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A-albionic Research Weekly Update of 3-18-2000

Subject: Mind Control Operational in Gun Control Incidents?

     It is no secret that many conspiracy researchers suspect that many of
the bizarre "shooting incidents" of recent and not so recent years which
are doing so much to promote the "gun control" agenda of the Federal
Government, are artificially induced via mind control of one sort or
another by operatives closely associated with the "Intelligence Community"
or "National Security Dictatorship."  Though America is quite resistant to
gun control, England and Australia reacted to only a few such incidents
with near complete confiscations!

     There are now quite a number of books with varying degrees of
credibility that lend support to the hypothesis that Manchurian Candidate
style mind control has been experimented with since WWII and may now be
perfected and operational for all manner of "National Security" uses.  We
propose to review these books, with an emphasis on tracing quotes and
documentation to original sources and context whenever possible.  Too
often, authors quote selectively and out-of-context to buttress doubtful

     With this issue of the Weekly Up-Date, we begin with Dr. George
Estabrooks, hypnotist extraordinary.


     We will start by considering if "mind control" is possible.  George
Estabrooks seems to provide the best authority that it is not only
possible, but capable of being used operationally since WWII at the

     John Mark's _In Search of the Manchurian Candidate_ provides an
introduction to George "Esty" Estabrooks typical for the literature of
"mind control":

". . .At the time, hypnosis was considered a fringe activity, and there
was little recognition of either its validity or its usefulness for any
purpose--let alone covert operations. Yet there were a handful of serious
experimenters in the field who believed in its military potential. The
most vocal partisan of this view was the head of the Psychology Department
at Colgate University, George "Esty" Estabrooks. Since the early 1930s,
Estabrooks had periodically ventured out from his sleepy upstate campus to
advise the military on applications of hypnotism.

  "Estabrooks acknowledged that hypnosis did not work on everyone and that
only one person in five made a good enough subject to be placed in a deep
trance, or state of somnambulism. He believed that only these subjects
could be induced to such things against their apparent will as reveal
secrets or commit crimes. He had watched respected members of the
community make fools of themselves in the hands of stage hypnotists, and
he had compelled his own students to reveal fraternity secrets and the
details of private love affairs--all of which the subjects presumably did
not want to do.

  "Still his experience was limited. Estabrooks realized that the only
certain way to know whether a person would commit a crime like murder
under hypnosis was to have the person kill someone. Unwilling to settle
the issue on his own by trying the experiment, he felt that government
sanction of the process would relieve the hypnotist of personal
responsibility. "Any 'accidents' that might occur during the experiments
will simply be charged to profit and loss," he wrote, "a very trifling
portion of that enormous wastage in human life which is part and parcel of

  "After Pearl Harbor, Estabrooks offered his ideas to OSS, but they were
not accepted by anyone in government willing to carry them to their
logical conclusion. He was reduced to writing books about the potential
use of hypnotism in warfare. Cassandra-like, he tried to warn America of
the perils posed by hypnotic control. His 1945 novel, Death in the Mind,
concerned a series of seemingly treasonable acts committed by Allied
personnel: an American submarine captain torpedoes one of our own
battleships, and the beautiful heroine starts acting in an irrational way
which serves the enemy. After a perilous investigation, secret agent
Johnny Evans learns that the Germans have been hypnotizing Allied
personnel and conditioning them to obey Nazi commands. Evans and his
cohorts, shaken by the many ways hypnotism can be used against them, set
up elaborate countermeasures and then cannot resist going on the
offensive. Objections are heard from the heroine, who by this time has
been brutally and rather graphically tortured. She complains that "doing
things to people's minds" is "a loathsome way to fight." Her qualms are
brushed aside by Johnny Evans, her lover and boss. He sets off after the
Germans--"to tamper with their minds; Make them traitors; Make them work
for us."

