Re: [CTRL] Newshawk: Grassroots Response to Gov't's 990 Lies

1999-11-20 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999, DIG alfred webre wrote:
 We just received this intelligent, substantive message from one of our
 respondents, which makes a wealth of very important points, and includes
 her statements as a witness to the fact that early news reports on the
 Fl. 990 crash said unequivocally the plane's HIGHLY irregular stop at
 Edwards Air Force Base east of Los Angeles WAS CONFIRMED.

 The Egyptian government and EgyptAir to this day have NEVER retracted
 their statements on this.

And one would presume that the Egyptian government, which owns and
operates EgyptAir, would be very much aware of the exact movements of
over 30 'highly trained officers' of its military forces

June ;-)

 If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair.  We'd
 never have a friendship.  We'd never go into business, because we'd be
 cynical.  Well, that's nonsense.  You've got to jump off cliffs all the
 time and build your wings on the way down.

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[CTRL] Newshawk: Grassroots Response to Gov't's 990 Lies

1999-01-17 Thread DIG alfred webre

 -Caveat Lector-


 Grassroots Response to Gov't's 990 Lies

 We just received this intelligent, substantive message from one of our
 respondents, which makes a wealth of very important points, and includes
 her statements as a witness to the fact that early news reports on the
 Fl. 990 crash said unequivocally the plane's HIGHLY irregular stop at
 Edwards Air Force Base east of Los Angeles WAS CONFIRMED.

 The Egyptian government and EgyptAir to this day have NEVER retracted
 their statements on this.

 Also included in the note reprinted below is an appraisal of the impact
 NewsHawk's blockbuster articles on the FL. 990 crash have been having on
 the local level here in the U.S. In short--WORD IS GETTING AROUND!!

 More than ever, it's time to TURN UP THE HEAT and put the pressure on
 even stronger to the murdering, corrupt, criminally insane lunatics who
 have commandeered the helm of the U.S. government in their insane quest
 for total global power.

 DON'T let them get away with this!

 Roast their sorry BUTTS! Make them squirm, make them crack!

 We can do it! WE ARE THE PEOPLE!!

 NewsHawk® Inc.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
 Subject: pressure valve...
 Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 01:19:47 EST
 To: NewsHawk

 John and Bob;
 This note is being sent to blow off steam that has been accumulating
 since flight 990 went down. Thanks for being the pressure valve!

 First of all, I was one of those people who was up early and heard the
 TV reporters speculating WHY the þight had landed (conÞrmed) at Edwards
 AFB. After going out that day I came back to updates which mentioned nothing
 of this. I didn’t even hear about the EWR (Newark) story until the next
 day. Who knows where this plane lost 2:20 þight time? I have learned to pay
 CLOSE attention to the earliest reports of any incidents, since they are the
 closest to true investigative reporting, BEFORE they are scrutinized,
 sanitized and spun into the "ofÞcial reports."

 Then, when the next speculations came out about the Boeing reversers
 possibly being at fault, I was outraged! The plane was under water,
 there was NO corroborating evidence to even MAKE this allegation, and yet
 the press was publishing unsubstantiated, unveriÞed specualtion! This does
 not seem to be responsible journalistic reporting, it doesn’t even seem up
 o standard for the tabloids, yet THERE IT WAS!

 I was curious as to how they would alter the facts to make this theory
 stick... [This theory is still hovering in the background. Today there was
 a report of a domestic -AA(?)—767 that had reverser problems, and made an
 unscheduled landing—I can’t remember where.]

 Along THIS line of thought, I am wondering why the media is continually
 blasting Boeing… they make a FAR superior product to ANY of the Airbus
 Industrie aircraft, both in durability and safety, yet it seems there is
 a PUSH to convince the public that Boeing is out and Airbus is in. (I do
 not know of any political/NWO reasons for this, do you?) For example, the
 747 fuel-tank spark story advocated in the TWA 800 case is SO very
 far-fetched…it is incredible what the public will swallow as long as
 it comes from “ofÞcial” sources.

 This investigation has been very interesting, due to the fact that the
 Egyptians will NOT accept the quick, pat answers that the US ofÞcials
 want to slap on the case (so we can move on to the next mass murder?).
 Hu-ray-y-y for them! My fear is that once they arrive, they will be
 threatened / misinformed until they agree with whatever STUPID Þndings
 the FBI invents…

 The MOST infuriating part of this "investigation" began when the news
 reported that the pilot was heard saying a PRAYER, and all HELL broke loose.

 Just because he didn’t say "HOLY JESUS" or "MARY, MOTHER OF GOD, SAVE
 US!!" in ENGLISH, they are trying to FABRICATE a theory the public will
 Fortunately, so far the Egyptians are OUTRAGED and active. Even the
 timing of this prayer is problematic, since I have heard it reported
 that he said
 it at differing parts of the dive/descent. All I know is that ANY person who
 is religious, if placed in that situation (the
 situation) would commend him/herself into God’s hands. WHATEVER this
 poor person said in prayer could have been twisted, edited and rewritten by
 the spin doctors in the time they had the recorders (especialy if they were
 picked up within 48 hours, as you have reported).

 One Þnal comment…your articles are deÞnitely getting around, which
 is probably why "THEY" are trying to stop you. Talk of your articles has
 even permeated the Middle and High Schools here! The students have been
 circulating your articles among themselves via e-mail, and actually

 Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!

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