
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:
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From: Ian Goddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: More GovtMedia
Date: Sunday, April 02, 2000 4:51 AM

"The government grants vastly different amounts of taxpayer
money to different magazines, depending on how effective their
content is deemed at building support for the war on drugs."

         - The Drug War Gravy Train, Salon.com -


   Once again the Internet journal Salon.com has exposed
   a surreptitious collusion between major media and the
   government. In Salon's latest expose we discover that
   more than 20 magazines conspired with the government
   to include War-on-Drug propaganda in their regular
   "objective" news and contents rather than running
   antidrug advertisements. Some of those magazines are:

   Life, Newsweek, Time, U.S. News & World Report, People,
   Reader's Digest, TV Guide, Sports Illustrated, Essence,
   Ladies' Home Journal, Teen, Vibe, People En Espanol,
   Family Life, Sporting News, Family Circle, Seventeen,
   Parade, and USA Weekend.

   A journalist whose story was subjected to oversight by
   the government told Salon: "This is a clear violation
   of journalistic ethics. It's really egregious. This
   shapes the type of reporting you're doing and what
   editors are asking for... If we ever did something
   like this as a writer -- showed a story to a source
   ahead of publication, say -- our career would be finished."

   Other members of the media are more eager to serve
   the federal government's agenda, as one magazine
   spokesperson told Salon: "We do exactly what Congress
   asks us to do. We totally comply with the drug-control
   office requirements." This is not an independent media!

   Salon previously revealed that most major television
   networks had also conspired with the federal government
   to propagate Drug-War propaganda under the guise of
   their regularly featured television programs.

   The fact is that most of the major networks and magazines
   went along with this scheme and NONE of them came forward
   to inform their consumers either (a) that their product
   was written to comply with government-content requirements
   or (b) that the government had approached them with a scheme
   to surreptitiously include propaganda into their news and
   entertainment programming, which would surely have made a
   major story! The systematic and cooperative nature of this
   collusion tends to suggest a long-term Govt/media collusion:

Salon.com - March 31, 2000


How the White House rewarded U.S. News, Seventeen
and other magazines for publishing anti-drug articles.

By Daniel Forbes

Page 1 http://salon.com/news/feature/2000/03/31/magazines/index.html
Page 2 http://salon.com/news/feature/2000/03/31/magazines/index1.html
Page 3 http://salon.com/news/feature/2000/03/31/magazines/index2.html
Page 4 http://salon.com/news/feature/2000/03/31/magazines/index3.html
Page 5 http://salon.com/news/feature/2000/03/31/magazines/index4.html

  Police Foundation report concludes that drug laws cause more harm:

  Read story on US military Psychological Operatives at CNN:

       If the axiom "power corrupts" is a reliable axiom,
      then the Official Story must be suspect on its face.
  GODDARD'S JOURNAL: http://www.erols.com/igoddard/journal.htm
  Asking the "wrong questions," challenging the official story

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