-Caveat Lector-


Iraq Says U.S. Is a Terrorist; Israel Praises Islam

By Evelyn Leopold

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iraq accused the United States and Israel of
terrorism on Thursday while Israel defended itself against a string of Arab
accusations and praised Islam as one of the world's great religions.

``I would like to express my deeply held conviction that the three great
faiths -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- share the same values and obey
the same fundamental commitments,'' Israel's U.N. Ambassador Yehuda Lancry
told the 189-member U.N. General Assembly during a counter-terrorism

``Today, more than ever, our common spiritual heritage should inspire and
nurture our actions for the betterment of our common being and our common
destiny,'' he said.

One by one, all General Assembly members, during four days of debate, have
condemned the Sept. 11 attacks against the United States and promised to
cooperate in a global coalition against its perpetrators.

But the 22-member group of Arab nations, represented by Libya, on Tuesday
called Palestinians victims of a different form of terrorism, supported
their right to fight for a state and said ``occupation was equal to

Syria, in its speech on Wednesday spelled it out, saying: ''Occupation was
the most savage form of terrorism, and so resisting this kind of
occupation, including the Israeli occupation, is legitimate.''

On Thursday, it was Iraq's turn. Its ambassador, Mohammed Aldouri, said
Israel and the United States were guilty of ''state terrorism.'' Washington
not only fought to keep 11-year-old U.N. sanctions in place, bombed his
country freely but trained dissidents to destabilize the Baghdad

``We cannot consider the legitimate struggle of the people of the world
against sanctions and American and British colonial aggressions as
terrorism, ``Aldouri said.

``What the American policy stands for toward the people of the world (is)
hegemony, slavery and denying people's rights, legitimate interests and
inspirations,'' he said.

President Saddam Hussein has said that sending condolences to the U.S.
government would be hypocritical. But Aldouri denied Iraq had gloated at
the Sept. 11 disaster and said this was invented by the media and ``Zionist

Deputy Prime Minister Tareq Aziz had sent condolence letters to ``some
American personalities that have shown sympathy toward the people of
Iraq,'' he said.


In his speech, Israel's Lancry told the General Assembly that certain
Middle East and other nations ``granted terrorists safe harbor,'' and gave
them weapons, training and finances.

``Through their support, both active and tacit, these regimes have declared
themselves the allies of terrorism, and bear no less responsibility than
the terrorists themselves,'' he said, without mentioning any country by

He characterized the conflict with Palestinians over the past year in the
occupied West Bank and Gaza as ``legitimate self-defense against an
indiscriminate and suicidal terrorist campaign'' in violation of signed
accords. And he said Israel had been attacked by terrorists since its
inception in 1948.

``Fabricating distinctions between different types of terror, though
conveniently couched in the language of noble ideals, are an unforgivable
insult to the memories of those who have perished.'' Lancry said.

``Let us be clear: the indiscriminate murder of innocent civilians to
advance political or religious objectives is terrorism, not matter how its
apologists seek to label it,'' Lancry said.

Contending that thousands of people had been butchered in the name of an
ideal, Lancry said, ``Terrorism is defined by what one does, not by what
one does it for.''

Arab nations, such as Egypt, have called on Israel not to use the carnage
in the United States as an excuse to escalate the conflict with

Israel in turn has appealed to Washington not to seek Arab support for its
campaign against terrorism at Israel's expense.

The United States has applied pressure on Israel and the Palestinians to
end a year of violence as it tries to draw Arab and Islamic countries into
an anti-terrorism coalition to respond to the Sept. 11 attacks. The hijack
attacks on New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon in Washington
left 5,600 people dead or missing.

Copyright C 2001 Reuters Limited.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


           *Michael Spitzer* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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