-------- Original Message --------
            Million Mom March Dangerous To Women And Kids
            Mon, 14 May 2001 15:24:29 -0700
            "Liz Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            "Liz Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


     I wrote this a year ago. I thought maybe this Million Mom thing would go away and be seen for the
     fraud it is. But apparently, some in power insist upon its resurrection. Accordingly, I believe I need
     to restate why this so-called movement, which is nothing more than a political manipulation, is
     dangerous and will cost lives.


     Million Mom March Dangerous To Women And Kids

     by Liz Michael

     LizMichael.com, www.lizmichael.com
     Released May 13, 2000 for immediate release

     I'm going to come right out and say this. I can't mince words any longer.

     The so-called "Million Mom March" represents a clear and present danger to every
     woman in this nation, especially every teenage girl in this nation. Every woman
     participating in this march is participating in an act that may very well lead to her own death,
     assault, or rape, as well as the death, assault or rape of any woman or young girl in her
     family. Every individual participating in this march or financing this march is
     effectively sponsoring a future criminal assault on me and people I love, and I hold
     them as responsible as the criminal himself.

     I know what you're going to say: "Liz, isn't that a bit strong? Can't intelligent people agree
     to disagree?"

     No, not on this. I'm tired of trying to make peace with these people. I'm tired of having to
     defend my right to protect myself and my family. Tired of protecting my right not to be
     raped. Not to be murdered. Not to be a victim.

     I usually approach the subject of the Second Amendment with the approach for which I
     believe it was designed: namely that the Second Amendment was designed to keep various
     arms in private hands to insure against the establishment of a tyrannical government. I'm
     gonna not talk about that: for now. The Jewish Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide

     I'm gonna frame the firearms issue strictly in terms of one factor. Natural law.

     First of all, let's establish one premise. A person under attack from an assailant has an
     inherent human right to defend themselves from that attack by any means necessary. I think
     most of us, in our hearts, believe that. If you do not believe that, you're already a stupid
     idiot. YES! YOU! STUPID! I said it. I meant it. Deal with it.

     Second. That right is natural and inherent. It is a right that any creature on this earth has by
     nature of their creation. Look at mammals, birds, insects, you name it. The vast majority of
     them are vested by a survival instinct to automatically repel any attempt to harm them, to
     prevent it, to hide from it. They are also given, in addition to their natural characteristics for
     self-defense, a brain, to devise ways of protecting themselves from attack, sheltering
     themselves from attack, and so forth.

     Third, this right and instinct extends to THEIR FAMILY. Look at almost any animal
     species, and you will always see vigorous attempts by mothers, and often even fathers, to
     protect their young. But it's not just blood relatives. That instinct toward self-protection also
     extends to the pack, the pride, the colony. Even if members of the colony really aren't

     Fourth, the right and instinct also extends TO THEIR PROPERTY. You see this in the
     wild. You even see it among pets. It's why dogs make such good guards. They instinctively
     protect the turf. And not just real property, but THINGS also.

     I had to lay all that out. Because I think everyone who deludes themselves into thinking they
     are civilized, or live in a civilized society, ties themselves to the bizarre concept, that all
     society's problems can be solved if only they can pass some STUPID LITTLE LAW.

     The criminal, though, like the predator in the jungle, is under no such delusion. The criminal
     determines exactly what he wants, what his soul craves, and he goes after it. Sometimes
     the law does dissuade him. But the more vicious and demented he is, or the greedier he is,
     the less likely any stupid little law will deter him.

     So into this eternal battle between criminal and citizen, come these individuals. They say
     that "we all will be safer if we all submit ourselves to restraints upon when and how
     we are allowed to defend ourselves, and we must get government approval to defend
     ourselves, and only defend ourselves in the way the government states we can. And
     we don't want any defense methods to be transferable from one person to another.
     And kids shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves."

