New York Post-June 20, 2000


TALK about your team players! State Comptroller - and
gubernatorial aspirant - H. Carl McCall was hard at work on
Hillary Rodham Clinton's behalf yesterday - and after what she
did to him on Saturday!

McCall, ex officio, is solely responsible for the health and
well-being of New York's gazillion-dollar public-employee pension
funds - though, like all of his predecessors, the comptroller
leaves the nuts-and-bolts investing to the highly qualified

Still, nobody doubts Democrat McCall's qualifications for casting
a gimlet eye on Rep. Rick Lazio's good fortune in the stock
market a little while back.

It's the comptroller's motives that are raising eyebrows.

Yes, Long Island's entry in the U.S. Senate sweepstakes turned
himself a tidy sum (600 percent!) by exercising some stock
options in a company owned by political supporters.

You know - sort of like when Mrs. Clinton parlayed $1,000 into
$100,000 playing the cattle-futures market.

Except that what Lazio did was a) apparently perfectly legal, and
b) not part of a larger pattern of bogus behavior.

But a comptroller can't be too careful.

Says McCall in a letter to Securities and Exchange Commission
Chairman Arthur Levitt Jr.: "[At] minimum there is an appearance
of a conflict of interest or other impropriety [which] the public
has a right to know [about] ..."

Now, Off the Record must have been out to lunch when McCall
queried Levitt about Clinton's cattle-futures deal.

What? He never did?

Wow! What a surprise.

Anyway, in the interests of the public's right to know, Mrs.
Clinton and the comptroller's arch-rival for their party's 2002
gubernatorial nominee, Housing and Urban Development Secretary
Andrew Cuomo, were simultaneously kissing babies behind McCall's
back Saturday at the annual Albany County Democratic picnic.

New York's former First Son was giving away "Cuomo 2002: Reason
to Believe" T-shirts (demonstrating, as did his dad before him,
that the Irish don't have a lock on political blarney).

Obviously, there's a race in the offing.

So why is McCall carrying water for Clinton - whose support for
his rival surely will carry over to 2002? (If, of course, she
wins herself. Whew, this gets complicated!)

Because this year's Senate race is seen around town as a dry run
for 2002.

Democrats smell blood in the water (so do Republicans; that's why
so many of them are acting like Democrats). The object is to get
the logistical kinks worked out this year for 2002.

Besides, analysts say, a Clinton win this fall would be the
second consecutive statewide Democratic victory (Exhibit A being
Alfonse D'Amato) - after a series of debilitating, demoralizing

Helping Hillary beat Lazio wouldn't energize the troops for 2002
like dumping Rudy Giuliani, but it's better than the first lady

So McCall, an overtly political comptroller (see above:
Giuliani), lends the prestige of his letterhead to the task.

Whether Levitt - whose dad, Arthur Sr., held McCall's job a
generation ago - will play the same game remains to be seen.

But he got his job via presidential appointment.

Just like Andrew Cuomo.


             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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