-Caveat Lector-

Party Government
by Ted Lang

John Adams recognized early in this country's history the corruption of purpose that 
results when personal motives and ambitions are superimposed upon what is considered 
as a generally beneficial core of organizational motives. The resultant political 
intrigue we now accept as the norm in American politics nullifies all allusions to our 
nation as being one governed by a set of laws. Politics has not only subverted our 
purpose, the preservation and protection of individual human freedom intended by God, 
but has progressed to where public recognition of His beneficence is now judged as 

We are no longer a nation with constitutionally legitimized government, but a nation 
based upon a 'living constitution' that can be changed at will by the party and the 
politician currently in power. This was precisely the same legitimization employed by 
Adolf Hitler, who used constitutional and national legitimacy to subvert the legal 
entity of government and convert it to the subservient, destructive monster of the 
political party in power. It is an arrangement similar to that of the former Soviet 
Union. Both tyrannical, authoritarian regimes were sustained by political party 
domination. Both dictatorships were examples of party government.

Government service at the highest levels was intended by our Founders to be accessible 
to all citizens, with the highest office available to those born on American soil. 
This accentuates our founding principles, which ensure the propriety of American 
purpose as opposed to a dispersion of national sovereignty through politically 
motivated legislative arrangements deferential to aliens, legalized or otherwise, 
domiciled in Our Land. Hitler's Nazi Party was nationalized socialism; Stalin's 
Communist Party typified international socialism. Their nations' governments were of, 
by, and for their party. Deference to the rights of citizens was non-existent.

There is for all intents and purposes little difference between human organization as 
characterized by a political party or the government of a state or a nation. There is 
an ultimate head over an array of horizontally integrated offices and sub-offices 
comprising a vertically subordinate chain of command as to purpose and operation 
through the leader. Their organizational structure is dependent upon the mission and 
goals of the organization, and designed to most effectively address these. All 
corporate, charitable, religious and political organizations are similarly structured 
with their mission and purpose in mind.

This has never been the case with respect to the design and purpose of American 
government. Our Founders designed American government using a 'destructuring' design 
to ensure that a unanimity of purpose, or a commandeering usurpation by either elected 
representatives of the people, bureaucrats, or politicians of every strain, could 
never rob or supplant the individual of his God-given freedom to chose his path in 
life. And to that end, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights 
was designed and put into place. It is this document that represents Mankind's 
greatest design and dedication to individual freedom.

When taken together, the sovereignty of the individual American citizen is paramount. 
The sovereignty of either our government or our two main political parties is not. 
Clearly, in our time, both political parties and American government have totally 
subverted and virtually abolished our freedom protections under the constitutional, 
decentralized, limited government specifically structured for this purpose.

When individual sovereignty takes precedence over political parties and government, 
the right of the people, via each singular, separate, individual citizen to own and 
carry firearms to protect both free speech and assembly, becomes obvious. This 
God-given right is guaranteed to Americans recognizing precisely the desire by big 
government and dominating political parties to silence opposition - and silencing will 
take the form of government force, whether initiated by government officials or 
political parties.

It is becoming increasingly obvious, that we have reached a point where each and every 
American must assess both their government and their political party, and recognize 
how dangerously far we've wandered from our purpose. The time to reflect is now!


Political parties totally control government officials, legislatures, and elected 
chief executives, focusing the power of government on their party's objectives. Such 
party objectives are usually foreign to those constitutionally intended for 
government, and party government rarely serves the interests of the electorate.

Behind-the-scenes power brokers manipulating political parties are virtually never on 
a political level that equates or is answerable to the average American voter. Yet the 
rich and powerful controllers manipulate the party, and the party manipulates 
government operations, and almost always, the manipulation of both is detrimental to 
the hardworking, over-taxed, voiceless American citizen and voter.

And party government doesn't really wish to be associated with the voter-taxpayer 
because the latter is of the lower and middle class tier of wage and salary earners. 
Individuals in this, the largest class of the citizenry, do not have adequate 
individual financial or political power to affect or control political change. But 
because of their large numbers, the huge majority of lowly voter-taxpayers are 
desirable only because their collective wealth is far in excess of anything the 
politicians and their parties have.

The Founders desired the average citizen to be involved in holding government office 
and kept access and qualifications relatively simple. But with the advent of political 
parties, political manipulation before, during and after elections, the latter most 
notably in terms of the spoils system, it has become increasingly difficult, if not 
totally impossible, for the average voter-taxpayer to be elected and to represent his 
peers in public office. In order for anyone to access public office, it must be 
through either of the two mainstream political parties in America.

Campaigning for public office is prohibitively expensive, and that's just fine with 
the American privileged power class that controls political parties and government. No 
one can access public office but through the two parties. This demands party 
patronage, loyalty and sponsorship, and considerations regarding constitutional law 
and what's best for the voter-taxpayer never enter into that equation. Defenders and 
apologists for the two party system offer that it works; undoubtedly, but for whom? 
Certainly not for the voter-taxpayer.

And if party politics is necessary for an individual to get elected to public office, 
what happens after he or she succeeds and acquires elected office? Who is the official 
beholding to? The obvious answer is that elected officials owe everything to the 
party, and as such, their obligation is to the behind-the-scenes power brokers and 
party big shots. This precludes representation of the voter-taxpayer, who serves only 
to provide vast sums of money for collection through the legitimacy and force of 

The rich and powerful that control political parties also have the 'in' with the 
press. Many of the powerful are so because of huge business interests, which provide 
the lifeblood for the American press: advertising revenue. In this manner, a 
partnering of a handful of powerful individuals controls the press, the party, and 
ultimately the voter-taxpayer. The latter is the lamb for fleecing and slaughter. It 
is for this reason that voters are always presented with the lesser of two evils 
instead of the people's choice. Even party caucuses and conventions are a thing of the 
past. Key political decisions are conducted behind closed doors, leaving only an 
insignificant sliver of bone to the voter-taxpayer in the voting booth at election 

Other than the two glaring mistakes made by the Founders, first in relying on a 'free 
and independent press,' and second, in not being more specific as regards citizens' 
ownership rights regarding firearms, their failure to take into account political 
parties and their intrigue has fostered the loss of our constitutional freedoms that 
we now are subject to. The operative words are of course 'subject to;' Bush and his 
federal police agencies have as yet not enacted the oppressive arrests and suppression 
of opposition that they now are legally capable of exercising as well as entitled to.

Ted Lang is a veteran editorialist, and has written a regular newspaper column. Send 
him e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the 
animating contest for freedom, go home and leave us in peace. We seek not your council 
nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you, and may posterity forget 
that ye were our countrymen."
-Samuel Adams, Father of the American Revolution

"In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him 
down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."
- Thomas Jefferson

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