figures, led by Ahmed Chalabi of the
Iraqi National Congress, were brought to Washington in the several days prior
to the bombing attacks, and were then summoned to the U.S. State Department
early this morning, to be present for the announcement of the bombing raids,
by 24 American and British fighter jets, operating out of the so-called
Southern No-fly Zone.

  For more information: Angela Vullo at 800-929-7566 

Paid for by FDR Political Action Committee 

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