-Caveat Lector-

www.mfhr.org/deciphering kennedy fitzgerald.htm


After watching the Boston Public Broadcasting (WBxx)
station's five part series on the Kennedy's tonight
(7/8/04) for a solid four hours tonight, I am floored
by some of the facts and information I now understand
was driving the Kennedy's legends.  Part of my
enlightenment is my age, I can put this into a new
framework after all these years.  Now I understand far
more fully what the Kennedy's stood for and why at my
age I truly still adore them.

Listen up, Kennedy fans, as these amazing human beings
really were giving us the time of our lives and the
direction of a fabulous Rennaissance.  They were
leading the way to a huge new, worldwide reform
movement which to this day the so-called free world is
still in desperate need of considering.  Some salient
facts from this television series which have taken me
back are the following:

1) 1920- 1930   FANTASTIC EARLY 20th CENTURY
ENTREPRENEURS  Patriarch, Joe Patrick Kennedy Sr.
(JPK) had insider info to the stock market which
insulated his fortune and lead to him becoming the
10th wealthiest person in the U.S. during the
depression and 1930s.  Because of the depression, he
set up solid trust funds for all his children which to
this day have probably maintained the family.  He had
nine children with Rose, they all looked like he and
Rose, and obviously most of these kids had their
agility, brilliance and verve -- and this was
amazingly special because the family were all Jesus
bloodlines, Merovingian DNA, hence they carried a very
special promise and attraction which was innate and
very Irish.

FATE, KEEP U.S.A. OUT OF WWII   When Joe Sr. became
FDR's ambassador to England he broke huge new ground
in the U.K. -- notorious for disliking the Irish, he
was determined to break new ground for the Irish in
Europe, to protect their heritage and lives as a
colony of Britain, to possibly free Ireland from its
vicious captive state by England.  This was a major
part of the reason Joe Kennedy approached FDR for this
particular ambassador position.  Once in England, the
Kennedy family was adored, at least at first in 1939.
They were like Princess Di, everywhere they went they
were filmed, photographed, put on the front page.
But, Joe opposed the U.S. getting into the war and the
Kennedy's arrived in England just as Hitler was
beginning raids in the London (1940).  Joe sent the
family members back to the U.S., he lived outside of
London in a farm community for a few months.  He urged
FDR not to bring the U.S.A. into the war by joining
Britain -- publicly and on videotape Joe Kennedy Sr.
said about Hitler and the Jews when told some were
being murdered by Hitler (at this point, Americans did
NOT know what was going on in Germany) -- Kennedy said
"so what, they deserve it...[he was referring to the
Jews]...they asked for this, so what if this
happens..."  -- he was referring to Hitler's tactics
and assaults.  The point was that Kennedy Sr. was
pro-Nazi, a fascist and very anti-Semitic.  He had a
reason, the Queen of England had sold out to Marxism
and Jews nearly 100 years before, and the Irish had
been plummeted by the Queen's Good Ole' Boys - their
wonderful Jesus/Merovingian women raped, stolen ovum,
and pillaged by Brits and Jews.  The Irish were fed up
with Jewish and British interference which had been so
cleverly worked out that the Irish could not bring
this out in public without loosing face or loosing
their lives to these enemies.  They were relying upon
Roman Catholicism and the Pope to protect them and it
did up until a point.  Joe Sr.'s fascist beliefs meant
Churchill hated him as Winston kept requesting the
U.S.'s military help to stave off Hitler's advances.
Kennedy, meanwhile, urged FDR to stay out of WWII,
saying it was too risky.

ANTI-COMMUNISM   FDR followed Ambassador JPK's
recommendations until Pearl Harbor at the very end of
1941.  Then the U.S. joined the war full force with
the planning of "D" Day, June 1942.  JPK left England
and gave up his ambassadorship.  Churchill disliked
Kennedy immensely for not supporting the British war
effort.  JPK put his funds and efforts into getting
his sons elected into Congress as the youngest
senators ever on record.  While his oldest son died in
an odd plane accident over Germany and his favorite
daughter Kathleen married an odd Brit guy who
supposedly died, then shortly afterwards she died in a
car accident which was not explained.  Calamities
began to mount up on family members.  It does seem as
if Joe Sr's anti-Semitic stands lead to Jewish and
British Good Ole Boys stalking assaults -- echoes of
Golden Dawn cultists take-over bids worldwide which
kept building.  But, JFK began to work, as a junior
senator for Joe McCarthy supporting his attempts at
routing out "communists" in public governmental
positions.  After the McCarthy hearings, JFK stuck to
his senatorial agenda and married Jackie Bouviar
(mid-1950s - Jackie was probably part frog-Humanoid,
but she was a high end model, perhaps the latency
factor made her more acceptable). The McCarthy
hearings became obsolete and were run out of town by
Jews and he died quickly after the hearings ended,
probably of Jewish interference.  Republicans took
over the White House with Eisenhower and Communism
began spreading into American communities.

