-Caveat Lector-


NEWSFLASH: OCTOBER 14. Who is making an illegal killing in
the stock market right now and ripping off millions of Americans?
Who is profiting from the violence and death in Palestine?  Who is
making $$$ from the deaths of US sailors on the USS Cole?  Who
is racking up huge rewards from higher oil prices?

A respected investment advisor, speaking off the record, states,
"Everybody on Wall Street knows that when oil goes up the
business stocks on every exchange in the world begin to drop. If
you have inside information on oil prices, you can play the market
like a fiddle.  Certain big oil executives and their friends have been
short-selling stocks all over the world and watching them drop.
Their profits are staggering."

The recent massive fall in stock markets has also been
coordinated with the bombing of the USS Cole and the violence in
Palestine.  These murderous events cause investors to get jittery
and sell their stock holdings, forcing stock prices to go down.

So while US families worry about freezing this winter, fat cats are
reaping huge benefits from short selling--betting, in effect, that
major stock prices will go down.  Their bets are correct.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, the US agency
responsible for keeping the investing game fair, is of course
sitting on its hands.

The stock advisor I spoke with goes on to say, "There should be an
immediate investigation to find out who is illegally making millions
from the current crises around the world.  But that won't happen.
Because such an investigation would reveal that the whole stock-
investing game is rigged on many fronts..."

Gore and Bush say nothing either, because they are fronting for
special interests who know how to play this fixed stock game very
well.  The public is fed the boring presidential debates, in which the
object seems to be taking on the role of the most polite
candidate.  The public is told it would be a mortal sin not to vote
for either Bush or Gore.

Reports coming out of all major news outlets keep repeating "eye-
witness accounts" of a raft "loaded with explosives" that blew up
with its terrorist passengers at the hull of the USS Cole.  This,
despite the fact that there is a very high probability the raft was
carrying a very sophisticated shaped charge--and wasn't stacked
with any explosives.  See much more below.  (written and filed by
Jon Rappoport on Saturday, Oct.14)

 NEWSFLASH: OCTOBER 13.  Knowledgeable sources
indicate that the bomb that took out a 40 X 20 section of the USS
Cole and killed US sailors was a shaped charge.  This charge was
"sophisticated, outfitted with either a contact detonator or a
proximity detonator." So the bomb would have gone off on the raft
when the raft either touched the hull of the Cole or came close to
it.  The people behind this were not amateurs.

The bombing of the USS Cole occurred on the day when two Israeli
soldiers were killed by Palestinians, provoking the Israeli
helicopter/rocket attack--and on the same day that the US stock
markets plunged.  These and other events of October 12 suggest
intentional coordination on a broad scale. (Written and filed by Jon
Rappoport. See more below.)

NEWSFLASH: OCTOBER 12.  Middle East conflict, terrorism, oil
prices, the election in the US, the stock market, the economy,
Israel, Palestine.

This is an OPERATION.  This is not a series of  accidents or
coincidences.  As the tech stocks on NASDAQ started to
tumble, exposing the dotcoms and the phony biotech companies--
several months ago--both the Repubs and the Demos began to
think about how an economic downturn might affect their
Presidential campaign strategies.  Oil prices a little later began to
rise.  The energy moguls, backing Bush, saw the possibility that a
temporary hit of this kind to the economy in the US could benefit
Bush's cause.  After all, who wants to change political parties in
the middle of what the press has been calling the greatest period of
prosperity in US history? So, the thinking has gone, why not erode
that prosperity with rising oil prices and get the people to bring in
Bush Jr.  Nothing very unusual so far.

Through overt manipulation, not so different from the holding of US
hostages in Iran during the Carter-Reagan campaign of 1980, the
US has been being held hostage, in a very soft way, by rising
oil prices--and these prices would immediately drop as soon as
Bush Jr. won the White House...just as the hostages returned as
soon as Reagan was inaugurated President.  This is a distinct
parallel.  After all, George Bush Sr. was involved in the October
Surprise, which was the deal made with the Ayatollah in Iran to
hold the US hostages until the election of 1980, thereby wrecking
all confidence in the Presidency of Jimmy Carter and ensuring a
Reagan victory.

