Re: [CTRL] Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???

1999-03-05 Thread Jim Condit Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

I hope YOU take criticism well Sgt Bee, and traipsing around in Israel
hasn't helped your propensity to miss the obvious -- anymore than it's
helped Rush Limbaugh's. You're offering about carving up the world and
supporting an underdog in each region is interesting and intriguing -- I'll
check it out. But WHO are these mysterious conspirators who are "Getting
away"  Open your eyes, dear brave man (I'm not being sarcastic here),
and look at who owns "our" Big TV Networks, Hollywood, who runs the FED
("our" money), and look who is running the Clinton Administration at every

Quite frankly, you military guys and police guys, due to your macho nature,
have trouble admitting when YOU have been used as a pawn -- and if you've
been involved in any US military actions recently -- you have. America
cannot be saved without at least a small courageous contingent of military
type men coming to the aid of their country and pulling a "Pinochet" on the
Ruling Elite at the Networks and at the Fed -- I'm not talking about
violating their persons or their rights here --- just removing them from the
positions from which they so viciously harm the American public.

So, to the really informed on the list, the B.S. meter went off when you
PARROTED that tired old unfair and illegitmate "anti-Semitic" charge to try
and intimidate Bill Mulcahy -- who I hope continues to stand tall. Just for
your information, the anti-Semitic charge tanked for good when the Ruling
Elite pushed Bill Buckley into firing the brilliant columnists Joe Sobran,
and ESPECIALLY when Ted Koppel and the other vicious Jews running the Big
Media tried to savage Pat Buchanan with the anti-semitic shillobeth in 1992
and 1996. That's too bad, because there are anti-semitic people --- and now
the charge will not stick even against them. On balance this is good for
now, because it's the anti-Christianism of the Ruling Elite that dominates
today. There's nothing anti-Semitic (actually we should be saying
anti-Jewish, as Arabs are all semites too) per se in Bill M's statement
below. He's speaking in the tradition of Our Lord Jesus Christ (see St. John
Ch 8, v 44, and Rev: 2:9; 3:9), St. Stephen, the first martyr, St. John
Chrysostom, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Capistrano, dozens of Popes of the
Catholic Church, and more too numerous to mention. The Ruling Elite Jews and
their fellow travelors need to be talked about that way until they stop
their evil, or their evil anti-Christian agenda is stopped. Please get and
read the books of Fr. Denis Fahey before YOU further mislead people,
especially Fahey's book "The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the
Jewish nation. Jim Condit Jr.

 -Original Message-
 From: Conspiracy Theory Research List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On
 Behalf Of Scott Bourassa
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 1999 11:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???

  -Caveat Lector-

 On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Bill Mulcahy wrote:

  Subject: Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???
  From: "Bill Mulcahy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Wed, Mar 3, 1999 7:31 AM
  Message-id: 7bjknq$dt5m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Talk about a blockbuster story! Read the story below or go to


   When will Americans wake up to the fact that you cannot trust the
  racist state of Israel which is only interested in manipulating,
   corrupting and controlling America and other "goyim" (the racist
  term for non-Jews) countries?
  Bill Mulcahy

 Excuse me Bill, but isn't the pot calling the kettle a darker
 shade of grey
 here?  I won't even attempt to deny the story, but by wrapping your
 Anti-semitic views in a book report offered by the NY Post, you seriously
 underestimate our Bull-Shit Detectors.  I myself am "goyim", but
 I've been to
 Israel; I spent six months traveling back and forth between the
 Golan heights
 and the Sinai Desert, what about you?  Y'know who funds more of Israel's
 efforts than anyone else?  Americans and their wonderful
 government (I've heard
 estimates that range from $20-60Bil).  Do you know why?  A great
 number of the
 individuals who send money are of Jewish origin, and do so to help their
 'brethren', and secure their history.  The American government assists the
 Israelis for the sole (soul?) purpose of controlling the Middle East; by
 installing a friendly government into an already troubled
 country, and then
 dumping billions of dollars into their economy; by building the major road
 surfaces in and around Tel Aviv; and by sending them surplus or
 outdated (but
 still newer and more capable than their enemies') military tanks and
 helicopters for free, they have managed to effectively control
 the situation in
 the Middle East like puppet masters.  They've been doing it since
 '73, and with
 close to 2000 groun

Re: [CTRL] Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???

