-Caveat Lector-

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU

The Committee for National Solidarity
Tolstojeva 34, 11000 Belgrade, YU
This is enough to make your blood boil.  There's a useful update on the
current status of S.1234.

On July 16th my column, entitled "S1234: Yugoslavia: Give us you assets or
we kill your
Children"(http://originalsources.com/OS7-99MQC/7-16-1999.1.shtml) was a
protest against a bill, passed 97-2, in the U.S. Senate, with no debate or
media attention, that would have declared Serbia a "Terrorist State." The
result of that designation would ensure that the Serbs would be unable to
restore electricity and heat to its people before the harsh Yugoslavia
winter sets in, which would cause the death of thousand of children , sick
and elderly people of all nationalities in Serbia Then, on July 23rd, the
House passed a companion bill which did not have the Terrorist designation
in it. On August 4, just before the Congress adjourned for the summer
vacation, the Senate portion was added, including the designation of Serbia
as a "terrorist state."

The two bills were then sent to committee, with the Senate insisting on it
amendment, to determine what would remain in the final $12,624,278,000 bill
for Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs.

Now that Congress is back in session, the Congress will be voting to adopt
the Conference report prepared by the conference committee with includes
Senators McConnell; Specter; Gregg; Shelby; Bennett; Campbell; Bond;
Stevens; Leahy; Inouye; Lautenberg; Harkin; Mikulski; Murray; Byrd.
While the House version did not contain the "terrorist" designation, the
House Committee Report Read:

Committee Report: SERBIA The Committee intends that none of the funds
provided under this heading, or in this Act, may be made available for
reconstruction or development activities for the Republic of Serbia, outside
of Kosova. The Committee would support a substantial increase in
democratization activities in Serbia and Montenegro, excluding Kosovo,
including increased assistance as authorized under the Support for East
European Democracy Act of 1989.

The Committee is recommending a new general provision, section 537, that
would prohibit funds from being made available for assistance for the
Republic of Serbia. Such assistance is not appropriate at the present time.

This is an improvement over the Senate bill which would not only have not
provided any funds to restore the electrical and heating plants which
American bombs destroyed, but would have required the blocking of any other
nation that wished to help Yugoslavia have heat and electricity this winter.
Of course, the conference isn't over yet. So NOW is the time to write your
senators and representative to insist they understand that the children,
elderly and ill of Yugoslavia - and there are many in all those categories
in the over one million refugees trying to survive in Serbia - are not the
ones who die in the War of Annihilation against Yugoslavia.

If the central heating facilities and electricity are not restored,
thousands of children, elderly and hospitalized people of all nationalities
will die this winter in Serbia. An estimated 300,000 Serbs, Albanians,
Gypsies, Turks, Jews, Gorans, Egyptians and Montenegrins have fled Kosovo
since NATO and the KLA took control of the province and the refugee
population in Serbia has swollen to well over a million people. Under these
circumstances, perhaps the House report, which was issued August 4th,
eliminated the "terrorist" designation because it would be rather
embarrassing to talk about Serbia being a "terrorist state" while America
supports Indonesian and KLA terrorism In a month's time, the situation looks
very different. Not only has the true nature of the KLA, which the United
States assisted with its Air Force, become apparent to others in the media
besides me, but we now have the situation in East Timor where hundreds of
thousands have died at the hands of the invading Indonesian Army since 1975
and the world is watching what Clinton does THIS time.

Yesterday, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, was asked about the
situation in East Timor, where an estimated 150,000-200,000 people have been
killed or driven from their homes by militias and the Indonesian Army.. In
March Clinton unilaterally, WITHOUT a vote of the United Nations General
Assembly OR the U.S. Congress began an 79 day, multi-billion dollar bombing
spree over Yugoslavia because 2000 Ethnic Albanians and Serbs had been
killed during 1998 in the Yugoslav province of Kosovo. Now, according to
reports today in the London Telegraph, in a few days following a vote
encouraged by the United States, the people of East Timor are being
annihilated. Indonesian soldiers "were looting everything in sight, carrying
furniture out of abandoned houses and loading it on to trucks." A
five-vehicle United Nations convoy was attacked by 50 anti-independence
militiamen armed with guns, clubs and machetes, as it sought to load
supplies of water and food at a warehouse in Dili. East Timor, although
invaded by Indonesia, is not an international recognized province of

Yet, Clinton and the United nations still wait for "permission" by Indonesia
before taking any kind of action to halt the slaughter in East Timor.
Berger's response to the question which was on everyone's mind about the
obvious double standard involved in Kosovo and East Timor responded with:
"Uh..it's, it's unclear what the - uh - what the, what the, what the real
chain of authority is in Indonesia at this point. Indonesia itself is going
through political transition. Uh - there are obviously some forces within -
within the Indonesian military that are - uh - at least sympathetic to -
uh - the anti-Independence forces so I think it's a combination of many

Question: "So, Habibie doesn't have control of the military?"

Berger: "Well, I don't want to speculate on who has control ...what's
important to us at this point is what actually happens. Uh-h - and, uh -
uh - uh - and, and the Indonesian military, uh, either the Indonesian
military taking control or the government of Indonesia calling on the
International Community for their support."

