-Caveat Lector-

Milosevic Shouldn't Be Alone

SF Examiner

By Conn Hallinan

When Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of
Yugoslavia, appears before the United Nations
International Criminal Tribunal at The Hague, he ought
not stand alone. General Wesley Clark (retired),
commander of the NATO air war against Serbia, should be
up there with him. And since there is no statute of
limitations on war crimes or crimes against humanity,
it would seem in order to bring former Senator Bob
Kerrey and Henry Kissinger to the docket as well.

The first of these defendants will probably stand
trial. The next three will be unlikely ever to see the
inside of an international court of justice, but all
have almost certainly violated the 1949 Geneva
Convention. And in Clark and Kerrey's case, the U.S.
Uniform Code of Military Justice. As for Kissinger, the
rap sheet is as long as your arm and the butcher bill
almost beyond reckoning.

Let's start with Clark. The Geneva Convention prohibits
bombing that is not clearly justified by military
necessity, and the protocols specifically bar targets
that have a civilian function. But NATO aircraft bombed
railway stations, bridges, power stations,
communication networks, factories, petrochemical
refineries, warehouses, sewage and water-treatment
plants, hospitals and schools, killing almost 2,000
civilians in the 78-day bombing campaign. In the words
of Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Study,
"The NATO bombing violated specific rules of war. Our
government has committed war crimes by bombing civilian

This past April, U.S. troops helped arrest Dragan
Obrenovic, the Bosnian Serb commander of the brutal
assault on Srebrenica in July 1995, and hauled him to
The Hague for trail. The White House said the arrest
was an "essential step in consolidating the peace and
promoting the rule of law in Bosnia." Agreed. Now let's
put Clark alongside him.

On the night of Feb. 24-25, 1969, then Lt. Bob Kerry
and his U.S. Navy Seal team assaulted Thanh Phong
hamlet in the Mekong Delta. The mission was part of
"Operation Phoenix," a CIA program aimed at
assassinating civilians friendly to the National
Liberation Front. When the Seals retreated, somewhere
between 14 and 20 civilians were dead, all women and
children, but for one old man. Even before the Seals
got to the village, according to Gerhard Klann, one of
the seven-man squad, Kerry ordered the execution of
several civilians. Murdering civilians is specifically
forbidden, not only by the Geneva Convention, but the
U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Kerrey claims his unit was fired on when it approached
Thanh Phone, and that the villagers were killed when
his squad returned fire. Even if his story were true---
and the Vietnamese survivors dispute it---his Seals had
already slit the throats of the first civilians they
had come upon.

Since there are three surviving witnesses to the
massacre at Thanh Phong, doesn't this incident belong
in a court? Let Kerrey present his witnesses, let the
Vietnamese present theirs, and let the judges decide.
Isn't this "the rule of law"?

Where does one begin with Henry Kissinger, former
Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and
serial killer extraordinaire? Let's list just a few of
the things he did while in charge of U.S. foreign

* He ordered the Christmas bombing of Hanoi that killed
over 2,000 civilians and flattened Bach Mai hospital.

* He organized the secret bombing of Laos and Cambodia
that killed almost a million civilians, and resulted in
the reign of Pol Pot, who killed another million.

* He facilitated the Phoenix program which
systematically murdered at least 70,000 civilians from
June 1967 through 1970. In 1970, a U.S. Congressional
study found that the program "appears to have violated
the 1949 Geneva Convention for the protection of

* He aided Operation Condor, where the military
dictatorships of Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Bolivia, Argentina, and Ecuador assassinated, tortured
and murdered political opponents throughout South
America. Kissinger was chair of the Interagency
Committee on Chile at the time when Condor operatives
arrested and murdered American Charles Horman in Chile.
State Department documents released in 1999 indicate
that the U.S. fingered Horman.

* He endorsed Indonesia's 1975 genocidal invasion of
East Timor. The day before the attack, Kissinger, then
Secretary of State, was in Jakarta telling the press
that the "U.S. understands Indonesia's position on the
question" of East Timor. The takeover ended up killing
600,000 Timorese.

While a certain numbness creeps into your soul when you
start totting up Kissinger's crimes, those abominations
should hardly paralyze the wheel of law. Three
countries are already after the man. In May, French
magistrate Roger Le Loire subpoenaed Kissinger to
testify about the murder of five French civilians by
Operation Condor. Kissinger fled Paris the next day.
Then in June, Argentine judge Rodolf Canacoba Corral
issued Kissinger a summons to answer for the
disappearance of its citizens. Chilean judge Juan
Guzman Tapia is also seeking to question Kissinger
concerning the murder of Charles Horman.

