America is asleep spiritually as to world events that will affect their lives. A group that worships Lucifer - Satan - was founded on May 1, 1776 called the Illuminati. This group has been in existence since the Pharoahs of Egypt. However, the modern version that is seeking total control of the world FOR Lucifer started with Adam Weishaupt in 1776. Their ultimate goal was a one-world-government under their control with the destruction of ALL religion - especially Christianity.

The extraordinary group of worshipers of Lucifer overthrew the Czar of Russia to establish a seen enemy of Christianity. It is called CRISIS MANAGEMENT. They CREATE a problem - Christianity VS. Atheism or Capitalism VS. Socialism. They advertise the problem very widely - never can there be peace as long as opposite ideals exist, the threat of nuclear extinction. They then FURNISH THE SOLUTION - world government through the United Nations Organization.

To achieve their objectives, they laid down a program of many revolutionary wars in the 20th Century and if necessary extending into the 21st Century. There would also be THREE World Wars. Russia became their atheistic/socialistic tool of destruction. They would supply revolutionaries all over the globe with training and military supplies. Ultra rich Wall Street bankers and industrialists financed the war machine of Russia. They were aided by European friends who were all members of the Illuminati.

We have witnessed either in person or in the history books World War 1 and II. The Communist world has pretended to have collapsed to fool the West - mainly the United States. When we have reduced our military, they will sponsor a surprise attack. This has been prophesied in the Bible - Ezekiel 38. There is so much misunderstanding of who modern nations have descended from that most have no idea who the Bible is talking about in prophecy.

The United States CANNOT fight on two fronts at the same time. One of our generals put his neck on the line by speaking out on this matter. As the U.S. gets more deeply involved in Bush's War On Terrorism, the communist world will definitely take notice of the depletion of our military supplies and ability to defend the home front.

Unfortunately for America, we have been deceived by our Federal Government into believing we need an unconstitutional federal police force called Homeland Security. Those working for a One-World-Government look for and create opportunities to CENTRALIZE all power in the hands of the Federal Government. The Homeland Security program of creating a FEDERAL police force in preparation for Martial Law was planned at least as far back as 1998. They were waiting for a tragedy to introduce it. Now we see FEDERALIZED security guards at airports and FEDERALIZED police under the name Homeland Security.

Abraham Lincoln provoked a war on the South and used the Federal military against Americans. The Supreme Court stated in 1868 in Ex Parte Milligan that that was an Unconstitutional act. President Bush, by signing an Executive Order, has created an Unconstitutional Federal Police Force. America, prepare for the concentration camps, invasion of your homes, and the loss of your freedoms. The hand writing is on the wall.

Not everything is as it seems to be on the surface.

David J. Smith

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