-Caveat Lector-

Message From the Last Libertarian
A Letter to the Editor of The Match
Taken from Issue #86, Summer 1991
P.O. Box 3488
Tucson, Arizona 85722
Dear Fred: I'm a 1967-style Libertarian, and that
seems to have little in common with the "Libertarians"
we've picked up since 1980.

You have no idea of the corruption that entered the
"Party of Principle." Reason Magazine sold out. The
great anarchistic "Mr. Libertarian", Murray Rothbard,
joined with an arch-fascist; most state-level
positions have been lost to the conservatarians. Why?
Because the right-wingers had so much more money than
the left-wingers. They were able to flit about the
country and create a controlling clique that people
without money couldn't keep up with.

Many Libertarian organizations have gone under. USA
Today recently ran a guest column supporting the
beating of that guy by the Los Angeles Cops. The
writer was a newcomer who repeatedly called himself a

Like the writer of the Summer 1990 editorial in The
Match, I too have swerved from hating government to
hating government-lovers.

I love the editorial response to Mike Hall in the
letters column of issue 83. I've worked my ass off
since childhood at junk jobs because of the very
conditions mentioned. Correct: too many of these
pseudo-Libertarians have had it too easy in life. I
had to collect bottles at factories at age five and I
was shoveling coal in basements at age nine, but
according to these pseudo-Libertarians who spent those
years playing, I'm poor and they're rich because I
didn't work as much as they did. An inverted
crazy-quilt world made by people who inherited while
demanding that others earn and don't even want to face

But remember, if nine out of ten Anarchists are really
secret government informers who misrepresent
Anarchism, that still doesn't mean Anarchism is what
they say it is. I'm a Libertarian, and a lot of these
other guys aren't. Having more money, they can make
everybody think they are Libertarians.

One of my biggest problems is with "inheritance." On
the one hand I do not support inheritance taxes as
they strengthen the State. On the other hand, I'm sick
of hearing Libertarians and Objectivists say how
everything in life must be earned and then they look
away and whistle when I say, "True, but how about
inheritance? It's not earned."

Perhaps it's because having been born along the East
River in New York City, I've never known what it's
like to be middle-class and to have the necessities of
life handed to me so I'd be set up in life. I've never
known any Ayn Rand fans to be Hank Reardens
themselves; they seem to be born owners, not renters.
I've watched my fellow libertarians sell out as they
got older; they no longer care about personal liberty,
just economic freedom. They liked to play at being
poor by dressing and living "ratty" while in their
early twenties, but quickly joined the establishment
when their parents helped get them set up in polite

Personally, I think the whole Capitalism vs. Socialism
argument is a red herring. We're still in medievalism.
You tell me what class your daddy was and I'll tell
you which one you're in - just like the twelfth
century. First, we get out of medievalism, then with
everyone starting off equally, we'll see about the
Capitalism vs. Socialism bit.

However, you would be doing the real Libertarians a
favor if you called these pseudo-Libertarians by their
true name: Conservatarians. How would you like it if
government-lovers started calling themselves
Anarchists and proceeded to embarrass true Anarchists?
These phonies, Conservatarians, are far more
interested in profit than liberty, that's for damn
sure. Don't blame us because these rich bastards came
in since 1980, expropriated our name and disgraced us.
It was just like LaRouche taking over the Chicago
Democrats. Most people who came in since 1980 are
phony and many of those who came in during the '60's
sold out - but there are still some real Libertarians
left. Don't hurt us by letting them get away with
stealing the word Libertarian. At least help us by
calling them pseudo-Libertarians or Conservatarians.

These pseudo-Libertarians like to mock the idea of a
diligent person being homeless. Diligent? I used to
load boxcars in the rain for minimum wage. Considering
the rents nowadays, how the hell does one pay them?
The modern jerks won't admit to themselves that their
parents greased their way through life. It was nothing
they did. People I know, including myself, now live in
places doubled-up, without even heat or running water.
And we're grateful for even that much. Thank goodness
for libraries and their warmth between junk jobs.
Thank goodness for college shower rooms that one can
sneak into to get clean.

More Conservatism posing as Libertarianism - using the
average income rather than the mode. Hell, by that
reasoning all serfs and slaves were middle-class when
you average in the vast wealth of the lord with the
zero of the lackeys. Average in one of Reagan's new
billionaires with 999 homeless and you get an
"average" of one million bucks apiece. I never mix up
middle-class with working-class. There was a period in
the past when many working-class people made it up to
the middle class, but they fell back.

I'm 41, and I've spent a couple of hours a day
agitating since 1967. But check out the new
Libertarian Party leadership: they once sent me, along
with all the other delegates, some necessary forms
that had to be filled out, but timed so that they
arrived one day before they were due back. When I
asked how the hell we were supposed to get them back
in time, I was told that rather than use a 25-cent
stamp, we should "use overnight mail; it's only twenty
dollars." That way they blocked all non-rich
Libertarians. These are the tricks people use to put
everything into the hands of the born-rich. Still
another tactic is to conduct communications as much as
possible over expensive computer networks. True
Libertarians don't have thousands of dollars worth of
computer crap.