But now the ante was upped.  Clinton-Gore decided to free up US
reserves of oil to counteract the energy moguls' raising of oil
prices.  This was a bit of a surprise.  That reserve is almost never
tapped, except in time of war. Clinton-Gore played the knight on
the white horse riding in to save the families in New England who
would be freezing their tails off without heating oil.

Of course, as oil prices continue to rise, other sectors of the US
economy are affected.  Every business that uses oil has to raise
prices of its products a little to handle their increased cost of doing

So the stock market gets a little jittery.  The armies of amateurs
who think they know how to play the market, who think we are in
irreversible prosperity, are suddenly developing very cold feet and
they are starting to bail out of their stocks.  This drives stock
prices lower and the spiral begins.  More bailing out on top of
bailing out.

A lot of these amateurs were buying stocks on margin, and now
they are suddenly receiving margin calls from their brokers.  These
amateurs are finding out that the cold realities of investing operate
no matter whether you are dealing with a human broker or an
internet screen.  The broker wants more money in the account
to cover the losses from the customer's stocks that are falling, that
were purchased on margin (on a fraction of the actual cost of the
stock).  More fear.

The cartels who run this planet love to induce fear.  It makes
citizens want to go to recognized authorities and give up all their
freedoms for protection from the big bad threat--which in this case,
is the fear of loss of money.

Now we have explosives on a raft which blow out a 40 by 20 hole in
the USS Cole off Yemen.  This terrorist act just happens to take
place in an area not far from the oil route, where tankers take
Middle East oil and bring it to the US and other nations.  Now there
is the fear that the oil route could become more dangerous.  This
causes more panic on Wall Street, because potential disruption of
the oil route would mean oil shortages and much higher oil prices
and plummeting Wall Street stocks of all kinds, since those stocks
represent real companies which need oil to do business, which
need to pay for oil to do business.

Now we have the killing of several Israeli soldiers by Palestinians
and the retaliation by the Israeli Armed Forces with helicopters and
rockets.  The Middle East peace process is in tatters.  The Islamic
hatred of Israel is whipped into a frenzy.  If the US unequivocally
supports Israel and condemns Palestine, this could drive Islamic oil
nations to cut their supplies of oil to the US.

On top of this, the US government refuses--and has refused for
several decades--to drill for oil at an accelerated rate inside the US,
despite the fact that Alaska, for example, holds gigantic
supplies of untapped oil and untapped natural gas. Several sources
confirm that such drilling operations would make the US
independent of the need for Middle East oil.  Think about that.

But if the US became free of the need for Middle East oil, prices of
the oil would drop severely.  And we all know that it is perceived
scarcity which drives the price up--and up is exactly where the
energy cartel wants it to be.

The energy cartel and other cooperating cartels in fact want the
Middle East to remain the single place on Earth where
America and Europe get most of their oil.  These cartels want the
chaos in the Middle East to continue in a controlled way.  They
want that age-old conflict to continue.  They want to prove to the
world that conflict and scarcity are the overriding factor in all human
life...this is their OPERATION.  This is their way of doing things.

In 1940, Buckminster Fuller knew and wrote about the real new
prosperity.  He stated that the human race was in possession of
sufficient technology to provide the basics of life to every human on
the face of the Earth--at very low cost.  This was a shock to the
power elites, who redoubled their efforts to literally create a world--
through unchecked famine,  manufactured war, disease, and
poverty--that would convince one and all that scarcity and
suffering were the cardinals rules of existence.  Today, more than
ever, we could realize Fuller's dream and our dream, without
destroying basic money systems or countries or profits for

The recent events I've sketched in here--and their implications-- are
all part of a very high-level cartel action that goes way beyond
anything Bush Jr. or Gore knows about.  As with every
president, they are simply pawns in a much larger game.  They are
candidates who have the right mixture of ignorance, sincerity, ego,
family pride, ideals, scuzziness, IQ, tunnel-vision, vulnerability to
humiliation, and obedience.

The cartels delight in the fact that forces beyond Gore and Bush,
but below the cartels themselves, are trying to mess with the price
of oil, are trying to sway an election by playing with fire.  The
cartels use this, as they use everything, to squeeze humans
everywhere and force them to give up their deepest dreams and
freedoms and opt for blind obedience to AUTHORITY in the face of
a threat.

More later.
Filed and written by Jon Rappoport/ October       12/2000


If "con" is the opposite of "pro," then what is
the opposite of progress? - Unknown

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