[CTRL] No Blind Watch Maker (2) - Islam

2003-03-14 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

If you don't mind more of the tedious religious number crunching you could
glance at this and wonder why these coincidences happen.

And so more unpolished just off the keyboard copy...

John D. Miller
London, UK

No Blind Watch Maker (2) - Islam

The Enigma of Islam and September 11th 2001

I read that the Hegira is one of, if not the most important event in the
history of the Islamic Nation. The word itself is derived from the Arabic
word ‘to emigrate’.

And Hegira refers to Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Yathrib on July 16th
AD622 This journey to Yathrib, that is Medina, by the prophet of Allah was
the start of Islam's rise to prominence in Arabia and this date marks the
beginning of the Muslim calendar, the Hegira.

It was ten years before this that the prophet Muhammad in July of AD612,
proclaimed himself to be the prophet of the one true god, Allah, after
having a ‘mystical’ experience.

And for the next ten years, Muhammad proceeded to criticize the life style
of Mecca's inhabitants, and he was particularly critical of the ruling
class. This constant criticism led to Muhammad’s persecution and to his
eventual departure in AD622 from Mecca. His ‘hijra’, or flight, a 200 mile
journey to the northern town of Yathrib, and where he was offered refuge.
After Muhammad made his flight to Yathrib, the city would forever after hold
the title ‘Madinatu-n-Nabi’, or ‘City of the Prophet’, known today as

Whilst in Medina, Muhammad established a community of faith built upon the
five tenets of Allah. Since Muhammad received his first revelation in the
month of July and ten years later, in the same month, made his historic
Hegira, the month of July in Islam became a holy month known as Ramadan. To
the Nation of Islam, the flight of Muhammad from persecution was the hand of
Allah guiding his prophet to spread the word of Allah, and words that would
eventually spread throughout the world.

The Earth’s metaphysical twin, now called Hades, seems to have a year of 360
days, and so 3.5 years, is the Bible’s 1,260 days, that is ‘time, times and
half a time’. And rather curiously the calendar below is related to specific
events indicated in the calendar on Earth above.

OK, a time marker in the history of the world seems to be that of September
11th 2001, that I refer to as ‘Shroud Day’ in that it is 4,300 years of 360
days from May 30th 2238BC, the end of the Biblical Flood, hence ‘Rainbow Day
’ to September 11th 2001, some 4,238.28352 ‘tropical’ years of 365.2422

Called ‘Shroud Day’ because 4,300 x 4,300/20 is 924,500 square feet, the
area that covers the Great Pyramid, the first wonder of the world, the
symbol of Death.

And counting from ‘Rainbow Day’ May 30th 2238BC to the start of the Islamic
calendar on July 16th AD622 is 2,859.12746 years and 2,900.761129 years of
360 days.

And counting from the start of the Hegira, July 16th AD622 to September 11th
2001 is 1,379.15606 Earth years and 1,399.23872 Hades years of 360 days.

Next I multiply all 4 periods, that is 2,859.12746 x 2,900.761129 x
1,379.15606 x 1,399.23872 years and square root twice and cube root once x
1,000 is as 12,599.52655 days, some 34.49636 years.

And counting 34.49636 years from the circumcision of Jesus Christ, God’s
blood covenant, at say 8am on October 8th 6BC it is accurately 3pm Friday,
April 7th AD30, the time that Jesus Christ died on the Cross, outside the
wall of Jerusalem. And 3 hours later, at sunset, the tomb was shut, and the
day of Passover began, the day of remembrance, when the Jewish people
remembered their Exodus from Egypt, and from the shadow of the Great
Pyramid, 1,470 years before in 1441BC.

Or I can multiply all 4 periods, that is 2,859.12746 x 2,900.761129 x
1,379.15606 x 1,399.23872 years and square root twice is as years
2,001.150511 Hades years of 360 days, at 1,971.4430 Earth years. And
counting down from 9am Tuesday September 11th 2001 the 1,971.4430 years is
1.30pm Sunday, April 2nd AD30, the day Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem on
Palm Sunday,

 “And as he went, they spread their clothes in the way. And when he was come
nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, the whole multitude of
the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the
mighty works that they had seen; Saying, Blessed [be] the King that cometh
in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.” Luke

So strangely, the date of the Islamic Hegira, the start of their calendar on
July 16th AD622 not only shows the period form the circumcision to the death
of Jesus Christ, but also Jesus Christ the King who is the Lord God, thanks
to ‘Rainbow Day’ and ‘Shroud Day’ that is September 11th 2001, the day when
Islamic fundamentalists are thought of as destroying the World Trade Center’
s Twin Towers, New York, and killing nearly 3,000 people.

