-Caveat Lector-

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the REPUBLIC for which it stands,  one Nation under God,indivisible,with
liberty and justice for all."

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 13:40:49 -0700
From: Media Research Center <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MRC Alert Special: 'For Clinton, Dan Rather is Putty in His Hands'

          ***Media Research Center CyberAlert Special***
                 4:40pm EDT, Thursday June 17, 2004

Media Reality Check. "For Clinton, Dan Rather is Putty in His
Hands: CBS Anchorman Has Long Track Record of Cheerleading and
Softball Questions for President Clinton"

    Below is the text of a Media Reality Check distributed by fax
today, which was put together by the MRC's Tim Graham in
anticipation of Dan Rather's Sunday night interview with Bill
Clinton on 60 Minutes which was taped earlier this week.

    For the posted version, which includes three historical
RealPlayer video clips of Rather:

    For the Adobe Acrobat PDF version:

    Before getting to the text, the pull-out quote in the middle
of the faxed page:

How Deep In the Tank is Dan?
"I think the fact that someone has told a lie, even a big lie or
maybe several big lies over a lifetime, does not mean that they're
an inherently dishonest person....I believe in redemption and that
Bill Clinton. Is he an honest person? I think he is an honest
person. Did he lie? Yes, he lied, and on those occasions he was
-- Dan Rather on the February 7, 2002 "Imus in the Morning" radio

    Now, the text of the June 17 Media Reality Check with, [in
brackets], added links to CyberAlert articles with more extensive
Rather quotes from the cited interviews:

For Clinton, Dan Rather is Putty in His Hands
CBS Anchorman Has Long Track Record of Cheerleading and Softball
Questions for President Clinton

Why would Bill Clinton choose Dan Rather to be the  first TV
interviewer -- in effect the master of ceremonies -- for his book
unveiling? Because Clinton knows that for him, Dan Rather is a
soft touch, a powder puff, an apple polisher, a lapdog.

Look no further than Rather's thumbs-up book review in the New
York Observer, "As presidential memoirs go, on a five-star scale,
I give it five." Rather  had the interview in the can, and he's
still plugging Clinton's book.

Or recall how Rather greeted Clinton's well-wishing about his new
pairing with co-anchor Connie Chung at a CBS affiliates meeting on
May 27, 1993: "If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and
Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White House, we'd take it
right now and walk away winners."

> Rather isn't always this easy. On January 25, 1988, Rather
talked over and yelled at Vice President Bush over the Iran-Contra
scandal: "You've made us hypocrites in the face of the world!" By
contrast, note Rather's record of softball sit-downs with Clinton:

> December 19, 2000: On 60 Minutes II, Rather asked about
Clinton's excellent record: "The country's still in the midst of
an almost eight-year boom. The country's at peace. You've had by
many measurements, if not most, a reasonably successful
presidency. Why are we having a Republican President come in
behind you?" And he pounded the Democratic line: "To those who are
absolutely convinced that the Supreme Court had a Republican
majority and wanted a Republican President and voted politics not
the law, as an attorney, and as our President, you say what?"
Rather asked about "personal failures" and Monicagate, but most
questions were brief and open-ended.

    [For a full rundown of the above interview, see the December
20, 2000 CyberAlert, which features a RealPlayer clip:
http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/2000/cyb20001220.asp#2 ]

> March 30, 1999: In the first TV interview granted after
Clinton's impeachment, Rather tip-toed into a question on family
healing instead of Clinton's lying under oath: "Mr. President, you
know Americans like to know that the First Family is okay, that
they're doing all right. Given the year plus what you and our
First Family have been through, tell us what you can about how the
three of you are doing." Rather's next toughie: "How about
yourself? We're here in a room with pictures of Lincoln,
Washington, Continental Congress. When you look back over this
year plus, what's the moral of it? Does it have a moral?"

   [For a full rundown of the above Oval Office session, and a
RealPlayer clip of it, see the April 1, 1999 CyberAlert:
http://www.mrc.org/cyberalerts/1999/cyb19990401.asp#1 ]

> August 19, 1996: On the Evening News, Rather asked Clinton about
Whitewater, without noting the felony convictions of his business
partners, the McDougals: "Now, we have in the papers this man
James McDougal. He is helping the special prosecutor. Are you
worried about that? Is he a truth-teller? Tell me how you feel
about that?" He then turned to how liberals felt Clinton was too
conservative: "This is their point, if you're going to preside
like a Republican, why not have a Republican President, a real

> March 24, 1993: On 48 Hours, Rather whimsically asked: "Mr.
President, it's my unfortunate duty now to ask the tough questions
you don't want to hear. Number one: do you have a favorite in the
Oscar race for the Academy Awards? Have you seen these movies?
Which one do you favor?" The next day, Rather raved to CBS This
Morning host Harry Smith: "He's a very good historian....any
viewer-listener who had been in that room would have been
impressed with the breadth of his knowledge."

    END Reprint of June 17 Media Reality Check

    # Also, to illustrate today's CyberAlert, we've posted, at the
top of the MRC home page, a RealPlayer clip of reporter Sheila
MacVicar on a January 14, 1999 ABC News prime time show, relaying
how a few months after the embassy bombings in Africa and U.S.
retaliation against Sudan, Osama bin Laden "reaches out to his
friends in Iraq and Sudan." MacVicar trumpeted how "ABC News has
learned that in December, an Iraqi intelligence chief, named
Farouk Hijazi, now Iraq's ambassador to Turkey, made a secret trip
to Afghanistan to meet with bin Laden. Three intelligence agencies
tell ABC News they cannot be certain what was discussed, but
almost certainly, they say, bin Laden has been told he would be
welcome in Baghdad."

    To watch the RealPlayer video:

-- Brent Baker

    >>> Support the MRC, an educational foundation dependent upon
contributions which make CyberAlert possible, by providing a tax-
deductible donation. To safely and securely donate via PayPal:
https://www.paypal.com/xclick/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&i

    Or, if you can't get the lengthy link into your browser's
address line, go to the MRC's home page
( http://www.mediaresearch.org ) and click on the gold "Support
the MRC" logo in the top right corner. That will take you to the
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