So the new L.P. wonders why it can't get young people,
while everything is now priced to attract the
middle-aged who have big salaries. If it had been this
way years ago, I'd never have been able to get in.

Sometimes even I get suckered, though: Around 1980 we
were told to try not to be so radical in the
Libertarian Party, in order not wo scare away people.
So I went along and toned everything down. However,
they meant to only tone down the personal-liberty
stuff; they went right on being extreme with the
economic-freedom notations. So we weren't supposed to
push heroin legalization as it would frighten people.
Yet it was okay to push getting rid of Social Security
even though it conjured up images of old people
starving in the gutter. The result was what the party
leadership wanted - the left was sacred away while the
right was attracted.

Because I was thus suckered, I'm incredibly angry. I
now scan papers from all over and whenever I see
anyone presenting only the economic-freedom side of
Libertarianism, I jump right in and present the
anti-MADD and drug-legalization aspects of true
Libertarianism. I get calls from incensed
pseudo-Libertarians and I tell them to go to Hell and
give me my party back.

The Match contains the first discussion of RENT that
I've ever seen. I always did have trouble with that
concept. I still recall the instant in my childhood
when I realized that "my" home wasn't really MY home,
since my father never did and never would own it. It
was like the moment I realized there was no Santa
Claus. Worse, in fact, as it undermined my feeling of
security. Here, if you're a renter you're like a serf.
The owner of the city government can just walk in when
they want and "inspect" your home. Owners don't have
that problem. There are more and more laws here
telling renters what to do, that don't apply to people
who own their own homes. It's just like having guards
tramping through your cell.

The lowest paying jobs seem to be the ones most likely
to have urine-testing. Right now there's a coal mining
job available, but that fascist crap is demanded. No,
it's not enough that you have to work hard and dirty
for a few bucks and hour; you must give up your
rights, too. Meanwhile, the pseudo-Libertarians always
answer that we have a choice. Yeah, give in or starve.
Of course, the jobs THEY have don't demand such

Feminism: I sure don't like its All White Males Have
Money attitude. I haven't got any of that money. But I
don't doubt that lots of women have to put up with
lots of crap. I guess that just as rich
pseudo-Libertarians are more visible than real
Libertarians, so are monied white males more visible
than poor white males.

Another gripe: "Law Day." It should be Too Many Laws

Banks: when they started stealing accounts that were
under $100.00 (they used to give us interest), the
pseudo-Libertarians acted like it was A-OK to do so,
even though the original agreement was to pay us
interest, with the rules being changed unilaterally.
Libertarians said they had every right to do it. These
guys are like Stokely Carmichael toward Big
Government, but like Stepin Fetchit toward Big

The richest man in York County is named Appell. The
richest man for the last few generations was named the
same. Our Congressman is named Goodling; so have been
the ones before him. But this is America and anybody
can be rich and/or a Congressman; no hereditary dukes
here. Nope. Pseudo-Libertarianism refuses to ever
mention items like this.

I used to complain that too many Atheists had a god
named Government; well, too many Libertarians have a
god named Big Business. The only jobs a lot of poor
people can get are jobs serving food to those with
some money. At the last state L.P. convention I went
to, the spoiled brats at my table complained all night
about the food (I never had such fancy food before),
and the service (even though the poor waiters were
moving constantly.) The guillotines need Rustoleum, I
think. I have to hold my temper around these haughty
bastards. They are nothing like the Libertarians of 20
years ago.

The ACLU: It's really the ACRU (civil rights, not
civil liberties). A couple of years ago the York
Police took dogs into local bars and restaurants
checking for drugs while people were eating. I sent
the news to the Pennsylvania ACLU. They did send
someone out to fight the city government, but all he
cared about were the black bars that were bothered.
Not others. He looked at it entirely in terms of black
civil rights, not the individual liberty of both
whites and blacks, not search and seizure violations
or anything else; just that black people were picked
on. Nobody else counted.

Reading the last issue of The Match, I loved Dire
Wolf's story about waking up in a hotel room with
bullet holes in the wall. The first Randians I ran
into decided I wasn't good material for their cause on
account of my habit of winding up dead drunk in the
gutter in strange towns on weekends. But, had Ms. Rand
stated in The Objectivist Newsletter, May 1972, that
"Getting dead drunk in the gutter is a great
intellectual notion," I'm absolutely certain that the
curbs would have been lined with Objectivists.

Ever notice that the hardest jobs pay the least money?
My father always asked, "Where do these people get all
this money?" I finally found out. Their ancestors came
here when the land was free. They later sold it for
capital, and that capital was passed down.

There's a rich kid in York that I like personally, but
he's still a classic example. He inherited a huge
fortune from one side of his family and his other side
runs the biggest bank. He then opened a couple of
stores. The paper said, "It's amazing what he has
accomplished by the age of 25." The article acted like
he was Jack the Shoeshine boy turned magnate.

The American People: Now they want Schwarzkopf for
President. How they love Napoleons. How they hate
liberty. They want leadership; screw leadership. They
want lawyer shows on TV; screw "laws".

Sure, this is a long letter, but the sold-out
Libertarian mags will no longer publish me. I'd
appreciate it if you'd run my address; I'd like to get
mail from some Anarchists.

Walk Karwicki II
Box 2372
York, PA


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