-Caveat Lector-

this one from L Moss Sharman - Pedophile admits guilt, awaits sentence 8/30/05 Saint-Jerome "The pedophile Claude Fradet admits guilt to 21 of the 31 charges against him at the Saint-Jerome courthouse Tuesday morning. He molested 19 victims between 1991 and May 2005. Fradet would bring the children into his home and over those years, he has lived in Sainte-Agathe, Pointe-Calumet, Granby and Montréal. Fradet victimes included babies as young as two-weeks-old to 13-year-old girls and one was assaulted up to 160 times." http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=df18f10b-113e-495f-a83f-0a9b48ba902d

This website has documents on the CIA and MK-Ultra. http://www.bvalphaserver.com/contentid-21.html
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