-Caveat Lector-

The intentional break up of Yugoslavia while Russia is down and out.
-- Joshua2

NDEPENDENT (London) April 20

War in The Balkans - War aim is protectorate in Kosovo, says Blair

By Rupert Cornwell

ANY LAST prospect of a compromise end to the Balkan war vanished
yesterday as Britain said Kosovo should be turned into a protectorate
under the United Nations and other international bodies before moving
to possible independence.

In separate but complementary statements, Tony Blair and the Foreign
Secretary, Robin Cook, formally buried the Rambouillet package, which
envisaged an autonomous Kosovo within Yugoslavia's present borders,
and told President Slobodan Milosevic he had lost the province for

Addressing the annual meeting of the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD) in London, Mr Blair told Belgrade an
international force would enter Kosovo "to secure the land for the
people for whom it belongs". Not once did he mention partition, which
has been mooted as a possible outcome, or even the most nominal
sovereignty of Yugoslavia over the province as envisaged at
Rambouillet: instead, he pledged "the dispossessed refugees of Kosovo
will be brought back into possession of what is rightfully theirs".
The Prime Minister's language is the clearest Western acknowledgement
yet that, after its suffering, Kosovo's Albanian majority is entitled
to self-determination.

Mr Cook set out the details in the Commons. Until democratic
institutions had been rebuilt, he said, Kosovo would be administered
by bodies including the UN, EU and Organisation for Security and
Co-operation in Europe, which ran the ill-fated peace monitoring
mission in Kosovo.

Reconstruction of the province, whose cost could top $10bn, would take
the combined efforts of all these bodies, Mr Cook said. He expressed
Britain's preference for a Security Council mandate that would turn
Kosovo into a UN protectorate, which would also help to mend fences
with Russia, a permanent member of the council, after the strains of
recent weeks.

Those strains were again evident yesterday as Moscow accused Nato of
plotting a land invasion of Kosovo, and President Boris Yeltsin said
that he would not allow Mr Milosevic to be defeated and see Nato take
de facto control of all Yugoslavia. Shortly before a phone
conversation with President Bill Clinton in which he demanded an
immediate end to the bombing, Mr Yeltsin said he could not abandon Mr
Milosevic: "Bill Clinton hopes that...Milosevic will capitulate, give
up the whole of Yugoslavia. We will not allow this; this is a
strategic place," Itar-Tass quoted Mr Yeltsin as saying.

Officially the allies deny any intention of toppling Mr Milosevic
directly (though they hope the Serbian people will do it for them) and
rule out a land war. The air campaign would continue "and we are
winning", George Robertson, Secretary of State for Defence, said.

That will remain the Nato line at least until after this weekend's
summit in Washington, where any move in public to press a ground
campaign could produce an embarrassing and open split among the 19

Increasingly, however, and even before the air war has produced a
decisive breakthrough, the West is starting to turn to the problem of
rebuilding the Balkans once the conflict is over. In his speech to the
EBRD - which was set up to help finance the transition of former
Communist East Europe to market democracy - Mr Blair told his audience
of bankers and politicians from the region that the reconstruction
task would be massive. In Athens, the Greek Foreign Minister, George
Papandreou, called for a "mini-Marshall Plan" to help Balkan economies

Yesterday Croatia, Hungary and Bulgaria said the crisis, by hitting
investment and tourism throughout the region, already would reduce
economic growth by 1 per cent or more. Apart from the $10bn (#6.25bn)
or more bill in Kosovo itself, where entire towns and villages have
been destroyed and industry and agriculture are in ruins, Nato leaders
accept that a post-Milosevic Yugoslavia will need billions of dollars
to rebuild bombed industry and infrastructure.

Next week EU foreign ministers meet their counterparts from Albania
and Macedonia to study a boost in immediate and medium-term aid to the
two countries bearing the brunt of the refugee crisis.

Review of my analysis at the beginning of the war.  -- J2

                          UNDERSTANDING THE KOSOVO CRISIS


With the fall of the Soviet empire, the client states were suddenly free
to become... What? There was a variety of limited choices. Yugoslavia
had fewer choices than most of the others. The reason was (Kohl's) Germany.
I hold Germany responsible for what has happened to the Balkans.

When Yugoslavia became free they had options and possibilities of how
to define or divide the Federation. It was VERY short lived. Germany
rushed to recognize the geographical areas claimed by their old Nazi
allies the Croats. That set off the scramble for lands defined by
ethnic borders.

The United States immediately joined their New World Order ally

This was totally unnecessary and stupid. We are seeing the results of
those hasty decisions play themselves out now.


>From the beginning of the break up, the Serbs have been demonized.
War is war, and civil war is often even dirtier than ordinary warfare.
All the players used terror to move out the other tribes from the
territories they wished to claim. Murder, assassination, rape, and the
fiery destruction of homes make a strong impression on those yet
unconvinced that it's time to make a serious life change.

There was a history of viciousness against the Serbs and Jews in WWII.
The Croats out-nazied the Nazis and were gladly aided
by the area's Muslims. The Croats are Catholic, the Muslims are Muslim,
the Serbs are Orthodox, the offspring of Byzantine Christianity, and
the Jews are gone.

The Western media played down the attempted genocide of the Serbs by
their neighbors. Americans may be ignorant about the people they are
destroying, but the competing religious groups have long memories and
even longer hatreds. Only the greater emotion of fear of the State kept
them in workable relationships while under the Communist dictatorship.

minority tribes. There are many good reasons for this. Ethnic cleansing
has become synonymous with genocide. They are NOT the same thing.
Don't be fooled by the media's creation.


I am convinced that the KLA is funded and armed by the CIA or one of its
sub-contractors like Saudi Arabia, or another one of America's Arab
Client states.

Until very recently, news footage of the KLA fighters showed a bunch of
scruffy guys in shoddy clothes carrying sticks and pitchforks. They looked
like the villagers in Frankenstien. Just a few months later they were
in new uniforms carrying automatic rifles and mortars.

Today NATO spokesmen are openly talking about arming the KLA. This is
the old pattern of American policy. Fist covert, then create the reason
to go overt. It's much easier not to have to maintain secrecy about
arming your client.

The KLA is also involved in moving heroin. Where there is drugs and guns
and a weak independent state that doesn't want to be in the New World
Order, there is the CIA. This is classic American Imperialism.


1) Keep NATO going. Defense contractors need the money.

   is " diminish the capacity for making war," or " destroy the Serb
   military. THIS IS THE MILITARY OBJECTIVE. Even if the Serbs agree
   to sign that impossible peace treaty with the Kosovars, NATO will
   not accept it because the goal is not peace, but the destruction
   of the Serb state in all but name.

3) Surround Russia with a ring of iron.

4) Wag the dog. A diversion from the explosive China / nukes / bribery
   domestic politics situation.

5) Small wars are a good showcase for new weapons like the star of
this    one, the monstrously expensive B-52 Stealth Boondoggle.

Did you see how they brought in the two B-52s? It was hilarious. Once
they determined that there was no anti aircraft threat to speak of,
the two 2 billion per copy flying cash cows were allowed to enter the
war zone. It would not do to watch all that American middles class tax
money burn up on its way down. Bad for business.

Like a pair of ugly, pimply debutantes, they were presented to the
public in the dark. With glowing descriptions.

These are the basics. I have no proof of CIA backing the KLA at this
point but the war is yet young and its just a matter of time before it
becomes obvious.

In the end this outrage could spark the next explosion of the Balkans.

The political, military, and corporate capitalist elites will screw up
again as is their history. Many will die because they ( the Elites )
don't see the world as it really is, but as they would like to become.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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