-Caveat Lector-


Lewis abuse probe set to criticise role of officials by Mike Merritt 8/7/05 "An investigation into allegations of child sex abuse on the Isle of Lewis will criticise how social workers gathered medical evidence and served child protection orders on parents. It is believed the Scottish Executive's inquiry into the collapse of the case has made a series of recommendations which have far-reaching implications for every local authority in Scotland. The year-long investigation into claims of one of the biggest child sex rings in Scotland will finally report this week....The case, which cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds, collapsed last July after the Crown Office decided not to prosecute. The probe began when four police forces staged dawn raids on homes in England and on Lewis, the centre of the allegations, in October 2003.  Operation Haven saw charges brought against seven men and one woman - which included the offences of rape and lewd and libidinous practices against three young girls." http://www.scotsman.com/?id=1741042005
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