Lieberman renews efforts on entertainment-marketing bill
By The Associated Press
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WASHINGTON — Sen. Joseph Lieberman, acknowledging limited support for his
bill to regulate the entertainment industry's marketing of sex and violence
to kids, said yesterday he is cranking up his recruiting efforts.

"I'm not kidding myself. The entertainment industry is a powerful force,"
said Lieberman, D-Conn. "We're fighting uphill here. But it's an important
battle, and it's got to be waged."

The Media Marketing and Accountability Act would direct the Federal Trade
Commission to regulate the music, movie and television industries as it does
other businesses that engage in false and deceptive advertising.

Entertainment companies found to be marketing adult material to minors would
be subject to fines.

Lieberman has just three Senate co-sponsors, all Democrats.
But he said the House introduction of his bill yesterday gives "new momentum
and new strength."

Freshman Reps. Tom Osborne, R-Neb., and Steve Israel, D-N.Y., are the House
sponsors. Lieberman said the support of Osborne, the former University of
Nebraska football coach, shows bipartisanship and should encourage others.

Better known Republicans, including Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Sam
Brownback of Kansas, joined Lieberman last year in calling for an FTC
investigation of the industry.

He said they should support him now and said he sent Senate colleagues a
letter asking them to join.

"We see no reason why the solution we're proposing should be any less
bipartisan than all that has preceded it," he said.

Lieberman said he had also written President Bush and Attorney General John
Ashcroft, asking them to support the bill.

White House spokesman Ken Lisaius said the issue is important, but offered no

"Like most Americans, the president is disturbed by the amount of violence,
sex and substance abuse our children are exposed to in the entertainment
industry," he said.

As for the letter, he added, "I'm not sure it's made its way through the
proper channels."

Lieberman's Senate co-sponsors are Herb Kohl of Wisconsin, Hillary Clinton of
New York and Robert Byrd of West Virginia.

Lieberman has long been a critic of the entertainment industry, though as
former Vice President Al Gore's running mate last year he was accused of
softening that position to avoid offending big Democratic Party donors.

The movie, television and music industries contributed $24 million to the
Democratic Party in the past election cycle, compared to $14 million for
Republicans, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The FTC report and a recent follow-up found the music, television and movie
industries have failed to regulate themselves through voluntary rating
systems. The industries disagree, saying they're working on improvements.

Critics say the bill violates First Amendment freedoms and predict the
industries would remove their voluntary rating systems altogether rather than
face government review.

"The end result of this bill would be less information for parents about
entertainment and an intrusion on the Constitution," said Jack Valenti,
president and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America.

Earlier this week, the Creative Coalition, a group of politically active
celebrities, sent a letter urging the four Senate sponsors to drop their
support of the bill,
saying it threatens the First Amendment guarantee of
free speech.

Meanwhile, The Washington Post reported that a group of medical and child
development experts sent a letter this week asking Congress and the
entertainment industry to craft a new rating system that would include movie,
television, music and video games and an independent group to oversee it.

The letter, signed by the American Medical Association, the American
Psychological Association and a dozen other groups, called the current rating
system "an alphabet soup … confusing to parents," the Post reported.

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