-Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
Subject: Re: Operation: WATCHTOWER
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Douglas Bartley)
Date: Thu, Feb 4, 1999 6:01 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Tallyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Subject: Operation: WATCHTOWER
>From: Tallyman
>Organization: KultKrimeFighters(tm)
>Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 15:22:07 -0500
>Still trying to find out any and all information possible about a
>US Govt? Mind Control program deemed -- "Operation: WATCHTOWER"


>Tom the Tallyman

Perhaps this will help a bit. Certainly puts McVeigh's claims in
letters to his sister (well before OKC) that he was recruited into
a domestic black ops unit while in the Special Forces in a more
credible light, IMO. See my other post for another article.

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Subject:      U.S. Special Forces trainers into Colombia
From:         "Roy S. Carson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:         1996/08/05
Newsgroups:   soc.culture.el-salvador
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1.   1975, month unk. - Col. Bo Baker commands first Watch Tower mission in

Stated mission objective:  To put transponders in place so (U.S. military?
CIA? Both?) aircraft can infiltrate equipment, supplies, and U.S. Special
Forces trainers into Colombia to train anti-drug and anti-communist
paramilitary personnel for war against communist guerrillas and drug lords
via radar-null routes.  Transponders installed by 7th SFG personnel.

2.   December 1975 - Col. Edward P. Cutolo recruited by Edward Wilson to
command Watch Tower mission in Colombia.

3.   Feb. 1976 - Col. Cutolo commands second Watch Tower mission into
Colombia.  Mission successful with one non-injury firefight between SF
Watch Tower SAT and Colombian military unit reported.  Cutolo claims 30 high-
performance aircraft arrived at Albrook Air Station, Panama, from Colombia
where they were met by Edwin Wilson, Noriega, and other PDF personnel.  Cutolo
claims cargo from Colombia was cocaine.  SF unit involved not specified by
probably 7th Gp.

4.   March 1976 - Col. Cutolo commands third Watch Tower mission into
Colombia.  One SAT runs into "bandits" as it exfiltrates.  During firefight
"several" SF SATs wounded.  Extracted by choppers from hot LZ.  Cutolo
claims 40 high-performance aircraft bring drugs into Panama during this

5.   1978 - date uncertain -- Cutolo takes command of 10th SF Gp, Ft.
Devens.  Meets two men who were on Watch Tower operations; Sgt. John Newby
and SP4 William Tyree.  Once Cutolo is in command, instigates cover up to
keep Watch Tower ops from becoming known. This is done after Wilson goes to
Ft. Devens and (probably) points out Cutolo's ass is on the line if word of
these operations gets out.

6.   Col. Robert Bayard - Aug 1978?? -- Killed by "hit and run" driver in
stolen car shortly after meeting with Michael Harari.  Driver never
(No indication as to what Col. Bayard's role in these events was or what
his connection to Harari was.)

7.   Sgt. John Newby - October 1978 -- Killed in parachute accident.  This
is after he begins receiving threatening phone calls.  (Reason for these
calls not clear but possibly because his ties to Watch Tower.)  Accident
report coming!

8.   26 Dec 1978 - Cutolo initiates surveillance of Tyree residence after
Tyree begins receiving threatening phone calls.

9.   30 Jan 1979 - Tyree's wife knifed to death.  Surveillance teams
reports SP4 Earl M. Peters the killer and Pvt. Erik Y. Aarhus accomplice.
this knowledge, Cutolo allows Tyree to be charged with his wife's murder,
convicted, and go to prison, all to protect knowledge of Watch Tower and
his current covert surveillance of political and other figures.  Cutolo also
obtains Elaine Tyree's diaries from police and mails these to "blind" PO
box maintained by Edwin Wilson.

10.  March 1980 - Cutolo gives original of affidavit to Col. Bo Baker, a
certified true copy to CWO Hugh B. Pearce, and a second certified true copy
to NSA employee Paul Neri.

