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To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From:                   "Robert Sterling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date sent:              Tue, 04 Mar 2003 19:42:06 -0000
Subject:                Konformist: MWO On Dennis Miller, Michael Weiner
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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Congratulations, MWO Whore of the Week:
"Comedian Turned Polysyllabic Yahoo" Dennis Miller!

Dear MWO,

I would like to nominate comedian turned polysyllabic yahoo Dennis
Miller as Media Whore of the Week and an early dark horse for Media
Whore of 2003.

Fresh from using the "f" word on Donahue, Dennis Miller appeared last
night on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, where he was introduced
ironically as a Hollywood liberal and proceeded to spout xenophobic,
sitcommy jokes like a more jaded version of Jonah Goldberg.

Miller warmed up with a few sallies against the Germans and Russians
for opposing war with Iraq, which he said we needed to wage to set
down a "marker" in the Mideast and show the rest of the world what
we're made of.

He then launched into a tirade about the French that would have been
considered hate speech had it been directed at any people. He began
by calling them "pricks," cracked a joke about how we had to "chisel
the armpit hair off of the Statue of Liberty" (France's gift to
America), whooped with laughter along with Leno as a postcard was
flashed on the screen showing George Bush branding a "W" on Chirac's
ass, and reached the vulgar nadir when he sneered at the French: "I
would call them scumbags but that would do a disservice to bags
filled with scum."

Vile as all this was, French-bashing has become so commonplace that
in itself it doesn't qualify a motormouth as a Media Whore.

No, that titled was earned when Miller addressed President Bush
directly through the camera and said, "If you're watching, I think
you're doing a helluva job. I'm proud you're my president. ...I think
there are a lot more people out here on your side than you may think."

The cynical interpretation of Miller's low slide to the right is
that, having lost his talkshow on HBO and his spot on ABC's Monday
Night Football, he's angling for a gig on MSNBC or Fox News, which
would gladly welcome a lapsed liberal lashing out against former
showbiz colleagues and allies. I.e., it's a career move masquerading
as a political conversion.

But sincere or no, Dennis Miller, I believe, has earned his kneepads
and lobster bib as Media Whore.


James Wolcott

There is no arguing with such unassailable logic and unimpeachable
evidence.  So without further ado, Dennis "Has-Been" Miller is hereby
anointed MWO Whore of the Week.

Robalini's Note:

Has-Been?  More like never was.

You know, I used to laugh when media hype would declare Dennis Miller
a "rebel" or that he was "the next Lenny Bruce".  Lenny Bruce
wouldn't co-star in a film with Corey Feldman, and if he did do that,
he wouldn't get second billing.

His commentary has long been reactionary, so none of this should be
surprising.  He is the exact opposite of Lenny Bruce: Bruce made
comedy to challenge how people think, but Miller just rants to make
Yuppies fill comfortably self-satisfied in their shallow smarminess.


Dennis Miller scales the Rushmore of wrong-headedness
February 27, 2003

I have received several e-mails about Dennis Miller spewing hatred on
The Tonight Show a few days ago. From what I'm told, he expressed
great contempt for the French and total disdain for the well-being of
innocents in Iraq. I believe the letters because I have seen him
express similar Jurassic views on other programs. We thought he had
bottomed out when he became the sportscasting equivalent of William
Shatner/lounge singer, but it now appears he won't be happy until he
gets a show on the Fox News Channel.

I used to write for Miller in 1992, when he had a syndicated talk
show. During the program's one season, Miller went from endorsing
Jerry Brown to becoming a big Ross Perot supporter. A political
impulse-buyer, his ideological cannon was never lashed very securely
to the deck. Over the years, the cannon somehow became lodged on the
starboard side of the vessel. Each time Miller receives a paycheck,
he seems to take it to a bank further to the right of the last one.
And now, more than a decade since I wrote my last joke for the man, I
can only watch in stupefaction as this once hip and inside comic
completes his transformation into a lout whose act sounds as if it
were ghostwritten by George Jessel. Actually, that's not fair ... to
George Jessel.

Dennis Miller was always decent to me. He gave me a chance, and I
appreciated it, but he has become so obstinately wrong of late that I
am left with no choice but to comment.

