"Lee's attorneys have outlined a strategy of showing the downloaded bomb
secrets were not that secret and that Lee had legitimate reasons for
copying them..."


Lee Data Constraints Unclear

By Ian Hoffman
Journal Northern Bureau

    SANTA FE — Most — if not all — of the U.S. nuclear-weapons
data former Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee is accused of
illegally copying had not been reviewed and formally classified
as secret.

    Prosecution evidence shows the more than 20 weapons designs
and related nuclear-blast simulations that Lee allegedly copied
to portable tapes were not labeled as "restricted data" at the

    Restricted data is the U.S. Department of Energy
classification category for secrets of designing and making
nuclear weapons.

    Instead, records show Lee's tapes were full of data
designated as PARD, or protect as restricted data.

    "This is ... an indication of potentially lesser
sensitivity," said Steve Aftergood, a classification expert at
the Federation of American Scientists, a Washington organization
founded by former Los Alamos weapons scientists after the
Manhattan Project.

    "It raises one more small question about the prosecution of
this case," Aftergood said.

    A federal grand jury indicted Lee in December on 59 counts
alleging he illegally downloaded and copied files of U.S. nuclear
secrets to data tapes.

    Federal prosecutors are seeking life imprisonment for Lee.
They argue he knew the files he downloaded were so sensitive as
to "change the global strategic balance" and yet broke security
rules so deliberately that he could only have intended to steal
the data.

    Lee's attorneys have outlined a strategy of showing the
downloaded bomb secrets were not that secret and that Lee had
legitimate reasons for copying them.

    Neither side would comment on whether the PARD designation
will play a role in the court case.

    But it does raise the question: Are never-classified data
protected by national-security laws just as strongly as "top
secret" and restricted data?

    "An argument can be made both ways, but the PARD designation
is one step further removed from the 'crown jewels' category,"
said Aftergood, head of the federation's Project on Government

A set of rules

Unlike restricted data, PARD is not a data classification. It is
a set of rules for handling data, devised by the defunct Atomic
Energy Commission so scientists would not have to classify and
lock up reams of printouts in the early decades of weapons

    According to a Los Alamos National Laboratory definition,
PARD is "not readily recognized as classified or unclassified
because of the high volume of (classified computer) output and
the low volume of potentially classified data."

    On its face, DOE policy said PARD information is to be
handled as if it were classified as restricted data.

    However, Los Alamos assigned PARD a lower level of computer
security than restricted data. And PARD printouts and tapes could
be left on scientists' desks inside high-security areas, a
security violation for information classified as restricted data.

    To convict Lee on the 39 charges carrying a potential life
sentence, prosecutors must prove he "removed" or "acquired"
documents "involving or incorporating Restricted Data" with the
intent to harm the United States or help a foreign nation.

    It is not clear whether PARD is really the same as restricted
data as an element of the most serious charges against him.

    Prosecutors will try to demonstrate at his trial that the
downloads were extremely sensitive — the "crown jewels" of U.S.
national defense. That demonstration, aimed at suggesting Lee had
a criminal intent, could be tougher if the files on Lee's tapes
were not formally classified and were less protected than
classified information.

    On one hand, the PARD files on Lee's tapes do contain weapons
secrets that technically meet the legal definition of restricted

    But they had never undergone a formal sensitivity review to
determine what category and level of classification applied to

    Those reviews came only last year, after the FBI found
remnants of Lee's files on unclassified computers and some of the
tapes in Lee's office outside the lab's security fence.

    Los Alamos and DOE rules require PARD to be marked by the
acronym. Prosecution exhibits suggest Lee relabeled the PARD
files as unclassified, so the Los Alamos network would allow
transfer of the files from classified to unclassified computers.

