[CTRL] Parapsychology In Intelligence

2001-11-26 Thread Agent Smiley

-Caveat Lector-

i happen to know that much of what we call psychic
phenomena is, indeed, real...however, i personally
doubt that minds devoted to shrouding their wills in
secrecy - minds devoted to deceit - are as capable of
such as those based on love...i could, of course, be

however, this does not preclude an operative providing
false information to someone who is psychic and, thus,
employing them...

in order for thought sharing [or think-along] to
occur, i believe, there must be repore between said

a key to telepathy is in one's belief system...i.e. if
you believe it to be a hoax you will exclude it from
your experience merely by not recognizing such
instances as such...

remember: your mind is not in your head - your head is
in the mind...i submit that such is true whether or
not it is recognized and that by ignoring this truth
you make yourself more susceptible to mind control
than you can possibly believe - being in denial of it
in the first place...if you DO manage to work this
meme into the core of your belief system, you are
likely to enter what St. John called the 'long dark
night of the soul' or what Crowley called 'the abyss'
or what Robert Anton Wilson calls 'the chapel
perilous' - these are merely different names for a
somewhat dangerous phase one enters of major
re-adjustment of one's perceptive models...since it
challenges the basis of much of what we accept to be
true...this is where it helps to realize that you are
not your thoughts or your ideologies...who is the you
that is having the thoughts?


Parapsychology In Intelligence
A Personal Review  Conclusions

Dr. Kenneth A. Kress

The Central Intelligence Agency has investigated the
controversial phenomenon called parapsychology as it
relates to intelligence collection. The author was
involved with many aspects of the last such
investigations. This paper summarizes selected
highlights of the experiences of the author and
others. The intent is not historical completeness.
Files are available for those interested in details.
Instead the intent is to record some certainly
interesting and possibly useful data and opinions.
This record is likely to be of future benefit to those
who will be required to evaluate intelligence-related
aspects of parapsychology.

The Agency took the initiative by sponsoring serious
parapsychological research, but circumstances, biases,
and fear of ridicule prevented CIA from completing a
scientific investigation of parapsychology and its
relevance to national security. During this research
period, CIA was buffeted with investigations
concerning illegalities and improprieties of all
sorts. This situation, perhaps properly so, raised the
sensitivity of CIA's involvement in unusual
activities. The Proxmire Effect, where the fear that
certain Government research contracts would be claimed
to be ill-founded and held up for scorn, was another
factor precluding CIA from sensitive areas of
research. Also, there tend to be two types of
reactions to parapsychology: positive or negative,
with little in between. Parapsychological data, almost
by definition, are elusive and unexplained. Add a
history replete with proven frauds and many people
instantly reject the subject, saying, in effect, I
would not believe this stuff even if it were true.
Others, who must have had personal conversion
experiences, tend to be equally convinced that one
unexplained success establishes a phenomenon. These
prejudices make it difficult to evaluate
parapsychology carefully and scientifically.

Tantalizing but incomplete data have been generated by
CIA-sponsored research. These data show, among other
things, that on occasion unexplained results of
genuine intelligence significance occur. This is not
to say that parapsychology is a proven intelligence
tool; it is to say that the evaluation is not yet
complete and more research is needed.

Attention is confined to psychokinetics and remote
viewing. Psychokinetics is the purported ability of a
person to interact with a machine or other object by
unexplained means. Remote viewing is akin to
clairvoyance in that a person claims to sense
information about a site or person removed from a
known sensory link.

Anecdotal reports of extrasensory perception (ESP)
capabilities have reached U.S. national security
agencies at least since World War II, when Hitler was
said to rely on astrologers and seers. Suggestions for
military applications of ESP continued to be received
after World War II. For example, in 1952 the
Department of Defense was lectured on the possible
usefulness of extrasensory perception in psychological
warfare. [1] Over the years, reports continued to
accumulate. In 1961, the reports induced one of the
earliest U.S. government parapsychology investigations
when the chief of CIA's Office of Technical Service
(then the Technical Services Division) became
interested in the claims of ESP. Technical project
officers soon 

Re: [CTRL] Parapsychology In Intelligence

2001-11-26 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well they have had over 2,000 years and more to experiment with ESP for
even Christ it was said he and his apostles perceived the thoughts of
others - my friend was psychic spy for MI6 and they placed here like a
little onion at Coco Beach, and later Melbourne...her psychic
friends were the best of the day and they would meet at this place
called House of the Sun which later was sold to the Hamberger King for
three million bucks..

These little devils like to play games but the one, Robin Moore's sister
(Green Beret Fame) disappeared..about that time too my friend died
but in some of her last letters she was checking this out

For you see the husband gave this woman certain drugs to enhance her
psychic ability - and when you have it happen to you, let me know - for
it works.

Even Job had dreams that terrorized him in his bed and he accused who
was it, of sending same to him?

So Freud stole virtually all he knew from the bible - he did not invent
nor was he the inventor of modern day psychiatry - ask any Jesuit that

So much for Psychic Friends and Ms. Cleo who - well I nailed me one
psychic, the late Tokyo Rose Jean Dixon for this woman was getting
advance information an was in on the Master Plan.

There is prophecy and their is propanda and now we know why somebody
wrote Home On the Range..for as the old King said in the bible:

did I not tell you he would prophecy no good to me only evil..

Shades of Nostradamus after all these years people are beginning to find
out what the powers of suggestion are alone, but more important these
hypnotic drugs and programming done by the experts

What about Littleton?

Well cannot make silk purse out of sow's ears.look at the garbage tv
and movies and say - do you want your child to be made in its image?


So Smiley, good stuff...the Scientists came down hard upon the
astrologers and soothsayers, but long after they had done their dirty
work - at least I got my revenge.

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