     Of course, they don't say it THAT way. They say "we want government registration of
     handguns." "We demand trigger locks be sold with every gun." "We want every gun
     owner to be licensed by the government." "We want to compel smart guns." "We
     want a Juvenile Brady bill."

     Gun control isn't just unconstitutional. Gun control isn't just a bad idea.

     Gun control is unnatural. It is against nature. People don't act like that. No creature on
     earth acts like that. Regardless of your religious belief, regardless of whether you think we
     have a soul or spirit or not, you must concede that however we came to be here, and
     whatever else we are, we are in animal form, and we have animal instincts, and one of
     those animal instincts is the instinct, the duty, to protect ourselves, our family, our friends
     and neighbors, and our property from harm. And we would not have flourished as a species
     without that natural instinct.

      Now some of these "Million Mugger enabling Meddlers" will ask me "Liz, do you want
     your six year old girl to handle firearms? Your sixteen year old boy? Aren't you afraid of
     having a gun in your house because of that?"

     I'll be frank with you. Given the penchant for child molesters and child rapists, I frankly
     would get my kids to a shooting range at early an age as possible so that they may
     familiarize themselves with that means of self-defense, as well as familiarizing them with
     other self-defense methods. I frankly would rather my child have a piece concealed and
     know how to use it in today's world. I would probably give him one. I probably wouldn't let
     him go to a public school where he couldn't carry it.

     Which brings me to the point. The "Million Mugger enabling Meddlers" would have my full
     support if they were, like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, demanding stiffer criminal
     penalties for physical assaults against children.

     But the "Million Mom March" is doing the opposite. They aren't trying to make it safe for
     my kid to walk the street. They're actually setting up situations where my family might be
     rendered defenseless against these same thugs. Howso?

     Everything they propose.... EVERYTHING.... is aimed against me protecting myself and
     my family protecting itself, not for it. Forget the Constitution for a second. Forget
     the country for a second. A waiting period denies me for the length of the waiting
     period my access to self -defense and defense of my family. Permit and licensing
     requirements do the same thing: delay and prevent my natural instinct for self-defense. Age
     requirements: same thing. Saying a teenage girl is legally prohibited from carrying a firearm
     is like giving a child snatcher free license at her.

     What about trigger locks, Liz? Surely you can't be against mandating trigger locks? But it's
     the same thing. A trigger lock places an assailee at a distinct disadvantage. Crimes don't
     happen in days. They happen in seconds. Suddenly. Every second is precious in a
     self-defense and a trigger lock costs precious seconds and might disable the firearm

     But enough of this folderol. Forget how many votes you have or think you need. Forget
     your interpretation of the Constitution. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL ME HOW I
     STUPID LITTLE LAW you pass against us will ever negate that natural God-given right
     and instinct. Deal with that.

     The gun control people, in my opinion, have crossed a line in the sand. This ceased to be a
     civilized discussion long ago. This is a matter of self-protection. A matter of turf. If you are
     in favor of restricting the citizen's right to self-defense and defense of her family, then you
     are on the side of the criminals. Either you believe an individual has a right to defend against
     an assailant unhampered by stupid little laws, or you are on the side of criminals. And if
     you believe in using the power of the state to come down on me for protecting myself
     or my family, then both you and the state that does that are criminals. YES! YOU!

     And I'm here to tell you, on behalf of many many Americans with families, that we will
     have none of it any longer. Million Mom March supporters, what you advocate, if you
     succeed, will be a prelude to revolution. That is neither a threat nor a promise. That is
     natural law. We will not take these stupid little laws aimed at us any longer. We will, like a
     mother lioness defending her turf and her cubs, use any means necessary. Ultimately,
     whether you want it or not, natural law will assert itself.  Deal with it.

     Copyright, 2000, LizMichael.com, www.lizmichael.com Permission to reprint
     granted so long as the web site and the copyright remains referenced. No exclusivity may be retained by any
     individual or press entity which reprints.

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