[CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Martin-Inside The Illegal Arms Bazaar At Redstone...

2001-06-07 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-


As Antony Sutton and other researchers have shown, the USA has no enemies
unless we create them ourselves with infusions of capital, opposing
political systems, and weapons.

It was Eisenhower who said no ability to kill more people faster can insure
security for the world. Ever.

I guess no one was listening or they prefer profits to peace.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Martin-Inside The Illegal Arms Bazaar At Redstone...

2001-06-06 Thread William Shannon

Inside The Illegal Arms Bazaar at Redstone
"Public Safety" is a Non-Issue and Confusion Reigns…

by Al Martin

In recent days, the FBI has become very concerned about leaks, which have 
been exposing the illegal activities of the illegal arms dealers at Redstone 
Arsenal. The Bureau has committed fresh resources to uncover the individuals 
who are leaking information to the Al Martin Raw website about continuing 
frauds at the US Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. One of the sources, the 
Friendly Colonel, believes he may be in danger, since it is always dangerous 
to uncover fraud and malfeasance and to tell the truth about government, 
especially when it relates to government wrongdoing.

In an update on the "Marshmallow Story," the illegal sale of anti-personnel 
explosive devices to illegal Chinese arms dealers (see "Those Wacky Arms 
Dealers at Redstone" www.almartinraw.com/column18.html), it seems that the 
transactions of "Mr. Murphy" (an alias for a Chinese arms merchant) are going 
along well.

"Mr. Murphy" has now rented enormous storage facilities near the Redstone 
Arsenal for his " marshmallows" pending the June 15 shipping date. The 
Friendly Colonel had no idea of the quantity of marshmallows he bought. By 
the time the purchase order is fulfilled, he said that three ships will be 
needed to transport them to Mexico. The first delivery took up three of the 
biggest warehouses that were available, ordinarily used by heavy equipment 
operator/ contractors to store equipment. He was surprised at the enormous 

One of the topics of discussion at the weekly meeting/dinner was the 
increased nervousness because everyone realizes there's a leak, and the FBI 
is making everyone more nervous because of their investigations. Apparently 
(although it's not identified), there is one or more investigative committees 
from congress which are getting closer and closer.

The general in charge announced that there is going to be "Officers' Target 
Practice" this week in the event they're going to have to shoot some 

The "hostiles" that the general is referring to are investigators.

There were also many comments on the failure of the test of the new VMX43 
aircraft, which was a loss of $185 million to the taxpayers.

The general actually laughed and said, "$185 million? We defraud the American 
taxpayers more than that every year in food and booze."

The VMX43 project was a collaboration between defense contractors. The 
general thought these guys that built this thing "must be pikers if they 
can't figure out how to defraud the people out of more than that." These wise 
cracks just come out of them. They don't care who hears it. They really 
believe they're impervious. They really think that they're invincible and 
even bullet-proof.

They are however "concerned" about the "public safety" of what they're doing. 
You must remember that everything that is being done at these arms sales is 
illegal. The weapons sales are themselves illegal. The people buying them are 
illegal arms dealers. They're being illegally sold and transported illegally 
to other countries. Every step of the way is illegal.

People need to be reminded that even though they think these activities at 
Redstone Arsenal appears to be "business as usual," that every step in the 
process is an illegal act.

This is a public safety issue. All of these highly explosive "marshmallows" 
(very volatile anti-personnel devices) are being shipped in cardboard 
banker's boxes stuffed with newspapers. They are transported by ordinary 
rent-a-truck companies.

"Mr. Murphy" thought this would be the cheapest way to do it. The boxes are 
all sealed up and marked "educational materials." As has been mentioned 
before, if just one of these five-ton capacity trucks loaded with these 
"marshmallows" were to explode, it would be a simultaneous explosion. It is 
enough explosive power to flatten several city blocks. These weapons are 
being transported without any license and without any permits because they 
are illegally marked in a regular rental truck with no precautions at all. 
And they are being driven through high-density civilian areas.

What they've always been concerned about is a major accident in which a lot 
of civilians get killed. All the illegal weapons being illegally shipped out 
of Redstone Arsenal include both conventional and non-conventional munitions. 
Most are being shipped over the road, and since it's illegal, and since 
they're all being mislabeled as something other than weapons, no precautions 
are being taken whatsoever.

In addition, the weapons which leave illegally via air are transported by 
aircraft whose safety is considered marginal at best. These aircraft are 
afflicted with the same problems that the Department of Defense has with all 
its aircraft. The