-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

NY Post Columnist Blasts U.N.
Susan Jones, CNSNews.com
Friday, Sept. 21, 2001
"The U.N. building towers over the East River like a giant middle finger
aimed at our shores," writes the New York Post's Andrea Peyser in what a
diplomat might call a "frank and forthright" column in Friday's newspaper.
"It's time for the United Nations to get the hell out of town," she writes,
venting her fury at an organization that "functions as an international
megaphone through which every Third World dictatorship vents its fury at our
way of life."

Peyser wonders, in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, why the U.N.
is so uncharacteristically quiet. "But where are the resolutions? The
outrage? The deep, heartfelt expressions of regret? Not here. Not now. And
certainly not for us."

In an op-ed piece in Friday's New York Times, U.N. Secretary General Kofi
Annan describes the terrorist strikes as "an attack on all humanity," and he
says he has expressed "the complete solidarity of the United Nations with
Americans in their grief."

He notes that the U.N. Security Council and the General Assembly have joined
him in condemning the attacks and voted to support actions taken against
those responsible.

"Of this solidarity, let no one be in doubt."

Anan says the United Nations is "uniquely positioned" to advance the effort
to defeat "common enemies."

However, he warns against targeting peoples and regions because of the
"unspeakable" acts of individuals. "While the world must recognize that there
are enemies common to all societies, it must equally understand that they are
not, are never, defined by religion or national descent."

Healso said the world must "address the conditions that permit the growth of
such hatred and depravity," and he specifically mentions "the ills of
conflict, ignorance, poverty, and disease."

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