-Caveat Lector-

UN hits back at Vatican on Kosovo rape victims

By Evelyn Leopold

UNITED NATIONS, April 15 (Reuters) - The U.N. Population Fund on Thursday
criticised the Vatican as insensitive to the suffering of Kosovo women
because of its opposition to a ``morning-after pill'' for rape victims in
refugee camps.

``I am surprised and disappointed at the Vatican's statement condemning the
provision of emergency contraception to Kosovo refugees,'' said Dr Nafis
Sadik, the UNFPA executive director.

``It shows an insensitivity to the suffering of the women of Kosovo,'' Sadik,
a Pakistani physician, said in a statement.

A senior Vatican official on Tuesday said the use of the ``morning-after''
pill was tantamount to abortion. Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, vice president of
the Pontifical Academy for Life, reflecting the Vatican's position, called
the pill a technique that should not be confused with a contraceptive.

He made his comments in the Italian Roman Catholic daily newspaper Avvenire
in reaction to UNFPA's announcement it had sent reproductive health kits to
refugee camps in Albania that included the ``morning after'' pill.

The Vatican's U.N. delegation last month also spoke out against using the
pill, saying it involved chemicals used in abortions.

Sadik said this was not the case: `` It's a form of oral contraceptive. Of
course whether a woman will or not use it is a decision for her to make.''

She told a news conference too many people confused high-dosage birth control
pills with the RU-486 pill that aborts a pregnancy and which UNFPA does not

The multi-use UNFPA kits, which were shipped on April 8, included a variety
of contraceptives as well as testing for sexually-transmitted diseases,
equipment to deliver babies without medical facilities and equipment for
medical personnel in complicated deliveries and blood transfusions.

The kits are to provide emergency aid to some 350,000 women for three to six
months. Sadik said relief agencies estimated some 20 births a day among the
Kosovo refugee population.

The kits also contained the ``morning-after pill,'' which prevents pregnancy
when taken within 72 hours of sex but which is not considered an abortion
pill by many health experts.

Sadik said she was very concerned at reports of rape among the refugees, a
reference to persistent reports that Serbian soldiers had gang-raped ethnic
Albanian women at an army camp as they attempted to flee. Some were killed
but some accounts from survivors are beginning to emerge.

Sadik said UNFPA was not on the ``front lines'' in the refugee camps but had
distributed the kits to the U.N. refugee agencies, Albanian government health
services and Red Cross societies, where they were in demand.

She said UNFPA surveys in Kosovo before the NATO military strikes showed
there was little knowledge of contraceptives and that abortion was used

The Vatican, during the Bosnian war, also objected to any kind of abortion
that would terminate pregnancies of rape victims, mainly Moslem women. It
says it is important to distinguish between violence suffered and human
beings who have begun a new life.

International Pro-Life Group Condemns UN:
Demands US Stop 'GlobalContraceptive Imperialism'

FRONT ROYAL, Va., April 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Fr. Richard Welch, CSSR, JCD,
President of Human Life International (HLI), today condemned the decision by
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to send so-called "emergency
reproductive kits" to the refugees fleeing the bloodshed in Kosovo.

"Under the guise of 'humanitarian effort' population controllers at the UN
are found once again working in tandem with the International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF) to promote their insidious shared agenda of
waging war against minority women and children throughout the world.  They are
now conducting global contraceptive imperialism on a massive scale," Welch

"The displaced refugees are in need of emergency food, clean water,
shelter and medical assistance -- not suction machines, abortifacient devices
or drugs such as the 'morning-after pill,' which actually causes an abortion
to take place. By lying in bed with Planned Parenthood the UN has demonstrated
its disregard for the religious preferences of the Kosovo refugees, most of
whom are Muslims who strictly oppose abortion and artificial contraception,"
Welch added.

This week the US House of Representatives votes on renewed US funding
measures for the UNFPA.  Tacked on as an amendment to the Foreign Relations
Authorization Act, H.R. 1211, the funding request received bipartisan support
last Wednesday when the International Relations Committee approved it by a
vote of 23 to 17.  The bill faces stronger opposition in the full House this
week as officials of the Catholic Church and various pro-life groups are
already criticizing the UNFPA decision to promote abortion and artificial
birth control among the Albanian refugees.  The Vatican roundly condemned the
UNFPA decision last week.

"We call upon Congress to vote against this planned misuse of our tax
money that was sinisterly crafted to force abortion and contraception among
the displaced Albanians," Welch said.  "Even as the horrible spectacle of
Albanian women being raped by Serb army units unfolds in the news, the
population controllers want to force their insidious plans on an unsuspecting
refugee population. What they fail to understand is that a woman who has been
raped has already been criminally violated.  Don't violate her again with an
abortion or an abortifacient."

Founded in 1981, Human Life International is the world's largest pro-life
and pro-family educational organization with 60 U.S. Chapters and
international branches and affiliates serving 89 countries around the world.

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