Re: [CTRL] NBC panics.

1999-01-31 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

>>With Staff
>>  For the story behind the story...
>>   Friday January 29, 9:53 AM
>>   Broaddrick Blockbuster Set to Run Friday --
>>   Before NBC Panicked
>>   Inside Cover has learned that Juanita Broaddrick, who gave an
>>   exclusive bombshell interview to NBC's Lisa Myers a week ago
>>   Wednesday, was told her story would be broadcast this Friday on
>>   the network's "Dateline NBC" newsmagazine. But at last word,
>>   network executives have come down with a bad case of cold feet.
>>   A source who was present the entire time NBC grilled Broaddrick
>>   has revealed exclusively to Inside Cover that Myers' team put
>>   the Clinton accuser and her family through the wringer. NBC's
>>   private investigators combed through her backround to make sure
>>   the alleged assault victim had no hidden skeletons that might
>>   undermine her believability. Their verdict: She's "squeaky
>>   clean".
>>   NBC cameras rolled for eight hours, recording interviews with
>>   both Broaddrick and her husband at the family's Arkansas home.
>>   "Dateline" came away with some five hours of usable footage.
>>   "Dateline" also interviewed nurse Norma Rogers, a key
>>   corroborative witness who treated Broaddrick's bruises after her
>>   alleged attack by then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton.
>>   Rogers would not appear for any on camera close-ups out of
>>   concern for her young children's privacy, telling her story
>>   instead on audiotape.
>>   Broaddrick is said to be exhausted and deeply frustrated that
>>   NBC, after chasing her story for nine months, had persuaded her
>>   to go public only to lose their own nerve at the eleventh hour.
>>   She got the first hint of trouble on Tuesday, when Myers called
>>   her to warn that NBC brass were panicking. "The good news is,
>>   you're credible. The bad news is, you're very, very credible,"
>>   Myers told Broaddrick, according to our insider.
>>   Our source said Broaddrick had decided the "Dateline" interview
>>   would be a one shot deal, and that she had hoped to retreat into
>>   anonymity after NBC made her story public.
>>   Inside Cover has confirmed reports of NBC's skittishness and
>>   learned that other networks have approached Ms. Broaddrick. She
>>   is said to be weighing a change of venue should NBC execs go
>>   into the tank.
>>   Another source close to the story told Inside Cover, "If
>>   'Dateline' doesn't run Broaddrick Friday night, you'll know NBC
>>   has either postponed it or cancelled it."
>>   Inside Cover will be monitoring "Dateline" tonight to see if NBC
>>   has regained their nerve.
>>   [Read's earlier reports on Jane Doe #5]
> Subject:
> Corporate news sucks!
> Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:14:45 -0800
>   From:
> Organization:
> Nurev Independent Research
>To the Suits at NBC and especially Brokaw:
>RE: Squelching the Juanita Broderick interview.
>You have lost all credibility for your news division.
>Corporate news departments are incapable of being a
>watchdog for the people. They are a lapdog for the
>government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.
>I'm glad you fucked up. Now all the world will see
>what a worthless bunch of shits you are.

That J2 is a very smart man. (Often).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NBC panics.

1999-01-30 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

nurev wrote:
>With Staff
>  For the story behind the story...
>   Friday January 29, 9:53 AM
>   Broaddrick Blockbuster Set to Run Friday --
>   Before NBC Panicked
>   Inside Cover has learned that Juanita Broaddrick, who gave an
>   exclusive bombshell interview to NBC's Lisa Myers a week ago
>   Wednesday, was told her story would be broadcast this Friday on
>   the network's "Dateline NBC" newsmagazine. But at last word,
>   network executives have come down with a bad case of cold feet.
>   A source who was present the entire time NBC grilled Broaddrick
>   has revealed exclusively to Inside Cover that Myers' team put
>   the Clinton accuser and her family through the wringer. NBC's
>   private investigators combed through her backround to make sure
>   the alleged assault victim had no hidden skeletons that might
>   undermine her believability. Their verdict: She's "squeaky
>   clean".
>   NBC cameras rolled for eight hours, recording interviews with
>   both Broaddrick and her husband at the family's Arkansas home.
>   "Dateline" came away with some five hours of usable footage.
>   "Dateline" also interviewed nurse Norma Rogers, a key
>   corroborative witness who treated Broaddrick's bruises after her
>   alleged attack by then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton.
>   Rogers would not appear for any on camera close-ups out of
>   concern for her young children's privacy, telling her story
>   instead on audiotape.
>   Broaddrick is said to be exhausted and deeply frustrated that
>   NBC, after chasing her story for nine months, had persuaded her
>   to go public only to lose their own nerve at the eleventh hour.
>   She got the first hint of trouble on Tuesday, when Myers called
>   her to warn that NBC brass were panicking. "The good news is,
>   you're credible. The bad news is, you're very, very credible,"
>   Myers told Broaddrick, according to our insider.
>   Our source said Broaddrick had decided the "Dateline" interview
>   would be a one shot deal, and that she had hoped to retreat into
>   anonymity after NBC made her story public.
>   Inside Cover has confirmed reports of NBC's skittishness and
>   learned that other networks have approached Ms. Broaddrick. She
>   is said to be weighing a change of venue should NBC execs go
>   into the tank.
>   Another source close to the story told Inside Cover, "If
>   'Dateline' doesn't run Broaddrick Friday night, you'll know NBC
>   has either postponed it or cancelled it."
>   Inside Cover will be monitoring "Dateline" tonight to see if NBC
>   has regained their nerve.
>   [Read's earlier reports on Jane Doe #5]

 Corporate news sucks!
 Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:14:45 -0800
 Nurev Independent Research

To the Suits at NBC and especially Brokaw:

RE: Squelching the Juanita Broderick interview.

You have lost all credibility for your news division.
Corporate news departments are incapable of being a
watchdog for the people. They are a lapdog for the
government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.
I'm glad you fucked up. Now all the world will see
what a worthless bunch of shits you are.



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Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:17:12 -0500 (EST)

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