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CIA Fires Officer Blamed for China Embassy Bombing

Sure it was a mistake. Sure.

WASHINGTON, April 8 -- The Central Intelligence Agency has dismissed a
mid-level officer whose targeting error was blamed for the American bombing
of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during NATO's air war against Yugoslavia
last year, an agency official and a lawyer said today.

Six other agency employees, including a senior official and four supervisors,
also received administrative punishments from the director of Central
Intelligence, George J. Tenet, for their roles in approving the target, which
officials have said was intended to be a Yugoslav military supply
headquarters, the agency official said.

In punishing the employees, the agency acknowledged that blame for the
bombing fell on a range of people and spanned several levels of

Within hours of the attack on the night of May 7, officials at the White
House, the Pentagon and the C.I.A. insisted that it was an accident -- the
result of simple human error.

The attack badly derailed relations between the United States and China,
provoking stone-throwing mobs to swarm the American Embassy in Beijing and
producing diplomatic strains that still lingers.

But it was only on Thursday, 11 months after the bombing, that the agency
began to punish those held responsible, dismissing the officer blamed for the

The bombing of the embassy occurred during NATO's 78-day air war. The attack,
which killed 3 Chinese and wounded 20 others sleeping in the basement for
protection, exposed deep doubts in the alliance over the wisdom of its
strategy and the susceptibility of even the most advanced American military
weaponry to human error.

A senior Chinese general visiting Washington in late January demanded to know
when those responsible would be punished. Today, Under Secretary of State
Thomas R. Pickering met at the State Department with China's ambassador, Li
Zhao Xing, to inform him of the dismissal and other punishments.

Agency officials informed members of the Congressional intelligence
committees on Friday.
"The Chinese side has been informed of this decision, but at this point we
don't have any information on what kind of response the Chinese are going to
make, and any kind of response would have to be made in Beijing," a spokesman
for the Chinese Embassy said today.

A spokesman for the C.I.A., Bill Harlow, issued an unusual public statement
today -- and at the unusual time of a quiet Saturday -- announcing that Mr.
Tenet had taken "a number of actions" as a result of an internal review of
the events that lead to the bombing. The statement did not mention what
actions Mr. Tenet had taken, though an agency official and the lawyer for one
of the employees later described them generally.

Mr. Harlow declined to identify those punished, citing privacy and security
Although only one officer was dismissed, the statement attributed wide blame
for what it said were a series of procedural errors in approving a target
that turned out to be fundamentally wrong.

"Numerous C.I.A. officers at all levels of responsibility failed to ensure
that the intended bombing target -- the Yugoslav Federal Directorate of
Supply and Procurement headquarters -- had been properly identified and
precisely located before C.I.A. passed a target nomination package to the
U.S. military for action," the statement said.

Roy W. Krieger, a lawyer representing one of the supervisors who received a
letter of reprimand, said it was "manifestly unjust" to assign blame to
individuals when "the failure was systemic."
"It's shameful that the C.I.A. caved in to political pressure to provide
scapegoats," Mr. Krieger said tonight. "The agency has already publicly
admitted that the map provided to the officers contained errors absent which
the Chinese Embassy would not have been mistakenly targeted. These officers
were asked to improvise and did their best with the tools provided to them."

According to administration, defense and intelligence officials, the bombing
was caused by a fundamentally flawed process for trying to locate the
directorate's headquarters in the New Belgrade section of the Yugoslav
capital. Armed with only an address, 2 Bulevar Umetnosti, the officer who was
dismissed used an unclassified military map to try to pinpoint the building's
location, based on a limited knowledge of addresses on a parallel street.

The officer, who wrongly assumed Belgrade's street addresses were numbered as
uniformly as, say, Manhattan's, ended up targeting the Chinese Embassy, which
is on a frontage road nearly 1,000 feet from the supply directorate that was
the intended target, the officials said.

On the map, which the National Imagery and Mapping Agency produced in 1997,
the building that turned out to be the embassy was not identified. Instead,
the map showed the embassy in its former location in central Belgrade.

After a location was identified, the target was discussed during at least
three meetings among C.I.A.officials, none of whom, evidently, questioned the
identification process, the officials said. The target was then turned over
to Pentagon officials, who, also without questioning it, put it on a list of
targets to bomb in Belgrade.

It was the first and last target the C.I.A. selected during the war, Mr.
Tenet testified last year. Today's statement said the agency "lacked formal
procedures for preparing and forwarding target nomination packages" to the
American military. It said several steps had been taken to address
"organizational problems that contributed to the accidental bombing," but
then declined to discuss them, saying they were secret.

It was not clear why the agency waited 11 months to punish those it held
responsible for the bombing. The agency's inspector general completed an
investigation of the targeting process in July. Mr. Harlow would say only
that Mr. Tenet acted after a long review was completed.
Because none of those punished were identified, it was not possible to reach
the dismissed officer or any of the others for comment.

The six who retained their jobs -- some of whom operate under aliases because
they are involved in covert activities -- received administrative punishments
that varied from an oral admonishment to a letter of reprimand that includes
a one-year prohibition on promotions, raises or other special recognitions.

The agency official said Mr. Tenet had singled out one individual for praise:
another mid-level officer who raised concerns about the targeting in the week
before the strike. That officer called others at the National Imagery and
Mapping Agency and the NATO task force in Naples responsible for
orchestrating the bombing runs.

But his concerns were never brought to the attention of senior officials who
might have been able to call off the strike.
The New York Times, April 8, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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