1999-03-04 Thread Scott Bourassa

 -Caveat Lector-

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Bill Mulcahy wrote:

 Subject: Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???
 From: "Bill Mulcahy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, Mar 3, 1999 7:31 AM
 Message-id: 7bjknq$dt5m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Talk about a blockbuster story! Read the story below or go to


  When will Americans wake up to the fact that you cannot trust the
 racist state of Israel which is only interested in manipulating,
  corrupting and controlling America and other "goyim" (the racist
 term for non-Jews) countries?

 Bill Mulcahy

Excuse me Bill, but isn't the pot calling the kettle a darker shade of grey
here?  I won't even attempt to deny the story, but by wrapping your
Anti-semitic views in a book report offered by the NY Post, you seriously
underestimate our Bull-Shit Detectors.  I myself am "goyim", but I've been to
Israel; I spent six months traveling back and forth between the Golan heights
and the Sinai Desert, what about you?  Y'know who funds more of Israel's
efforts than anyone else?  Americans and their wonderful government (I've heard
estimates that range from $20-60Bil).  Do you know why?  A great number of the
individuals who send money are of Jewish origin, and do so to help their
'brethren', and secure their history.  The American government assists the
Israelis for the sole (soul?) purpose of controlling the Middle East; by
installing a friendly government into an already troubled country, and then
dumping billions of dollars into their economy; by building the major road
surfaces in and around Tel Aviv; and by sending them surplus or outdated (but
still newer and more capable than their enemies') military tanks and
helicopters for free, they have managed to effectively control the situation in
the Middle East like puppet masters.  They've been doing it since '73, and with
close to 2000 ground troops and airmen stationed in the Sinai, and an entire
fleet in the Med, they're not about to stop soon.

It's long been suggested that the Foreign Policy of the US is to carve the
world up into regions, and seemingly support an underdog in each region; while
influencing their government, they ply them with money and gifts, free up
everyone's trade ports, and get the neighbors off their backs.  The next thing
you know, India's building a nuclear arsenal to wipe out the American influence
(infidel?) next door in Pakistan.

Why would the US government do it? To keep America consuming.  Our economy
thrives on the backs of the thirld world countries that produce for us to
consume.  Want a real kick?  Take a look at where Korea, Israel, Pakistan,
Iraq, and Cuba are on a globe sometime.  Note the surrounding countries and
their names.  Then keep an eye open on the products you buy; the little gold
sticker in your shoes, under your coffee mug, or sewn into your Tommy jeans.
Chances are, the US is suppressing that country by fueling it's sworn enemy.

I've seen it with my own eyes, not through the filthy gauze of marketecture
that CNN veils it's cameras with... You should try pulling the Anti-Semitic
cob-webs from your eyes.  Racism died in the seventees; while people like
yourself are wasting their energy fighting against any given race or culture,
the real culprits are getting away.

I don't expect you to agree with what I've written (racists seldom take
criticism well), but I ask that you take a long hard look at everything you
believe before you espouse it to the masses.  Ask yourself why you believe it,
what evidence suggests otherwise, and if you're falling into a generalist
trap.  Throw your proverbial pasta against the wall now and then, and see what

I don't think you're a *bad* person, just a disinformed, uneducated one.


Sgt Bee...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???