  "In the aftermath of the war, as the U.S. national security apparatus
was being constructed, the leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency
would adopt Johnny Evans' mission--almost in those very words. Richard
Helms, Sid Gottlieb, John Gittinger, George White, and many others would
undertake a far-flung and complicated assault on the human mind. In
hypnosis and many other fields, scientists even more eager than George
Estabrooks would seek CIA approval for the kinds of experiments they would
not dare perform on their own. Sometimes the Agency men concurred; on
other occasions, they reserved such experiments for themselves. They would
tamper with many minds and inevitably cause some to be damaged. In the
end, they would minimize and hide their deeds, and they would live to see
doubts raised about the health of their own minds."

          from John Mark's _In Search of the Manchurian Candidate_
               Chapter I, "World War II"    Available from A-albionic:
               $35.00 postpaid http://a-albionic.com/merchform.html
               1979 Out of Print Hardcover

  The more recent _Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness_ by Jim
Keith adds:

      "One of Estabrooks' early and unique realization was that if
multiple personalities could be cured by hypnotism, then it followed that
multiple personalities could be created in the same fashion. . ."

     "In 1942, Estabrooks was appointed as an Expert Consultant tot he
Secretary of War, liaison with the Naval Research Laboratory, while at the
same time conducting a massive correspondence with J. Edgar Hoover.  In
later years Estabrooks would take on work with the CIA."

          from Jim Keith's _Mass Control_
               Page 71, "Estabrooks and the Manchurian Candidate"
               $19.95 postpaid http://a-albionic.com/merchform.html
               1999 Paperback

     Estabrooks' article "Hypnotism Comes of Age" [Science Digest, April
1971] contains some rather startling claims of operational mind control
during WWII:

     "The potential for military intelligence has been nightmarish.
During World War II, I worked this technique with a vulnerable Marine
lieutenant I'll call Jones.  Under the watchful eye of Marine Intelligence
I split his personality in Jones A and Jones B.  Jones A, once a "normal"
working Marine, became entirely different.  He talked communist doctrine
and meant it.  He was welcomed enthusiastically by communist cells, was
deliberately given a dishonorable discharge by the Corps (which was in on
the plot) and became a card-carrying part member.

     [Note the uncanny resemblance to the case of Lee Harvey Oswald, also
a Marine--Lloyd Miller, Editor]

     "The Joker was Jones B, the second personality, formerly apparent in
the conscious Marine.  Under hypnosis this Jones had been carefully
coached by suggestion.  Jones B was the deeper personality, knew all the
thoughts of the Jones A, was a loyal American and was "imprinted" to say
nothing during conscious phases.

     "All I had to do was hypnotize the whole man, get in touch with Jones
B, the loyal American, and I had a pipeline straight into the Communist
camp.  It worked beautifully for months with this subject, but the
technique backfired.  While there was no way for an enemy to expose Jones'
dual personality, they suspected it and played the same trick on us later.

     "The use of "waking hypnosis" in counter intelligence during World
War II occasionally became so involved that i taxed even my credulity.
Among the most complicated ploys used was the practice of sending a
perfectly normal, wide awake agent into enemy camp, after he'd been
carefully coached in waking hypnosis to act the part of a potential
hypnotism subject.  Trained in auto-suggestion, or self-hypnosis, such a
subject can pass every test used to spot a hypnotized person.  Using it,
he can control the rate of his heartbeat, anesthetize himself to a degree
against paid of electric shock or other torture.

     "In the case of an officer we'll call Cox, this carefully prepared
counter spy was given a title to indicate he had access to top priority
information.  He was planted in an international cafe in a border country
where it was certain there would be enemy agents.  He talked too much,
drank a lot, made friends with local girls, and pretended a childish
interest in hypnotism.  The hope was the he would blunder into a situation
in which enemy agents would kidnap and try to hypnotize him, in order to
extract information from him.

     "Cox worked so well that they fell for the trick.  He never allowed
himself to be hypnotized during seances.  While pretending to be a
hypnotized subject of the foe, he was gathering and feeding back

     "Eventually, Cox did get caught when he was followed to an
information "drop."  And this international group plays rough.  The enemy
offered him a "ride" at gunpoint.  There were four men in the vehicle.
Cox watched for a chance, and found it when the car skirted a ravine.  He
leaped for the wheel, twisted it, and over the edge they went.  Two of his
guards were killed in the crash.  In the ensuing scramble, he got hold of
another man's gun, liquidated the remaining two, then hobbled across the
border with nothing worse than a broken leg.

     "So much for the darker side."

                    From "Hypnotism Comes of Age" by George Estabrooks
                         Xerox of Entire Article
                         $10.00 postpaid http://a-albionic.com/merchform.html

To Be Continued Next Issue. . .

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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