    The tapes he created were not labeled as PARD and were found
outside the lab's security fence, a violation of PARD handling

    The DOE tightened the PARD rules in August and set June 30,
2002, as the deadline for the elimination of PARD. DOE officials
said they wanted to get rid of the PARD designation years ago but
found resistance at the weapons labs. Los Alamos and its sister
weapons-design lab, Lawrence Livermore, asked DOE to keep the
PARD designation until 2002 so they had time to classify and copy
the data to a media such as compact disks.

Reality and legalities

    So were the files truly classified when Lee downloaded them
in 1993, '94 and '97?

    DOE's Ray Holmer says all data on the Los Alamos classified
network are automatically viewed as secret restricted data.
Weapons data often are "born secret" and during the Cold War was
so abundant it was often designated PARD as a convenience.

    "PARD was a mechanism to allow us to protect data that we
knew was classified but we didn't have the resources to identify
which specific pieces were classified," said Holmer, director of
operations for the DOE's Office of Cybersecurity and former DOE
manager of classified computer security.

    In the late 1950s, weapons scientists had no desktop
computers but designed nuclear bombs on large mainframe computers
using punch cards. They would check their physics formulas and
calculations on reams of computer printouts. The cards, code
listings and printed outputs could contain weapons secrets.

    But the printouts were too voluminous to treat as secret and
lock in office safes.

    "It was useless to handle all this stuff as secret because
there was too much of it. So they established something called
PARD," said Bob Clark, a computational physicist who worked on
weapons codes at LANL until 1995.

    "It's in-between stuff," said another Los Alamos physicist.
"It's handled like RD (restricted data), but you can leave it
laying around in locked offices."

    In the 1960s and '70s, code scientists might fill several
boxes of PARD a week. When PARD files piled up in the hall and
were declared a fire hazard, scientists were asked to set their
boxes out once a week, and guards wheeled them away to an
incinerator, Clark said.

    "There weren't enough safes in the DOE complex to handle all
that stuff," he said. "PARD was a way to circumvent some laws we
thought were too restrictive, to get some work done. At the same
time, it was well-known that PARD was not a security
classification. Therefore you didn't stamp PARD on something that
was really secret. If it was secret RD (restricted data), it was
stamped and treated as such."

    But unlike restricted data, "you could have PARD lying around
in your office overnight and there was no problem," Clark said.
"You could leave it in the hall and on your shelves. It was an
administrative infraction to take it home."

    In time, electronic data storage made punch cards and
printouts obsolete. The lab expanded PARD to embrace electronic
data files.

    That, Holmer said, was never DOE's intention.

    "The intent was for hard copy," he said. "Over time, some
people migrated it inappropriately to magnetic media."

    Still, under DOE rules, all data on a classified network
should be considered classified until formally declassified,
including the PARD downloaded by Lee, Holmer said.

    "We know it's classified because it came out of a classified
computer. It is classified until it's undergone a classification
review to prove it's not classified," he said.

    "That's the department's policy, and that's always been the
department's policy, and that's the policy across the federal

    And yet, Holmer said, "Legally, we can't call it classified
until it's undergone a classification review."

    But there were differences between DOE policies and practices
at Los Alamos.

    During Lee's downloads, the lab assigned a lower level of
computer security to PARD than to restricted data, a fact of
which Holmer said he was unaware.

    A Los Alamos manual on classified computing, dated 1996 and
in effect during Lee's 1997 downloads, set up a numerical ranking
for data files.

    The Los Alamos computer-security hierarchy set PARD file
access at security Level 5, just above unclassified data at Level
3. (No Level 4 is identified.) Confidential restricted data, the
lowest classification level of restricted data, is set at Level
6. Secret restricted data is set at Level 9.

    A prosecution exhibit that tracks Lee's alleged downloads
identifies all of them as PARD of Level 5.

    The Lee case could be the nation's first courtroom answer to
the question of when nuclear secrets are really secret, said
Aftergood of the Federation of American Scientists.

    "All of this is new," he said. "It has not been litigated
before. So it has potential significance into the future."


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