1999-03-03 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:497495"Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex
Calls To Monica???/A
Subject: Netanyahu Taped Clinton's Sex Calls To Monica???
From: "Bill Mulcahy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, Mar 3, 1999 7:31 AM
Message-id: 7bjknq$dt5m$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Talk about a blockbuster story! Read the story below or go to

 I always thought that the reason Monica's mother saved her
daughter's dress, stained with Clinton's semen, was in order for
Israel to blackmail Clinton. However, even I never thought that
 Israeli intelligence would dare to go so far as to TAPE Clinton.
 No wonder Slick Willy wanted to free Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard
so bad! I wonder what else Israel wanted to destroy the tapes.

 When will Americans wake up to the fact that you cannot trust the
racist state of Israel which is only interested in manipulating,
 corrupting and controlling America and other "goyim" (the racist
term for non-Jews) countries?

Bill Mulcahy



 ISRAEL blackmailed President Clinton with phone-tapped tapes of his steamy
sex talks with Monica Lewinsky, a blockbuster new book charges.

The price Clinton paid for the silence of the Mossad spy agency was calling
off an FBI hunt for a top-level Israeli mole allegedly installed at the
White House.

The allegation appears in "Gideon's Spies - The Secret History of the
Mossad," written by respected author Gordon Thomas and due out next week.

Asked for comment, White House spokesman P.J. Crowley replied, "The only
thing I can possibly say is we'll skip the book and wait for the movie."

Israel has denied conducting spying operations in the United States.

But hints about the Mossad connection to Sexgate surfaced in evidence given
to independent counsel Kenneth Starr last year.

Lewinsky testified under oath that after a session of heavy petting and oral
sex in the White House, Clinton told her that a foreign embassy was tapping
the two phone lines in her D.C. apartment.

She said Clinton advised her that if she was questioned about their
phone-sex sessions she should claim that they knew their calls were being
bugged - and were joking to make the phone-tappers look silly.

Starr did not pursue the matter, as far as the public record shows, and
Lewinsky apparently accepted Clinton's story without asking for details.

But author Thomas says Danny Yatom, Mossad inspector general, succeeded in
tapping Lewinsky's phone and amassed some 30 hours of sexually explicit
conversations between the president and Lewinsky.

Thomas says Tel Aviv used the tapes to stop the probe of an operative
code-named "MEGA," who was, and could still be, deep within the White House.

"So far as anyone knows, the Israeli agent MEGA - a much more important spy
than the imprisoned CIA traitor Jonathan Pollard, and probably his
controller - is still in place at the White House," Thomas said last night
from London.

"There was a flurry of high-profile counterintelligence activity which
lasted as long as the bioleverage" - that is, blackmail - "took to work."

His book - which coincidentally is published by St. Martin's Press, like
Andrew Morton's "Monica's Story" - claims the decision to use the Lewinsky
tapes reaches high levels in Israel.

Israel's Committee for Central Intelligence, meeting in emergency session,
decided to play dirty by exploiting Monica's steamy chats as a way of
protecting their White House "asset," Thomas said.

"FBI counterintelligence, which had also been taping Monica's calls, got the
message and decided to go back off," the Welsh-born author claims.

Verifying Thomas' account is difficult because spy agencies almost never
comment on their activities or anything anyone writes about them.

It's been reported that the Justice Department and FBI launched an
investigation last year for a suspected mole, code-named "MEGA," based on
undisclosed evidence that an Israeli spy had penetrated the White House.

Israel heatedly denied a mole existed, saying it had ended such spying with
the arrest of Pollard more than a decade ago.

Officials in Jerusalem said MEGA was the code name for a U.S.-Israeli
intelligence sharing arrangement to fight terrorism.

In any event, nothing has been heard of the U.S. pursuit of MEGA in a year.

The alleged Mossad connection adds a new dimension to Sexgate - and could
even support Hillary Clinton's charge that a "vast, right-wing conspiracy"
was out to destroy her husband's presidency.

Asked about that, Thomas replied: "That's not for me to say.

"I can only report the facts as I found them. What you make of the facts is
up to you. What Monica makes of them is up to her."
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.