4)  1960 - JFK's BID FOR PRESIDENCY  This worked and
the American public - including minorities with loud
voices - loved the Kennedy-esque gloss and avante
garde class his tenure afforded life.  JFK's speeches
were riveting, major inspirations, magnificent to
watch and hear.  Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy was his
campaign manager and JPK insisted he be appointed to
the high cabinet post of Attorney General.  RFK was
instructed to fastidiously count each and every
delegate vote personally, individually (probably by
JPK) to make sure JFK was elected fair and square at
the Democratic convention.  JFK, once he won the
election, did everything right in office --  1) he
began the Peace Corps as a way and means of reaching
out to countries around the world in poverty, 2) he
edited and instigated all the civil rights bills to
further enable Blacks to vote and live integrated
lives (Johnson signed these bills after JFK's death),
3) he opposed the U.S.'s intervention into Viet Nam
(it was Johnson and Nixon who put troops there,
Kennedy only approved advisors), 2) he was deceived by
the CIA/FBI (probably manipulated by Brit Good Ole
Boys & Jews) regarding the Bay of Pigs (which was
likely a Nazi scene, certainly not with that name
Jewish) in Cuba, his decisions to put troops into Cuba
to halt Castro's rise to power, he reneged upon and
was furious about the deception he experienced from
intelligence agency reports (probably the result of
JFK's McCarthy leanings), 3) when the Cuban missile
crisis occurred a year later, perhaps RFK and JFK
considered the fact that the Russian missiles might
have been put there by Nazis who had confiscated them
from Russia during WWII, thus the "threat to the
U.S.A." was not Russian but Nazis and the Soviets
coming into the Cuban area might have been there for
an entirely different reason.  4) perhaps Castro was
being fronted by Nazis funds and weaponry, if this
could be the case, then JFK would have been angry at
intelligence agency lies perpetuated by British Good
Ole Boys, like JE Hoover about what the Bay of Pigs
was, JFK said he was "lied to" and he immediately
withdrew the small troupe of 100 men he had sent
there, 5) the Cuban missile crisis a year later was a
strange debacle when the Kennedy's questioned the fact
that the missiles seemed to be not of Russian origin.
JFK began to not trust others statements to him, he
was glad he had RFK as an Attorney General at his
side.  Dad, Joe Kennedy, Sr. insisted RFK be JFK's
Attorney General, despite other people's objections
about too much family influence...JFK now believed his
Dad was exactly correct, he only trusted RFK.  And RFK
lost trust in J. Edgar Hoover (head of FBI) and the
CIA, because he seemed to be getting bad information
from them.  Hoover was a homosexual curmudgeon, good
'ole boy - British aligned and the CIA head was a
small wiry Jew living in the DC/Virginia area, Sid

5) JFK ASSASSINATION  Shot in Dallas Nov 22, 1963,
LBJ, JFK's vice president, succeeded him immediately
after the shooting and he hardly blinked an eye when
all this happened, neither did his wife, Lady Bird.
JFK argued beforehand that he did not need to go to
Dallas at all, he was there supposedly to support a
couple of local politicians at war and involved in
their next year's election.  LB Johnson had campaigned
very hard, very fast against Kennedy during the
original election campaign, their animosities were
legendary back then.  According to the American
Experience (public broadcasting) television
documentary on the Kennedy's, there was a large
bru-ha-ha a week or two before the Dallas trip about
whether Connelly or Johnson would sit next to Kennedy.
 Johnson wound up a couple of cars behind JFK, and
Connelly wound up in the car with Kennedy.  In
reality, Johnson as Vice President should have been in
the car with JFK, not Governor Connelly, but Johnson
argued his way out of it days in advance.  Nixon
portended JFK's assassination back then on the air on
the Jack Parr late night television show months before
JFK's assassination in 1963.  He answered Parr's
question, "So you really think you can beat Kennedy in
the 1964 campaign?" with a hearty laugh when he
replied, "Which one?"  Both Nixon and Johnson wanted
the Kennedy post.  Both of them were in the running
early on.   RFK hated working underneath Johnson the
next year in 1964, especially when he signed JFK's
civil rights legislation.  RFK made his feelings
obvious to cameras back then.  Soon afterwards RFK ran
for the NYS Senate and won.  And LBJ died in only a
few years, someone seemed a bit peeved about the
events.  Abe Zebmagruder was the guy on the green who
shot the events as they occurred, his 16 mm videotape
is what everyone thinks about when they recall JFK's
death.  Abraham was probably Jewish.  His name is odd
and sounds as if it isn't his real last name, invented
even.  Interesting how he had a movie camera back
then, they were pretty rare items and not available
through regular retail outlets as they are today.  He
was probably an FBI plant, he knew the events were
comin up, he hoped he was in the right place and he
never stopped filming, as a normally-in-shock person
would do, stop filming.  Stands to reason that
Zebmagruder was possibly part of the "take-out" team
who planned and executed the assassination.  There is
a lot of money in providing local television stations
with on-site footage of big events, realize.   It is
too bad that the Warren Commission who held hearings
for months after the assassination did not pursue more
insider paths such as finding out all of Zebmagruder's
history, affiliations and friends and even further
information.  But, it is highly possible that the
CIA/FBI would have paid off nearly all the informants
and involvements in advance of any trial hearings.
People DO lie under oath.  Lee Harvey Oswald clearly
denounced his participation in the assassination and a
lot of people then and now believe his statements.
Oswald was probably an easy prop, who was used.
Marina Oswald who seemed to not care much about
Oswald, was probably part of the FBI staging, her
testimony was curt - sarcastic - rarely helpful.  This
the FBI probably prepped her well about.  Marina was a
very sharp cookie.  Her testimony has been on the
Internet in full...about 40 pages of it, very
interesting indeed, even if it is tampered with.


Judith ABR, 2004

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