This stumbling defense of Indonesian sovereignty over an island it invaded
in 1975, leading to no less than 10 UN resolutions condemning it was made by
the same person who said on March 25, 1999 about invading a province of

Q "Has this established a precedent for intervening in civil wars where you
fear some sort of humanitarian disaster? "

BERGER: "I think this is quite a unique situation, and in this sense, on the
issue specifically of civil war. As the President, I think, said
yesterday -- I guess it was in one of the drafts -- this is a man, President
Milosevic, who invaded Croatia, who invaded the independent, sovereign
nation of Bosnia, who started a small war against Slovenia and who stripped
Kosovo of its constitutional autonomy and is now engaged in a massive
offensive or a massive attack on Kosovo. So I think for Slobodan Milosevic
to invoke sovereignty as a defense for the international community saying
"enough" I think is a rather weak argument."

Q "You're saying that you can engage in preventive wars to avoid ethnic
cleansing, to avoid any sort of genocide?"

BERGER: "I think every situation has to be taken on its own merits. And I
think the President has said many times that it depends upon whether
America's national interests are involved, as well as our values. I think in
this case, both our values and our interests are involved. Our values are
involved in preventing what I believe would be a humanitarian catastrophe.
Our interests are involved in avoiding a wider conflict in Southeastern
Europe, which I think would most likely involve us at some later point with
far greater cost and with far greater risk. Thank you".

Of course, both Croatia and Bosnia were provinces of Yugoslavia which were
in the process of seceding. East Timor, on the other hand has NEVER been a
province of Indonesia, having been a colony of Portugal for over 400 years.

After 2000 people were killed in all of 1998, 300 of whom were Serb police,
postmen, farmers, etc., Clinton decided to spend billions of your
hard-earned tax dollars to bomb them back to the stone age, with no concern
for either Yugoslav sovereignty or its civilian population. Now we have a
situation where the U.S. government not only encouraged the vote, but
appropriated money to make sure it took place, but after the voting resulted
in an overwhelming vote for independence we are going to just pull out the
UN observers and let the Indonesian army and militia ethnically cleanse East
Timor? Is our foreign policy reduced to the support of anarchy, drug dealers
and murderers? "They are clearing out Dili and destroying it," said an
independence activist who reached the UN compound. "They are trying to kill
all the educated people so we cannot develop our country. This is a goodbye
operation." The UN has received unconfirmed reports that as many as 100 East
Timorese were killed while seeking sanctuary at a Catholic church in the
town of Suai. Eight people were killed when the armed gangs attacked and
burned the home of Bishop Carlos Belo, the Nobel peace laureate, setting
fire to the Catholic diocese office in Dili and burning houses, according to

Senator Tom Harkin, a liberal Democrat from Iowa, sharply criticized
Clinton's do-nothing policy yesterday, declaring that he and other members
of Congress, who were in East Timor a mere 2 weeks ago, urged that UN troops
be sent into the island BEFORE the vote. He talked about two "gentle
Catholic priests" he and other members of Congress talked to two weeks ago
who were slaughtered in the last 2 days by Indonesian soldiers and militia.

Today's London Telegraph reports that Maria Bernardino, an aid worker
evacuated to Darwin on Monday, said she had been told that militia members
used guns and machetes to kill some of the 3,000 refugees seeking shelter.

Jose Ramos Horta, the East Timorese resistance leader and Nobel laureate,
said in a television interview that Australia was to blame for the bloodshed
because it had helped to train Indonesia's elite Kopassus troops. He said:
"Australia is directly responsible because of the many years of close
military co-operation, intelligence co-operation with the Kopassus."

The reluctance of Clinton to take part in a peacekeeping force, providing
only logistical help, is believed to have angered Australia as it presses
for widespread international support. John Howard, the Australian Prime
Minister, again urged that a force comprising troops from Australia,
Britain, New Zealand, Canada, Thailand and Malaysia be set up, with
logistical support from America.

But Australian officials said they were not prepared to enter without
Jakarta's consent. "That would be a very, very difficult military conflict
to get involved in; in a word, war," said Alexander Downer, the Foreign

It would be sort of like Kosovo, eh what? So far the Indonesian government
has no intention of allowing foreign troops to land in East Timor, Clinton
is too busy releasing Puerto Rican terrorists to be bothered with anarchy in
East Timor and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of
Humanitarian Affairs is criticizing Western governments for denying help to
repair Yugolslavia's damaged power industry. Serbia faces a humanitarian
crisis this winter because of expected shortages of electricity and heating,
according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. UN
office said the electric supply is likely to fall 30% to 50% below minimum
needs and much of the system could collapse completely.

"The report will add urgency to a debate within the European Union and the
United States over how much aid to give to Serbia as long as Yugoslav
President Slobodan Milosevic remains in office," the Financial Times
reports. "The UN agency asks what the point is of giving food and medicine
if the young, old and sick are freezing to death." I couldn't have said it
better myself.

Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian
Secretary General
Mrs. Jela Jovanovic
Art  historian

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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