In a sense, the problem is deciding where to stop the
list of potential war criminals. Kissinger certainly
engaged in war crimes in Vietnam, but so did General
William Westmoreland and a host of other commanders---
the "I was just following orders, and it was a complex
war" gang---who created free-fire zones, imprisoned
civilians in strategic hamlets, and released troops to
take part in Operation Phoenix. And what do we do about
the civilian leaders who knew exactly what was going on
in places like Thanh Phong, but saw it as a "necessity
of war"?

This country has never acknowledged that Americans can
commit war crimes. Indeed, while we may arrest Serbs
and send them to The Hague, the U.S. does not recognize
the jurisdiction of the United Nations International
Criminal Tribunal. Congress only passed a law against
war crimes in l996.

However, we are still bound by the Geneva Convention,
which recognizes no statute of limitations on war
crimes and allows those so charged to be tried in other
countries. Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet dodged
just such a trial in England by pleading ill health,
and recently, several Catholic nuns were convicted in
Belgium of crimes against humanity for their
participation in the 1994 genocidal rampage against
Tutsis and their Hutu allies in Rwanda.

The U.S. may never bring its rogues gallery to trial,
but if I were Messrs. Clark, Kerrey, and Kissinger, I
would be mighty careful which countries I traveled to
in the coming years.


Chileans Call on Kissinger for Answers About Killing

'Missing' Chileans Call on Kissinger for Answers About
Killing Judge reopens case of US writer murdered during
Pinochet coup

by Julian Borger in Washington and Jonathan Franklin in

July 6, 2001
The Guardian of London


A judge in Santiago has drawn up a list of questions
for the US statesman and Nobel laureate, Henry
Kissinger, about the 1973 killing of the American
journalist Charles Horman, whose execution by forces
loyal to General Augusto Pinochet was dramatized in the
Hollywood film, Missing. The questions, drawn up by the
investigating magistrate Juan Guzman and lawyers for
the victims of the Pinochet regime, were submitted to
Chile's supreme court, which must now decide whether to
forward them to the US.

Also See: U.S. Victims of Chile's Coup: The Uncensored
File <../headlines/021300-01.htm> <<...OLE_Obj...>> by
Diana Jean Schemo, New York Times 2/13/00

The list is under seal but it is thought to cover the
extent of Mr Kissinger's knowledge of the Horman case.
Horman's family have repeatedly claimed that the Nixon
government, in which Mr Kissinger was national security
advisor and secretary of state, knew more about what
happened when the journalist was murdered in Chile than
it has ever admitted.

Mr Kissinger, awarded the Nobel peace prize for his
role in bringing the Vietnam war to an end, is now
under increased scrutiny for his leading role in a
number of controversial US actions abroad, including
the bombing of Cambodia and Washington's support for
authoritarian rightwing governments such as Gen

Charles Horman's widow, Joyce, said yesterday that Mr
Kissinger was "ultimately the one who has to answer the
questions for the disappearance of my husband".

She added: "He was really calling the shots, as far as
I'm concerned, in questions of state and the CIA, with
regard to the protection and knowledge of what happened
to Americans there."

Encouraged by the success of international human rights
cases against Gen Pinochet and Balkan war crimes
suspects, human rights activists have recently drawn up
allegations against Mr Kissinger. While visiting Paris
in May, Mr Kissinger was subpoenaed by a French judge
to answer questions about the death of French citizens
under the Pinochet regime. Mr Kissinger refused to
appear in court to answer the questions, saying he had
a prior engagement.

This year, a Washington-based British journalist,
Christopher Hitchens, published The Trial of Henry
Kissinger, in which he accused the veteran proponent of
realpolitik of conspiring to sabotage 1968 Vietnam
peace talks and pursuing an illegal war in Cambodia,
among other charges. Mr Kissinger called the book

Meanwhile, an Argentinian judge is seeking his
testimony on Operation Condor, a CIA-backed scheme in
the 70s in which rightwing Latin American regimes
shared information in order to track down leftwing

In the late 70s, Mrs Horman launched a civil action
against Mr Kissinger and other US officials, charging
them with negligence, collusion and a cover-up of her
husband's death. However, she withdrew the case on the
grounds that the US government was withholding the
documentation necessary to pursue it.

A large quantity of CIA and Pentagon documents about
the 1973 coup in Chile and its aftermath were released
last year, but human rights activists say vital
information is still being withheld. A recently
declassified US state department memo dated August 1976
expressed concern that US intelligence had played a
role in Horman's death, passing information and
possibly "doing nothing to discourage the logical
outcome of [Chilean government] paranoia".

Sergio Corvalan, a lawyer involved in the case, said:
"[Kissinger] has never answered to justice and he had
an important role in the coup in Chile and an influence
in the Chilean military government."

Gen Pinochet is currently facing charges in Chile of
covering up the actions of a military death squad, but
his lawyers are claiming he is suffering from dementia
and is unfit to stand trial. A judge is expected to
rule on the issue in the next few days.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2001

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