His attempt to style himself as a "Hollywood rebel" by completely
sucking up to the ultimate "suits," which is to say the ones in
Washington, is self-aggrandizing and pitiful. But then, tough as he
speaks, Miller never met a powerful and/or connected guest he didn't
suck up to. So it's predictable that he would court the braying
repressionists who have seized control of the White House. Now we
must listen to Miller blather insufferably as he refers with devotion
to George W. Bush with the ever-possessive term "my president." After
all, W. must be good if he belongs to that self-styled Hollywood
rebel Dennis Miller! Right? Miller is so egotistical that he thinks
that by referring to Bush again and again as "my president," he
somehow legitimizes W.'s odious path to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He
believes his verbal consecration will make us forget that the little
bastard stole the White House. To do otherwise would be to risk
having Dennis Miller label us "un-hip." Heaven forfend!

No longer the youthful and sassy anchor of SNL's "Weekend Update" of
all those years ago, Miller has become a national father figure. And
what a lousy dad he is. Listening to his act is no longer something
we look forward to; it is more like getting stuck in the back seat of
your pop's station wagon while he lectures you on "Americanism"
through 30 miles of heavy traffic. In front of your friends.

But give Miller credit; he has accomplished something that almost no
one before him has ever been able to do. He has actually become so
vile that he is not even suitable company in Hollywood. He can now
make a game-show host shudder in revulsion. This works well for the
self-involved Miller. Why waste time considering the true horror and
long-term ramifications of the violence he so blindly supports when
we could instead be focusing on the assault of cold shoulders he has
sustained on Rodeo Drive? Yeah, Dennis, enough of this massacre-of-
innocents stuff, let's talk about you.

As cocksure as Miller is in his new political alliance, he'd better
watch himself - he could be headed toward a 21st-century version of
Hitler's "Night of the Long Knives." So long as church-state
integrationist John Ashcroft is the attorney general, a purge of the
potty-mouthed Miller is never a distant possibility.

The beauty of Dennis Miller is that everything he's doing is on tape.
What he has been saying will be available for review by people for a
long, long time. He has carved a place for himself on the Rushmore of
wrong-headedness, and there he will stay for years to come, a
glowering, reactionary oaf for the ages. He's ready for his close-up,
Mr. Murdoch.



G.O.P., MSNBC Put Violent, Anti-Hispanic Hater Front and Center
Organizer of Fascist Group Is New Republican Ringmaster
G.O.P. Hypocrisy On Estrada Fully Exposed
Weiner Savage Calls Ashcroft His Personal Sheriff
What Does Bill Gates Think of His Hate Network?

The Republican Party, in league with MSNBC, has put forth its new
video darling, whom Republicans hope will follow in the footsteps of
Rush, Sean, Britt, and the rest of their party demagogues on the
cable and talk-radio networks.

It is Michael Weiner who, under the assumed name of Michael Savage,
has written the latest right-wing bulk-order best-seller and who is
also the organizer of a fascist group that preaches violent hatred,
especially against Mexicans and Mexican-Americans as well as against

Fascist? Violent? Here is a poster from one of Weiner Savage's
meetings (he calls them performances') from 1999, depicting the
bombing of, no, not Iraq, but of a western city (New York?), and that
calls for the killing of President Bill Clinton and Secretary of
State Madeline Albright. It is explicitly based on an Italian fascist
poster from 1944, that depicted the World War II Allies as bringers
of death and destruction.

Weiner Savage's effort here was to help organize what he calls the
Paul Revere Society, a band of ultra-extreme Republican right wingers
dedicated to attacking immigration and immigrants, especially from
Mexico, in the name of upholding the cultural purity of the American
master race. Weiner Savage's society would shut out Mexicans, make
Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy permanent, and kill as many federal
social assistance programs as possible. Weiner Savage's latest demand
is for a wartime Sedition Act to imprison all who oppose the Bush's
Administration's policies.

Now, in 2003, MSNBC has decided to hire Michael Weiner Savage as its
new Republican talk-show host, so that he can go to the national
airwaves in order to advance organizing his fascist band and wiping
out all who disagree with his reactionary message of hate.

In recent days, Republican leaders have accused Democrats of anti-
Hispanic bigotry over the Estrada nomination - and the GOP has
sponsored blitz advertising to try and roust Democrats in areas with
large Hispanic populations. This -- even though the G.O.P. ruthlessly
halted judicial nominations of Hispanics under the Clinton

And this even though the new G.O.P. video poster boy is Mexican hater
Michael Weiner Savage - a man who goes even further than the Mexican
hater, Republican Bill "O'Racist" O'Reilly, who merely refers to
Mexicans blithely and nastily as "wetbacks."

Isn't it wild to hear the Republican racists call their opponents

Republican Weiner Savage sure knows who's on his side. In the face of
outraged critics who have asked MSNBC to reconsider hiring him,
Weiner Savage has lashed back, warning that the Department of Justice
under John Ashcroft will arrest and imprison anyone who dares
criticize him, the great Weiner Savage.

