-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> ->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
> Well dirtbag distorter FWP NOT the brain, but THE HYPOCRIT !  First quit
> trying to kiss up to colleen you sleaziest of humanity.  Second, you reveal
> yourself as darkside while you wear the sheepskin of a born-again Christian.
> You would go and disparage Lyndon LaRouche without ever using his name or any
> fact to back your negative attack.

On August 1, 1994 I had a letter published in Junior's newspaper, The New
Federalist. Since Junior has published a book on "Christian Economics" I
asked him to tell us in BC what a model Christian City would be like as BC
is planning a new city built totally anew on a new site ("Bamberton"). For
a man who can tell the world how to plan its economy, this should be a
piece of cake. I was promised a reply, published after my letter. I am
still waiting with baited breath for this modest statement of "The
Renaissance Man".
(CIA-Canadian Intelligence Agency).


 Again, FWP, I call to other SNET persons
> to also call for FWP's withdrawal from this list or dismissal from by SNET.
> Third, Lyndon LaRouche is running from the murderers of the NWO.  LaRouche
> always speaks out to us citizens about these NWOs, etc., that murder our
> leaders and control every aspect of our lives thru monetary control,
> propaganda, slavery, illicit drug control (production, transportation,
> distribution to selected victim groups, and sale), epidemics, pandemics,
> everything.   LaRouche goes out there and risks his life saying stuff that
> maybe only Alan Keyes would say.  The NWO evil doesn't like LaRouche but they
> love types like FWP and little fwp followers.  Yet FWP lurks there like a
> bloodsucking mosquito.  See the truth or it's messenger and suck his blood
> out and all those around him.  Go away Satan Man FWP!      Kermit the Frog

This "Great Satan" agrees with the FBI agent we met in Nebraska during the
"Franklin Coverup" investigation that Larouche is BOGUS. I just call 'em
as I see 'em...an honest umpire. If they didn't want that they shouldn't
have invited me to Nebraska. And say, Kermit, I have a few three dollar
bills here for you as well as a bargain on the Golden Gate Bridge. If you
like Junior, you'll LOVE Jim Jones, Heavens' Gate etc.
(CIA-Satanic Affairs Division).

> In a message dated 2/27/00 1:16:07 PM PST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> <<  If you think "Junior" is the answer, Pinky, we'll have to send you back
> to the lab for another round of genetic enhancement. FWP (The Brain). >>
> On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Colleen Jones wrote:
> Hey this is best news I have had all year.....sleeping lions and tigers and
> bears awaken maybe to defend US Constitution and take out the garbage in the
> White House?
> I am firm believer - Good Government Begins at Home....not at top, but at
> bottom for that is where it all begins....you elect our representatives on a
> local leve up to the top.......that handful of people at the top, answer to
> the people - the foundation of this country.
> So LaRouche, know not much of him....cannot believe this article is true?
> Hope you are not kidding.
> Over 30 years ago I got up on a stage with a speech, and said "Good
> Government Begins At Home"......and I really believed it....then my kids got
> older and it looked like a lost cause....  Just kidding.  colleen
> -> Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ->  Posted by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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