11.  April or May 1980.  Cutolo killed in car accident, England after
meeting with Michael Harari.  Official explanation:  Cutolo, known to have
a drinking problem, was dead drunk and drove his car into a tree a high
No follow up investigation.

12.  1980 date unk.  Col. Baker initiates "quiet" investigation.  Brings
Col. Nick Rowe and Paul Neri into investigation.

13.  Year and month unk. Col. Bo Baker dies while in a German sauna.
Bakeer is now assigned to Badtolz.  Official cause of death: heart attack
Baker having no history of heart problems and had just completed an annual

14.  Year and date unk.  After Baker's death, Col. Rowe and Paul Neri
located CWO Hugh B. Pearce who confirmed he had a copy of Cutolo's
affidavit.  Pearce referred to Larkin Smith, U.S. Congressman from
Mississippi, and to an office (Smith maintained) at Camp Shelby.  Rowe and
Neri make arrangements to meet Larkin Smith discreetly in the latter part

15.  April 21, 1989.   Col. Rowe assassinated while on the way to U.S.
Embassy.  Several "communists" ambushed Rowe's vehicle and sprayed it with
automatic weapons fire.  There was some speculation in press at this time
to the fact that Michael Harari had arrived in Manila three days prior to
assassination and left three days afterward.  At the time of the
assassination, Rowe was involved in an investigation concerning allegations
that the Aquino government was selling U.S. supplied weapons and supplies
to third world parties. (again Harari who is known to deal in arms.)
Officials concluded this was the reason for Rowe's assassination because at
that time no U.S. official in the Philippines had knowledge of Rowe's
into the Watch Tower missions.

16.  June 1989.  CWO Hugh B. Pearce killed in helicopter accident.  There
is some question as to whether this was an accident or not.  Full FAA accident
investigation report forthcoming via FAA accident board source.  (** later
note: Army Accident investigation report indicates Pearce flew straight
into high hill during foggy conditions AND while being directed by ground
For some unknown reason, radar went down at a critical moment.)

17.  August 13, 1989.  U.S. Congressman Larkin Smith killed in aircraft
accident.  A news source (reporter who was there) gives the following

     Smith's plane crashed approximately 19 miles northeast of Hattiesburg,
Miss., shortly after taking off from the airport at Laurel, Miss.  The
pilot of Smith's plane was an experienced pilot with over a thousand hours
time.  He was VFR rated with several hundred hours VFR time.  Smith's plane
took off after Smith made a speech.  The weather was overcast with high
thin clouds.  Officially Smith's pilot, shortly after taking off, had a heart
attack, slumped over the plane's yoke, and flew the plane straight into the
ground.  Unofficially, Smith's widow did not believe this to be the case
and asked a noted pathologist, a family friend, to conduct an autopsy. The
autopsy showed no sign the pilot suffered from an heart attack.  It also
did not show any sign that carbon monoxide poisoning, drug use, or any sign of
alcohol use before flight that could had been a factor.  Overall, he could not
find any physical reason that supported the "Official" heart attack theory.
same news reporter tells me that Mrs. Smith indicated to him that she has
documents hidden away that give what she believes is the real reason for
Smith's death.  He further stated that these documents will appear, if and
when, an official public investigation takes place.  It is the reporters
understanding that the documents has something to do with CIA and Green
Beret personnel smuggling drugs.  This reporter backed off the story
because he was afraid for his life.

Sidebar:  Larkin Smith maintained an office at Camp Shelby.  He was in
thick with SF personnel who used Camp Shelby as a training site, especially
the SF colonel (name unk) who commanded SF's permanent party at Camp

The same reporter states that he a met a SF Colonel Rowe during lunch at a
private club located just outside the gates of Camp Shelby.  This was
either in late March or the first part of April 1989.

Side-sidebar:  Dr.'s name: Michael West.  Has copies of autopsy and
other information. Will send copies.

 Side-side-sidebar:  FAA investigators found severed control cable but
laid this to having happened in crash.

Final Note:  Reporter said Smith was about to initiate an investigation of CIA
and Green Beret personnel being involved in smuggling drugs out of Colombia.


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