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Man charged with trying to smuggle camera to China

Updated 8:48 PM ET February 14, 2000

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A man accused of trying to smuggle an
infrared camera used in missile guidance systems to China was
charged Monday with violating U.S. export laws, federal
prosecutors said.

Jeffrey Jhyfang Lo, a Chinese-born American citizen, was arrested
Saturday night while trying to board a flight from Los Angeles to
Wuhan, China, with an infrared thermal imaging camera and two

Lo was charged Monday with violating the U.S. Arms Export Control
Act, which regulates defense articles, services and technical
data. He was expected in court by Tuesday for a reading of the

Thom Mrozek, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorneys Office in Los
Angeles, cautioned reporters that Lo had not been charged with

"We are continuing to investigate this case to determine the
significance of the export violation," he said, adding that the
camera had civilian as well as military applications.

In an affidavit submitted filed in court Monday, U.S. Customs
Special Agent Shane Folden said the camera "has numerous military
capabilities, such as use on missile guidance systems, satellite
reconnaissance systems and detecting ships and aircraft at

Folden, the agent in charge of the investigation, said Lo paid an
undercover FBI agent working for a defense contracting company
$142,000 for the camera. Lo allegedly told the agent that it
would be used for "missile and reconnaissance systems in the PRC
(People's Republic of China)."

Folden said Lo also wanted to discuss the purchase of 38 more
cameras for use by the Chinese State Shipbuilding Corp. in the
South China Sea and told the undercover FBI agent: "I don't want
to see you pull any, like, FBI stuff on me. I'm serious."

Folden said he arrested Lo on the jetway, just before he was to
board his plane for China and questioned him.

"During my conversation with Lo, he admitted that he was bringing
an IR (infrared) camera and lenses to China and admitted having
knowledge that the IR camera required a license to be legally
exported out of the United States," Folden said.

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