-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
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EDITORIAL • February 16, 2000

Risky gun safety

     The Maryland legislature will consider funding research for
"smart gun" technology today. It should not bother.

     "Smart gun" technology is the new, sophisticated-electronic
lock that promises to distinguish between authorized and
unauthorized gun users. It is also the newest form of gun
control. Gov. Parris Glendening is asking the legislature for $3
million over three years to pay for its development.

     Under his proposed legislation, the research money would be
paired with a mandate that all new handguns be sold with smart
locks after May 2003. Before the mandate kicks in, an 11-member
commission would report to the governor on the availability of
the technology. Following that, Mr. Glendening would likely
implement the mandate as one of his last acts in office.

     Mr. Glendening thinks "smart gun" technology would save
children. Certainly, saving innocent children is an admirable
goal, and it is doubtful that any lawmaker would want to stop
children from being saved.

     Consider how many children accidentally shoot themselves —
or other children — in a given year. According to statistics
provided by Yale Law Professor John Lott Jr., who will be
testifying before the Maryland legislature today, 42 children
under the age of 10 died nationwide as a result of an accidental
shooting in 1996. For children under the age of 15 the nationwide
number grows to 136, in 1996.

     In a nation of 270 million people, the number of accidental
shootings seems a relatively minor risk given, say, automobile
accidents. But each child's death is a tragedy. What can be done?

===>      Unfortunately, the answer is not as simple as paying
===> for new technology and then mandating it. When the
===> nation faced a similar safety question with children
===> and medicine, child safety caps were mandated. It
===> turned out that many parents were lulled into a false
===> sense of security and depended on those caps to
===> keep the medicine from their children. They relaxed
===> their vigilance, and, as a result, more children were
===> poisoned than before the mandate.

     Similarly, some states mandated trigger locks on firearms.
The General Accounting Office discovered that children older than
7 were smart enough to defeat that safety precaution — and again
parents were wrong to count on on those locks for security.

     The lesson clearly is that adults have to be mindful of
children. They must design a set of safety procedures that fit
that family and that child. Those safety precautions can include
gun safes, locks and "smart gun" technology, but the key
ingredient remains personal responsibility. If parents do not
instruct their children in the proper respect for a firearm —
impressing upon children that like a car, if wielded
irresponsibly, a gun can be dangerous — then more children are
going to be hurt. No technology and no government check will
change that.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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