Weiner ranted about his critics on his San-Francisco-based radio show:

I'm going to find out where you get your money from. You live by
handouts, all of you. You live off grants, all of you. You're a bunch
of beggars, but you don't know how lucky you are. If you continue
this, we're going to go after your funding sources. And we will do
everything we can within the legal realm to cut off that funding! We
are also going to go to the U.S. Justice Department under John
Ashcroft! What you are doing is illegal! You think it's 1965 and I'm
South Africa? I've got news for you: it's not 1965 and it ain't South
Africa! I'll cut your funding off, and if you break the law any
further, I'll put you in jail!"

"I have millions of people who vote. Mr. Bush wants to get re-
elected, and just consider me a politician at that point. I'm going
to ask for a trade in favor. If they keep it up, my favor is going to
be I want these groups investigated. If they're doing nothing
illegal, fine. If they've crossed the line, then put 'em out of

Well, it's nice for Weiner Savage to proclaim that's he's even more
racist and more fascist than the old apartheid regime in South
Africa. Because that's exactly where he and his party, the Republican
Party, are at these days. Way to the right of old apartheid South

The latest new true face of the Republican Party, Michael Weiner
Savage likes to spread hate with all the familiar code words - but
sometimes he just comes out with it!

Doubt our word? Well, then, just spend a few minutes strolling around
Republican Weiner Savage's website.

Disturbing, isn't it? And just how did the former pill-pushing
huckster Republican Weiner Savage get to the point where he could get
a big-time gig from MSNBC's despicable Erik Sorenson?

But we wonder:

What do Bill and Melinda Gates think of how Microsoft's co-venture
MSNBC has been turned into a circus for the extreme and fascist
Republican right, with Michael Savage Weiner has its new ringmaster?

We always thought that the Gateses had a more enlightened view of the
world than the hate his network, and MSNBC's employees Erik Sorenson
and Michael Weiner Savage, are now peddling under the phony claim
that they are "smart" and controversial.

Bill Gates's father sure does.

Isn't it time that Bill and Melinda Gates took another look at what
they have wrought - and give serious consideration to pulling the

Or do they, too, want to go down as merchants of Republican hate?


Michael Savage Threatens Critics in Radio Diatribes
February 27, 2003
Contact: Cathy Renna, News Media Director
Phone: (646) 871-8008   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On his Feb. 27, 2003 radio program, talk-show host Michael Savage
threatened to shut down GLAAD and other organizations who are asking
MSNBC to reconsider its decision to give him a television show
beginning next month.

In his comments, Savage noted that in today's political climate, he
would invoke the power of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and the
Justice Department to shut down groups that took issue with his
homophobic, racist and sexist attacks. Savage also claimed that in
order to get the votes of his audience in the next election,
President George W. Bush would need to do him a "favor" and order an
investigation of his critics by the federal government.

In the first of his three diatribes, Savage said, "You rats! You
stinking rats who hide in the sewers! You think you can go after my
income? You think you can kill my advertisers? You think I'm Dr.
Laura? You think I'm gonna roll over like a pussy? You're wrong. I'm
going to find out where you get your money from. You live by
handouts, all of you. You live off grants, all of you. You're a bunch
of beggars, but you don't know how lucky you are. If you continue
this, we're going to go after your funding sources. And we will do
everything we can within the legal realm to cut off that funding! We
are also going to go to the U.S. Justice Department under John
Ashcroft! What you are doing is illegal! You think it's 1965 and I'm
South Africa? I've got news for you: it's not 1965 and it ain't South
Africa! I'll cut your funding off, and if you break the law any
further, I'll put you in jail!"

Later in the program, Savage said, "I have millions of people who
vote. Mr. Bush wants to get re-elected, and just consider me a
politician at that point. I'm going to ask for a trade in favor. If
they keep it up, my favor is going to be I want these groups
investigated. If they're doing nothing illegal, fine. If they've
crossed the line, then put 'em out of business."

"Everything Savage said -- from the childish name-calling to his
notion that the U.S. Justice Department is his personal posse --
seemed the product of a seriously disturbed individual," said Cathy
Renna, GLAAD's news media director. "It's clear that any Savage
program would not be about dialogue, but about diatribes and name-
calling. It would not be about commentary, but about bullying. After
listening to his outbursts, I can't imagine why anyone at a
respectable news network would offer a program to someone like this."

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"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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