Thus some Moslems are in for a shock when they see Jesus Christ written into
their calendar.


Also the re

[CTRL] No Blind Watch Maker

2003-03-13 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

More of the tedious number crunching religious stuff.

But at last it beginning to make sense for me!

John D. Miller
London, UK

PS Keyed this morning so unpolished.

No Blind Watch Maker

For many years I have wondered about the ‘Time Controls’ that have been set
into the clockwork mechanism of Earth’s journey in time that shows there is
a prearranged clockwork mechanism, and also shows that God is no Blind Watch

Of course many of those teachers of the Christian religion are disinterested
in any idea that God has a serious time table, thus showing rather less
respect for God than they should. And most of others of no religious
inclination or persuasion will take little notice or care about the obvious
preplanned arrangements of the many ‘midnight hours’ that have been struck
throughout history, until that is they hear the bell toll themselves, and
then it will be too late so to speak.

OK, the clockwork mechanism of God’s calendar seems to be that of two
different Earth years, that is the 365.2422 days (or similar, for the Earth
is slowing down about 0.53 seconds per 100 years), and a year of 360 days
for the Earth’s twin, that is the metaphysical Earth, called Hades, where
many who die on Earth go to in their spiritual bodies. That is bodies that
seem to be rather similar to the body they had when alive, but bodies that
have entered into another set of four dimensions at death.

The 1,260 Day Count Down Clock

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, [even] to the
time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be
increased. Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood other two, the one
on this side of the bank of the river, and the other on that side of the
bank of the river. And [one] said to the man clothed in linen, which [was]
upon the waters of the river, How long [shall it be to] the end of these
wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which [was] upon the waters
of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven,
and sware by him that liveth for ever that [it shall be] for a time, times,
and an half; (1,260 days) and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the
power of the holy people, all these [things] shall be finished. And I heard,
but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what [shall be] the end of
these [things]? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words [are] closed
up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made
white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked
shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” Dan 12:4-10

So from Adam’s creation in 3871BC says I, and 3900 years before the
Crucifixion on Friday April 7th AD30, and 3871BC less 1656 years told in the
Book of Genesis, that is 1656 x 360 days is 1632.23 years, and so the Flood
began below says I, in May, 2239BC.

Noah’s Ark – Messiah 126

Counting from the door of Noah’s Ark being shut, seven days before the Flood
commenced, it was seemingly May 17th 2239BC and 2,268 years before Ascension
Day May 17th AD30. And 2,268 years is 18 x 126, thus the reference number
126 is the reference for the spirit person within all humanity, a spirit
that clothes a person’s soul, a spirit body called ‘a son of Man’. The life
of Christ from his circumcision on October 8th 6BC until Omer Day, that is
Passover, that is Saturday, April 8th AD30, the full day Christ was
preaching to the prisoners in the Earth below, is 12,600 days. That is
‘time, times and half a time’ x 10 times, which is 35 Earth years below. And
I repeat from when the door of Noah’s Ark was shut by God, to when the
Messiah stood upon the hillside near Jerusalem, 40 days after the
Crucifixion is 18 times 126 at 2268 Earth years above.

And the Flood below on Hades, lasted 372 days, + 7 days is 379 days, that is
May 30th 2238BC on the Earth above. And I say Noah and Co. ‘crossed over’
dimensions during the Flood, and arrived on the mountainside of Mount Ararat
(17,000 feet) during a local Flood on Earth. On the Earth’s twin below all
were dead, including the demonic spirits of the 11 feet giants who once
walked the Earth above.

The Clockwork Enigma of September 11th 2001

>From the end of the Flood on May 30th 2238BC when the door to Noah’s Ark was
opened and the rainbow appeared, until the destruction of the Twin Towers,
killing nearly 3,000 people on September 11th 2001 is 4,238.28236 years,
which by using the calendar of the Earth below, is 4,300 years of 360 days.
And 4300 x 430 feet is twice 924,500 square feet, the area covering the
Great Pyramid, the ‘Shroud’.

September 11th is day 253 of the year and 253 is made up of 126 and 127. And
Abraham’s wife Sarah, ‘the mother of kings’ died aged 127 years. The number
127, the reference for ‘Eve’ is formed out of 12.6 x 12.6 x 0.8 as 127.0080.

The Church was established on May 28th AD30, that is 12,650 days after the
circumcision of Jesus Christ on October 8th 6BC, a